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Current Past

Committee of the Regions: Territorial Dialogue 2008
The Territorial Dialogue will discuss how to tackle the challenges local and regional authorities face in implementing the Lisbon Strategy.

Following the success of the Committee of the Regions' (CoR) Second Territorial Dialogue in March 2007, and the CoR's decision to annually address the Presidency of the Council regarding the effective implementation of the Lisbon strategy at the regional and local level, the CoR is now organising its Third Territorial Dialogue, co-hosted by the Slovene Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The Territorial Dialogue gives regional and local stakeholders the opportunity to express their views to representatives of the European Commission, the Slovene, French and Czech Presidencies and European associations, and to engage in a useful dialogue on how to tackle the challenges local and regional authorities face in implementing the Lisbon Strategy.

This year's Territorial Dialogue will also be an occasion to discuss with relevant stakeholders the Report to the European Spring Council 2008 by the Committee of the Regions' Lisbon Monitoring Platform. The report is the CoR's response to the request of the Spring European Council 2006 to provide a summary report in support of the Jobs and Growth Strategy by 2008, and aims to assess the effects of the revised Lisbon Strategy on the local and regional level and to provide an outlook beyond 2008. It also reflects the key role that regions and cities play as economic actors.

Minutes of IRE conference on impact assessment available
The minutes of the IRE conference held in Bilbao on 29-30 January have been published.

The presentations at the event were given by the coordinators of eight 'Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking' pilot projects, which have developed new methods for innovation policy impact assessment, which presented their results and conclusions, and of representatives of European Commission, OECD and the Committee of the Regions. An expert presentation on governance of regional innovation policies was given by Professor Lena J. Tsipouri of the University of Athens. The minutes reflect some of the main messages brought forward by the speakers, as well as in the general discussion with all conference participants.

2007 European Innovation Scoreboard published
The Scoreboard provides a comparative assessment of innovation performance across EU Member States.

The 2007 European Innovation Scoreboard has been published on 14 February 2008. It provides a comparative assessment of innovation performance across EU Member States and with major innovating countries worldwide, together with new analysis on innovation in services, on socio-economic factors influencing innovation, on innovation efficiency and on non-R&D innovation. There is also a press release and an interactive tool to view countries' performance in different areas.

MERIPA toolbox for regional innovation policy making available
The impact assessment and benchmarking project MERIPA has produced a toolbox for better innovation policy making.

The recently finalised Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking project MERIPA has produced a toolbox designed to specifically address the needs of the regional policymakers and provide operational instructions to ensure successful policy work. The booklet presenting the tool is structured in accordance with the four main phases of the policy-making process:

  • Start-up
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Review

A specific tool or set of instructions is provided for each distinct part of the process.

The toolbox, together with other MERIPA reports on regional cluster and network analysis, innovation policy indicators, regional benchmarking etc are available through the link below.

Presentations from IRE workshop on impact assessment
The presentations from the workshop 'Impact assessment for better governance of regional innovation policies' are available.

The aim of this event, which took place in Bilbao on 29-30 January, was to present current developments in impact assessment and benchmarking tools that could be applied in the innovation policy-making of European regions, and show practical examples of successful applications. The event built to a great extent on the results of the eight 'Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking' pilot projects, which have developed new methods for innovation policy impact assessment of interest to all European regions. It also included an expert presentation on governance of innovation policy, and presentations from the European Commission, OECD and the Committee of the Regions.

Banska Bystrica regional innovation strategy finalised
Banska Bystrica has just published its brand new regional innovation strategy.

RIS Banska Bystrica was launched in 2005, and is finishing in January 2008. The regional innovation strategy developed by the region covers five priority areas:

  • Innovation policy and culture in the region
  • Human resources for innovation
  • Cooperation in innovation development
  • Support to innovative companies
  • Regional infrastructure for innovation

Implementation of Silesia's innovation strategy
A recent publication presents the implementation of Silesia's regional innovation strategy.

Silesia carried out a RIS project in 2001-2004, which resulted in a regional innovation strategy covering the years 2003-2013. Over the past few years, the strategy has been implemented by a number of consistent activities. A recently published brochure presents the activities launched and results achieved.

