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  • IRE Network
    • IRE Regions
    • IRE Projects
      • Regional Innovation Strategy Projects
        • New RIS
        • Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS)
        • RIS - Associated projects
        • RIS +
        • RIS-NAC
        • Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategies and Infrastructure (RITTS)
      • Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking Pilot Action
        • ARISE – Accelerating Regional Innovation Strategy Exchanges
        • EMERIPA – European Methodology for Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking
        • EURO-COOP – Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking Process: European Cooperation for Sustainable Regional Innovation
        • IASMINE – Impact Assessment and Methodologies for Innovation Excellence
        • IMPACTSCAN4INNOPOL – Innovation Policy Impact Assessment at Regional Level: Benchmarking for Dissemination of Differing Performances to Raise Awareness of Policy Makers to Stimulate Successful Measures and Good Practise
        • INNOWATCH – Application of Technology Watch Methodology for Assessment of Regional Innovation Policy Impact on SMEs
        • MERIPA – Methodology for European Regional Innovation Policy Assessment
        • OMEN – Optimal practices, development policies and predictive Models for regions in an Enlarged EU
      • Trans-Regional Innovation Projects (TRIP)
        • APPLICOM
        • DELCOSI
        • INFOACT
        • Northern EU
        • OB-OR
        • PEP
        • SESAMES
        • Supply Chain
        • TEURPIN
        • TRESP
      • Thematic Networks
        • ACENET: Accelerating the establishment of clusters
        • BASAN: The Baltic Sea Agro-industrial Network
        • BIGEAR: Business Innovation and Growth from Exploitation of Academic Research
        • CAFÉ: Consortia for Agro-Food in Europe
        • CRESCENDO: Innovation Finance
        • CRO-BO-BU-CO: Innovating regions fostering CROss-BOrder BUsiness CO-operation between EU and NAC regions
        • Innoba-SME: Overcoming Innovation Barriers in SMEs
        • METROPOLIS: Innovation and networking activities in Large Metropolitan Areas
        • PARTNER: Profit for All Regions Through Networking of European Regions
        • ProWomEn: Promotion of Women's entrepreneurship
        • SAIL: Strengthening academic and industrial links
        • SCONE: Valorisation of knowledge
        • STRINNOP: Strengthening the Regional Innovation Profile
        • VERITE: Virtual environment for regional innovation technologies
      • IRE Working Groups
        • Cooperation between business and science
        • Regional clusters as innovation drivers
        • Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers
        • Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises
        • Effective regional innovation systems
      • Mutual Learning Platform
        • Mutual Learning Platform
        • Regional Benchmarking
          • Workshop 1: "Benchmarking for better regional innovation policies"
          • Workshop 2: "How to perform Regional Innovation Benchmarking"
        • Regional Foresight
          • Workshop 1: "Benefits and Impacts of Foresight – Mutual Learning based on Regional Experiences"
          • Workshop 2: "Using Foresight in the Policy-Making Process in Europe’s Regions"
        • Regional profiles in Research and Innovation
          • Workshop 1: "Moving forward through mutual learning"
          • Workshop 2: "How to make Regional Growth Poles work"
      • Regions of Knowledge 1
        • Baltic Sea-KR – Pilot Action to develop a Baltic Sea oriented Knowledge Region commencing with the incorporation of Helsinki, the Øresund region, and
        • BlueBioNet – Conversion of Traditionally Structured Maritime Regions into European Knowledge regions for Applied Biotechnology
        • BRIDGES - Building Regional Integration Knowledge Strategies
        • COHERA – A Cohesive ERA: Universities as Knowledge Drivers in Less Favoured Regions
        • Demand Knowledge
        • ERRIN – European Regions Research and Innovation Network in Brussels
        • IN.TRACK – Insular Regions Knowledge Tracker
        • MAREDflow
        • MentorChem – Mentoring European Knowledge of the Chemical Regions
        • MetaForesight – Integrating Foresight, R&D, Benchmarking, Market Watch and Technological Skills
        • NEKS – Networking, knowledge sharing and cluster development
        • REKNOMA - Regional Knowledge Management
        • SMERNA – Strategic Mentoring Initiative for the Region of North Aegean
        • SPIDER – Increasing regional competitiveness through future research methods
      • Support actions to RIS-NAC processes
        • 5SCHEMES
        • IMIS – Implementing Innovation Strategies
        • INTRO
      • Regions of Knowledge 2
        • ARRGOS 3% - Advance of European regions’ R&D governance systems to reach the 3% objective
        • BRIDGE2Growth – Boosting regional investments in RTD – guiding Europe to growth
        • CoRin – Coordinating regional primary sector policies for boosting innovation
        • CRIPREDE – Creating an RTD investment policy for regions in emerging and developed economies
        • E-RAIN – European regional agencies for innovation network
        • FINE – Food Innovation Network Europe
        • FORESIGHT LAB – The Foresight Laboratory of Europe
        • KISoLL - Knowledge Investment Strategies on Local Level
        • LOCOMOTIVE – Dissemination of knowledge concerning current R&D localisation motives of large regionally important private sector organisations
        • MIRIAD – Managing and infusing research investment and development
        • MOVARE – Models for valorisation in regions
        • NOVAREGIO – Innovative network for coordinated action on RTD policies at regional level
        • ProAct – Practical regional innovation policy in action – the efficient tool for regional catching up in New Member States
        • RAIN – Regional acceleration for the innovation circle in the ICT sector
        • REFORM – Regional economic RTD policy through foresight & mentoring
        • RegStrat – Developing policy intelligence tools for better S&D investment strategies in Europe’s regions
        • RICARDA – Regional intellectual capital reporting – Development and application of a methodology for European regions
        • SUPER-SME – Supporting potential and existing research intensive SMEs
        • TeRIS – Template for regional innovation system as a tool for evening out the regional R&D investment disparities
      • Innovative Actions
    • IRE Steering Group
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