Few places left at IRE impact assessment event
Only a limited number of places for participants remain for this event in Bilbao on 29-30 January 2008.

The conference 'Impact assessment for better governance of regional innovation policies', organised by the IRE Secretariat in collaboration with the Basque Government, Basque Development Agency (SPRI) and LABEIN Tecnalia in Bilbao on 29-30 January 2008, has been met with great interest from the IRE network. Only a limited number of places remain for additional participants, so those interested in participating are recommended to register without delay. The last day for registrations is 14 January.

The aim of this event is to present current developments in impact assessment and benchmarking tools that could be applied in the innovation policy-making of European regions, and show practical examples of successful applications. An overview of initiatives related to evaluation of the innovation performance and policies in Europe will be made. Participants will discuss how the new tools can be applied in the regions and what should be next steps on the European level for the development of an 'impact assessment culture', so that it becomes an integrated part of regional innovation policy.

The draft agenda of the event and the registration form are available through the link below. Participants will receive a hotel booking form upon registration. Pre-reserved rooms for special conference rates are available until 14 January. To take advantage of them, please register before this date.

IRE event on impact assessment of regional innovation policies
The IRE Secretariat is organising a conference on impact assessment of regional innovation policies in Bilbao on 29-30 January 2008.

The conference 'Impact assessment for better governance of regional innovation policies', organised by the IRE Secretariat in collaboration with the Basque Government, Basque Development Agency (SPRI) and LABEIN Tecnalia .

Governance is increasingly recognised as a crucial factor for effective policies. The realisation of any common goal requires appropriate decision-making to coordinate multiple efforts. A very important ingredient of governance is knowledge of the actual situation in the region in order to set the long-term strategic objectives, choose appropriate actions and undertake necessary corrections. A pilot action launched by the European Commission in March 2004 has resulted in eight pilot projects developing new methods for innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking, which is of interest to all European regions. The tools developed have a great potential to improve policy-making processes and the adaptation of regional research and innovation policies to upcoming needs and opportunities in the regions.

The aim of this event is to present current developments in impact assessment and benchmarking tools that could be applied in the innovation policy-making of European regions, and show practical examples of successful applications. An overview of initiatives related to evaluation of the innovation performance and policies in Europe will be made. Participants will discuss how the new tools can be applied in the regions and what should be next steps on the European level for the development of an 'impact assessment culture', so that it becomes an integrated part of regional innovation policy.

The draft agenda of the event and the registration form are available through the link below. Registrations should be sent to the IRE Secretariat before 14 January 2008. Participants will receive a hotel booking form upon registration. Pre-reserved rooms for special conference rates are available until 14 January. To take advantage of them, please register before this date.

Presentations from RIS methodological workshop
The last methodological workshop for RIS projects took place in Sinaia on 6-7 December.

The aim of the workshop was to prepare the participants for implementing their innovation strategies after the end of their RIS projects. The event highlighted issues such as launching the RIS action plan and pilot actions, building lasting regional collaboration and partnerships, updating the regional innovation strategy to keep it relevant over time and monitoring regional innovation policies.

Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group
Multilevel governance of regional innovation system was the topic of the last meeting of this working group.

The IRE working group 'Effective regional innovation systems' met for the fourth time on Crete on 29-30 October. The  topic of the meeting - Multilevel Governance - which can be described as the dispersion of policy decision making across multiple territorial levels, deserves more and more attention from the regions across Europe.

Two phenomena have been decisive in creating multilevel governance in Europe over the last decades: on the one hand, European integration has shifted authority of innovation policy making from national states up to European level institutions; on the other hand, regionalisation in several European countries has shifted political authority from the national level down to sub-national levels of government. In particular, decentralisation has made local and regional governments more powerful and supposedly increased their capacity to formulate and deliver innovation policy. These trends have made governance of public policies both more complex and more demanding, involving multiple actors (public and private) and requiring a rethinking of how central and sub-national governments should

Two main dimensions can be considered when talking about multilevel governance: vertical and horizontal. The “vertical” dimension refers to the linkages between higher and lower levels of government (e.g. between ministries and agencies or between ministries and regional administrations). The "horizontal" dimension refers to the co-ordination of many policy domains to achieve better innovation policy, involving both a broadening of goals beyond core innovation policy and a multi-sectoral approach.

The meeting of the working group aimed at discussing how is multilevel governance affecting the regional innovation systems and presenting the practices that regions are undertaking in order to interact with the other layers of governance. Three subgroups were formed in order to debate the following aspects:

  • EU Governance Layers: what are the EU governance layers? Are they relevant to making a regional innovation system work? Are some more relevant than others? How do we engage with those of importance?
  • In which way does Multilevel Governance affect regional innovation systems? What are the challenges, the advantagesand the disadvantages for the regions and the regional innovation systems in a European Multilevel Governance system? How can a region increase its influence in the EU decision making system?
  • How should the articulation between the European, national, regional and local levels be structured? How should the articulation between the EU, national, regional and local levels be organised and structured in order to achieve effective regionalinnovation systems?

Innovation in European Cohesion policy
The European Commission has published a staff working document on regional innovation through cohesion policy.

The recently published document entitled 'Regions delivering innovation through cohesion policy' analyses innovation activities implemented with support from European cohesion policy during the period 2000-2006 as well as the planned action for 2007-2013. Support to innovation has been a prevailing feature in cohesion policy throughout its development. Given that the concept of innovation has evolved to a more broad-based approach, cohesion policy in the 2007-2013 programming period encompasses a more strategic approach aiming to boost and integrate growth strategies at European, regional and local levels, taking account of regional specificities and based on a reinforced partnership.

The report concludes that the initial programming phase of the period 2007-2013 indicates that Member States and regions are reinforcing their efforts on innovation through the Cohesion Policy programmes. The financial amounts to be dedicated to innovation are considerable,
with 25% of the total cohesion policy allocation, i.e. more than EUR 83 billion, being allocated to innovation. This represents more than a three-fold increase in the relative share of these headings compared to the previous period. From this amount nearly EUR 35 billion will be invested in the EU12 and more than EUR 48 billion in EU 15.

Minutes from the knowledge transfer working group available
The fourth meeting of this working group focused on transnational knowledge transfer.

The fourth meeting of the working group 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' was part of the ongoing meeting cycle aiming to contribute to the learning process amongst IRE member regions of how knowledge transfer activities can be stimulated, developed and promoted. The theme of the fourth meeting was 'The role of EU and regional networks in supporting cross border knowledge transfer and the role played by specialised SME Technology Centres'.

The methodological approach used for this fourth meeting sought to mix the presentations of the regional delegates identifying potential good practices and case studies followed by group discussions and feedback. A brainstorming exercise was included to help develop ideas for the proposed knowledge transfer indicators table.

IRE Award brochure available
A brochure describing applicant schemes for the first IRE Award is now available.

The IRE Award for Best European Regional Innovation Scheme is an initiative to distinguish successful measures related to regional innovation policies developed and implemented by European regions. The objectives of the IRE Award are to identify and disseminate successful innovation policy measures implemented by European regions, and to raise awareness among political decision makers at regional level and to stimulate an exchange of knowledge in the field of regional innovation. The first IRE Award was presented at the IRE Plenary Conference in May 2007. Out of 23 applicants, the 'Sistema Madri+d' was selected as winner.

The newly published brochure presents a selection of the schemes - including the Award nominees and winner - that applied for the IRE Award. The electronic version of the brochure can be accessed through the link below. Printed copies of the brochure can be ordered from Ms Nathalie Brahim, IRE Secretariat, tel or e-mail .

DG Enterprise report on innovation clusters in Europe
DG Enterprise and Industry has publised a statistical analysis and overview of policy support to innovative clusters.

The report responds analyses on the basis of the best available data the presence of clusters in Europe and their role as drivers of innovation and economic growth. It also describes national and regional approaches in support of clusters and identifies the main challenges still to be addressed to exploit their full potential, and presents the main Community instruments that are currently used in support of cluster policies of the Member States and regions.

Presentations and minutes of 'Knowledge Transfer Working Group'
The presentations from the fourth meeting of the IRE working group 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' are available.

The fourth meeting of the IRE 'Knowledge Transfer' Working Group focused on two issues identified by  the members, on which they presented good practices. The first key issue regards the role  the EU and regional networks play in the promotion of knowledge transfer activities. The second is related to the knowledge transfer process as supported by applied research centres. The host region Västra Götaland (Western Sweden) shared their experiences. This leading Scandinavian industrial region has a very well developed network of applied research centres, 'private non-profit' organisations playing the role of knowledge transfer pivots. The Swedish innovation support programmes targeted to SMEs, and experiences related with their implementation, were presented by a representative of the national agency VINNOVA. Additionally the activities of Chalmers Knowledge Transfer Institute (a knowledge transfer organisation of Chalmers University of Technology) were shown.The presentations are available under the link below.

INTERREG IVC call for proposals open
The first INTERREG IVC call for proposals is open until 15 January 2008.

This first INTERREG IVC call for proposals covers the two thematic priorities of the programme:

  • Innovation and knowledge economy
  • Environment and risk prevention.

No specific budget allocation has been set for this first call which is also open to the two types of interventions: ‘Regional Initiative Projects’ and ‘Capitalisation Projects’.

Regional representatives with project ideas related to regional innovation who would like support with searching for partners among IRE member regions are welcome to contact the IRE Secretariat for assistance.

Presentations and minutes of Focus Group on innovation financing
The presentations and minutes of the RIS Focus Group meeting on innovation financing are available.

This workshop was the second meeting of the RIS Focus Group 'Clusters and Innovation Financing'. The event, hosted in Miskolc, Hungary on 4-5 October 2007 by NORDA, brought together RIS project managers to discuss mechanisms to provide innovation financing and help innovative companies get access to financing sources.

The event covered aspects such as regional innovation funds, investment readiness programmes and business angels. Speakers from Wales, Alentejo, Yorkshire and Humber, Hungary and Flanders shared their experiences on successful innovation financing measures.

Trans-regional impact assessment and benchmarking congress
The impact assessment and benchmarking projects OMEN and ARISE are orgaising a joint congress on 12 October.

Two IRE projects, OMEN and ARISE, representing the pilot action 'Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking’, are organising an international event to present the exploitable results of the RIS assessment projects and critical issues that still need to be solved by using a data-driven approach in innovation policy making. The action aims to encourage European regions to assess the impact of their innovation policies and strategies in a systematic manner and to create methodologies and instruments for benchmarking regional innovation performances.

The event will bring together policy makers, policy users, research centres and delegates of the European Commission to share knowledge, experiences and methodologies on the crucial themes of Benchmarking and Policy Impact Assessment. The conference will also provide an opportunity to get closer to many different approaches and to meet representatives of European regions that have already implemented policy impact assessment and benchmarking methodologies.

Benchmarking study of IPR services to SMEs published
A study of national and regional support related to Intellectual Property Rights has been published.

The study, entitled 'Benchmarking National and Regional Support Services in the Field of Industrial and Intellectual Property for SMEs', analyses the performance of 279 IPR support services for SMEs in the EU Member States, Turkey, Norway, the USA, Canada, Australia and Japan. It has been commissioned by the European Commission as part of its INNO-Appraisal activities against the backdrop that SMEs seem to make rather little use of the formal system of IPR, this despite of the growing significance of Intellectual Property for firms in many industries and the soaring demand for IPR (most notably patents).

The study findings suggest that while there are quite a large number of support services which address this kind of market failure, only few pockets of well-endowed and well-performing support services presently exist in Europe. Challenges noted arise with respect to institutional set-ups, the availability of qualified staff or the governance of the services. 15 case studies of services are presented in detail as role models for displaying elements of good practice.

RICARDA conference on developing regional cluster initatives
This event will present intellectual capital reporting as a new tool for cluster managers and policy makers.

The RICARDA project, a Regions of Knowledge project, aims to transfer the method of Intellectual Capital Reporting to the level of regional innovation networks or clusters. Researchers and practitioners from Austria, Germany, Hungary and Sweden have explored the potentials of analysing the intellectual capital of cluster initiatives in theory and practice. At the final conference on 15 November 2007, the RICARDA consortium will share format and results of the project.

Cluster managers will report their hands-on experiences with using intellectual capital reports in different regions and sectors. With the launch of the RICARDA manual conference participants will receive a practical guide for drafting their own intellectual capital reports. The European Commission will present new activities in the field of cluster management. The conference format gives cluster managers, policy makers and all other stakeholders ample opportunities to network with European colleagues.

Further information about the conference, including links to the programme and registration facility, can be found via the link below.

EC communication on synergies between research, innovation and cohesion funding
The communication aims to show the synergies of these funding instruments for European regions.

The communication, published on 16 August 2007, is entitled 'Competitive European regions through research and innovation - A contribution to more growth and more and better jobs'.

The European Union possesses three key support instruments to promote the knowledge economy through research, technological development and innovation: Cohesion policy which is funded under the Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund; the Research Framework Programme; and the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme. In order to increase the effectiveness of the three instruments, synergies between them should be translated into synergies of action by national and regional authorities as well as regional actors. The Communication takes stock of the current situation and calls on Member States and regions to make more effective use of the EU Research, Innovation and Cohesion policies and instruments.

Recommendation for financing small businesses
A summary of five reports recommends ways to improve finance flows to small firms.

The European Commission as well as the Member States and finance professionals have recently studied ways to improve the financial situation of SMEs. Five reports, including the 'Fifth Round Table between Bankers and SMEs: Transparency and Dialogue; Mezzanine Finance; SME Securitisation', 'The Regulation of Microcredit in Europe', and 'Removing Obstacles to Cross-border Investments by Venture Capital Funds', have reviewed loan and equity finance. A summary recently published by the European Commission's DG Enterprise and Industry presents the key conclusions of the reports. The recommendations are addressed to policy makers, banks and SMEs, and focus on five areas:

  • More transparency between banks and SMEs
  • Combining debt and equity
  • Increasing lending volume with securitisation
  • Easier venture capital investment across borders
  • Better regulation of microcredit
The summary is available through the link below. It is also possible to access the full reports.

Key challenges and issues for supporting innovation in services
The European Commission has published a document on innovation in services.

This Commission staff working paper, published on 27 July 2007, is entitled 'Towards a European strategy in support of innovation in services: Challenges and key issues for future actions'. In preparation of such a broad-based strategy, this document argues in favour of a gradual approach that is based on four elements:

  1. The need to better understand the specificities of innovation in services: More efforts than have been done so far are needed to better measure innovation in services and to draw meaningful comparison between services and manufacturing.
  2. The need to support all forms of innovation, not only technological innovation: Innovation in services may take many different forms, which makes it difficult to design specific support instruments and measures. However, a first analysis shows that many policies in support of innovation are currently mostly focused on technological innovation. To adapt them to the needs of services innovation is a must, offering a fast track to short-term improvements.
  3. The need to develop specific support mechanisms for innovative services with high growth potential: Evidence suggests that existing innovation support schemes favour more often industrial over service sector SMEs. Therefore, better suited instruments need to be developed, tested and widely implemented that facilitate the creation and growth of innovative services companies in Europe. It is the role of Community policies to act as a catalyst for the development and testing of new policy approaches in support of innovation in services and to identify andfurther disseminate, as widely as possible, good practice in this field.
  4. The need to foster trans-national cooperation on “better policies” in support of innovation in services in Europe: Even though services are increasingly recognised as a driver for growth and innovation and addressed by national innovation policies, only few innovation policy measures exist so far that explicitly target innovation in services. There is scope for trans-national cooperation to promote the service innovation agenda and to develop new ideas for a long-term strategy and new tools and instruments in support of innovation in services.
The publication of this document will be followed by a wider consultation with stakeholders in the second half of 2007. At the same time, the Commission’s services will continue to develop policies to support innovation in services, including under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development and the Cohesion Policy

OECD publication on national cluster policies
OECD has published a study of national policies to promote regional clusters.

Many nations and regions are struggling to maintain their competitive edge in the context of globalisation. The regional specialisations built up over decades are transforming rapidly. Many regions that were historically production centres in a given sector are losing out to lower-cost locations and reorienting to higher value-added niches. Yet even some of these upstream activities are being off-shored. How durable are the competitive strengths on which regional economies are based?

National programmes to promote cluster-based approaches - linking firms, people and knowledge at a regional level - are being used to meet the challenge. Evolutions in regional policy, science and technology policy and industrial/enterprise policy are converging on the objective of supporting clusters at the regional level. Nevertheless, policy makers face a series of difficult choices given limited resources. For example, they may focus on the leading regions and sectors that drive national economic growth and technological breakthroughs or the lagging regions that need to reorient their economies to preserve jobs and diversify. This report analyses the objectives, targeting, instruments and inter-governmental role sharing used by 26 programmes in 14 OECD countries.

A summary of the report is available following the link below. The full study can be ordered from the OECD.

Consultation on the European Cluster Memorandum
The memorandum aims to receive strong commitment towards the creation of a European Cluster Agenda.

The newly established European Cluster Observatory has prepared a European Cluster Memorandum, aimingat receiving strong commitment from as many policy institutions as possible to pursue their efforts towards the creation of a European Cluster Agenda. It is addressed to institutions such as ministries, regional development agencies and innovation agencies and invites them to agree on the scope and a number of common principles for future cooperation in supporting cluster development in Europe.

The European Cluster Memorandum is the result of the trans-national cooperation established within the European Cluster Alliance - a collaboration between four on-going cluster policy projects, co-funded under the PRO INNO Europe initiative. The memorandum aims at broadening the political commitment of the involved parties to work together in this promising area. The Commission services support this initiative and will facilitate the coordination of the activities to be carried out in the future for the implementation of the European Cluster Agenda.

Public institutions at regional and national level are now invited to comment on the draft Memorandum by using the dedicated Discussion Forum opened on the PRO INNO Europe website, accessible through the link below. The Discussion Forum will be open until Friday, 21 September.

The European Cluster Memorandum will be open for signature as from October 2007 onwards. The results will be presented at a European Cluster Conference that will be organised in January 2008 by the Swedish Government and the Slovenian Presidency.

EMERIPA requesting feedback on benchmarking methodology
EMERIPA is asking IRE members for feedback on its impact assessment and benchmarking methodology.

The EMERIPA project has published an abstract of the methodology developed for regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking. EMERIPA (European Methodology for regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking) has the main objective of developing a European methodology which enables the regional actors to assess the effectiveness of their regional research and innovation policies within a European framework and to benchmark and recommend policies for increasing their regional performance in terms of innovation.

After two years of project implementation, EMERIPA is currently contacting external agents dealing with regional innovation policy to obtain their feedback on the methodology through a questionnaire. The results obtained will be used for its final refinement. Moreover, the project consortium is conducting a pilot implementation of the methodology in the EMERIPA regions.

IRE members currently involved in the definition and deployment of regional innovation strategies might be thinking about the most appropriate tools and mechanism to assess the impact of their strategies. Therefore, their opinion on the "Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and benchmarking methodology" suggested by EMERIPA is very valuable for its final refinement. The link below leads you an abstract of the methodology and a short and userfriendly questionnaire. The EMERIPA coordinators would be very gratefull if you could fill the questionnaire out and send it back to them as soon as possible (if possible before 31.08.2007)

Anyone who has queries or would like to obtain more information about the methodology. are welcome to contact the contact person indicated below.

New portal for the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
The European Commission has launched a web portal for the CIP.

The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) aims to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. With SMEs as its main target, the programme will support innovation activities (including eco-innovation), provide better access to finance and deliver business support services in the regions. It will encourage a better take-up and use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and help to develop the information society. It will also promote the increased use of renewable energies and energy efficiency.

The new portal provides information on each of the three operational programmes:

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP)
  • Information Communication Technologies Policy support Programme (ICT PSP)
  • Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE)
It also provides information on the overall functioning of the CIP.

OECD review on globalisation and regional economies
OECD has published a review on how regions can respond to globalisation.

With regional economies transforming rapidly in an increasingly global system of production, what can regions do to seize the best opportunities? To answer this question, a better understanding of these trends and what they mean for regions is required. This review studies regions that are specialised in key global industries to see how overall trends play out in practice and how regional actors are responding.

Publication on cities and innovation
The UK-based Centre for Cities and NESTA are interested in feedback on their report on cities and innovation.

The UK is one of the most urbanised countries in the world. Cities and their hinterlands – ‘city-regions’ – are the building blocks of the UK’s economy, especially of the knowledge-based economy. The Centre for Cities and NESTA have published the report 'What role do cities play in innovation, and to what extent do we need city-based innovation policies and approaches?' to explore the components of an urban innovation system.

The authors of the report are interested in receiving feedback from regional actors on the content of the report, as well as indications to similar studies carried out in other countries. To provide your feedback or inform about similar studies, please contact Dr Sami Mahroum, e-mail , at NESTA.

Minutes of cluster working group meeting
The topic of the group's last meeting was cluster foresight.

The 15 members of the working group 'Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers' met on 29 May to discuss cluster/sector foresight. The objective of the meeting was to address and discuss the following key issues:

  • What is cluster foresight and what benefits does it bring?
  • What are the key element/stages of a foresight process?
  • Which practical tools and techniques are valuable in foresight exercises?
  • What pitfalls are there and how can they be avoided?
  • Can foresight be useful for European regional clusters?

Minutes of the IRE Plenary Conference available
A summary of the proceedings during the IRE Plenary Conference can now be downloaded.

The minutes, which have been prepared by the IRE Secretariat, summarise the presentations as well as the group discussions held during the conference.

IRE Award to Sistema Madri+d
The Comunidad de Madrid received the first IRE Award, presented during the IRE Plenary Conference, for its Sistema Madri+d.

The IRE Award for Best European Regional Innovation Scheme has been launched in order to get European recognition for their successful efforts and highlight their good practices to representatives of other European regions. A total of 23 applications for the Award were received. The applications were evaluated by a panel which nominated the following for schemes for the Award:

Centres of Industrial Collaboration - Yorkshire and Humber
Research/Knowledge vouchers - Limburg
Sistema Madri+d - Madrid
Regional tourism development strategy - Balearic Islands

The evaluation panel's motivations for selecting these four schemes can be found following the link below.

During the award ceremony at the IRE Plenary Conference, the IRE Award was given to Sistema Madri+d. The evaluation panel's motivation for giving the Award to this scheme was the following:

“The selected scheme is an excellent example of a forum for implementation of regional innovation strategy that has been created as the result of a RITTS project. Its well-known name has raised the profile of innovation support in the region and made it known in both the research and the business world, and its ‘Science in Society’ programme has raised the awareness of and interest in science and innovation policy among the general public. In an environment where the memory of new innovation projects is generally short, the scheme has achieved a long-term coherence in the provision of innovation promotion services, and is a permanent mechanism for regional innovation policy governance and implementation.”

Regional innovation schemes nominated for the IRE Award
The winner of the IRE Award will be announced at the IRE Plenary Conference on 24-25 May.

IRE members are working daily to enhance innovation in their regions. In order to get European recognition for their successful efforts, the IRE network has launched the IRE Award for Best European Innovation Scheme. 23 applications for the Award have been received from IRE member regions. They have been analysed by an evaluation panel, which has selected four Award nominees:

  • Yorkshire & Humber - ‘Centres of Industrial Collaboration
  • Limburg - ‘Knowledge/Research vouchers
  • Comunidad de Madrid - ‘Sistema Madri+d
  • Balearic Islands- ‘Regional Tourism Development Strategy

The winner of the IRE Award will be announced during a ceremony at the IRE Plenary Conference in Ennis, Ireland on 24-25 May.

IRE Plenary Conference and 'open sessions'
Register now to the IRE Plenary Conference on 24-25 May and the related 'open sessions'.

The 5th IRE Plenary Conference will take place in Ennis, Ireland on 24-25 May 2007. In the beginning of the year, IRE member regions were invited to submit expressions of interest to organise ‘open sessions’ in conjunction to the Plenary Conference. The objective of the open sessions is to allow IRE regions to highlight topics of their interest at the Plenary Conference, and provide additional networking opportunities for conference delegates interested in specific issues. They will be organised at 14:30 - 17:00 on 25 May, directly after the end of the Plenary Conference.

The themes of the open sessions have now been selected, and will be the following:

‘Open session’ 1: Schools as seeds for innovative regions organised by Lucerne School of Business in collaboration with the regions of Mersin, Jerusalem and Galilee

‘Open session’ 2: Establishment of Innovation Hubs as part of a Regional Innovation System organised by Yorkshire Forward.

‘Open session’ 3: Importance of Intellectual Property for Regions and their Business Development – An Insight into the IP Rights System organised by the IPR-Helpdesk

More information about the sessions is available following the link below. The link also leads you to the conference agenda and registration form. Registrations are open until 1 May. Reserve your place at the Plenary Conference now!

IRE workshop on increasing companies' innovation capacity
The registrations for this workshop, which will take place in Riga on 29-30 March, are now open.

While most European regions are home to a limited number of companies with great innovation potential, they tend to be dominated by small, often traditional, enterprises. These firms are often uninterested, unwilling or unable to innovate, not realising that this might be undermining their competitiveness and even endanger their survival on the long term. Reaching these companies and enabling them to realise that innovation is interesting, useful and possible for them is a great challenge for many regional actors.

The aim of this workshop is to present successful examples from IRE member regions of initiatives that encourage traditionally non-innovative companies to start to innovate. Concrete schemes will illustrate ways of raising these companies’ interest in innovation, facilitating their start of innovation activities, and creating in-house innovation capacities. In addition, group discussions will allow participants to exchange experiences with each other.

Further information, including the agenda and the registration form, is available following the link below.

RIS methodological guide stage 2 available
The IRE Secretariat has just published a new methodological guide for RIS projects.

A successful Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) projects should ultimately result in a positive impact on the innovation performance of the region, and not merely in a glossy brochure. This methodological guide intends to serve as a guide for practitioners in innovation policies helping them to achieve a positive impact in their region. It deals with the process of defining and implementing a regional innovation strategy as well as selected challenges and pitfall in the strategy formulation process. In particular, it aims at sharing experiences in the field of ensuring that analyses and plans actually form the basis for actions and are not considered a value in their own rights. Moreover, the Methodological Guide for Stage 2 also tackles the issues of monitoring and evaluating RIS projects and regional innovation strategies.

2nd meeting of the IRE working group 'Regional Innovation System', Vienna 1st & 2nd of March 2007
The second meeting of the IRE working group on Regional Innovation Systems will be hosted by the Region of Lower Austria in Vienna on the 1st & 2nd of March 2007.

The 2nd IRE WG meeting we will focus on the following issues: 1. Key elements of an Effective Regional Innovation System, definition of Innovation, 2. What is innovation (definitions) 3. Coordination of the EU layers 4. Multilevel of governance 5. Similar initiatives

Apply for the IRE Award
The IRE Award for best European innovation scheme will be presented at the 5th IRE Plenary Conference.

The Award is an initiative to distinguish successful measures related to regional innovation policies developed and implemented by European regions. It will be presented to the winner at the 5th IRE Plenary Conference, which will take place in Shannon on 24-25 May 2007. Regions are invited to apply for the Award using the specific application form. Further details, including the application form, are available following the link below. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 February 2007.

Effective regional innovation systems - download presentations
The presentations from the IRE workshop 'Effective regional innovation systems' are available.

The event, which took place on 30 November - 1 December 2006 in Lahti, focused on well-functioning regional innovation systems. It was organised in three main sections:

  • An introduction to regional innovation systems - including a presentation of the Finnish innovation system
  • Strengthening the regional innovation system - with presentations from the European Commission, Lahti (FI), Latvia, North Great Plain (HU) and the Basque Country (ES).
  • Roles and contributions of key institutions to a well-functioning regional innovation system - with presentations from Aachen (DE), Marche (IT) and Finland.
The last section also included a presentation on regional innovation systems by Prof Philip Cooke, Cardiff University.

IRE workshop on regional innovation systems
Register now for the workshop 'Effective regional innovation systems' on 30 November - 1 December.

The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with a deeper understanding of what a regional innovation system is and how it functions. Speakers from IRE member regions will share their experience on how to further develop and strengthen their innovation systems in order to achieve long-term success. Practitioners will also share their views on what the roles and contributions of key institutions should be in an efficient regional innovation system.

Please register for the event by filling in the registration form available through the link below and returning it to the IRE Secretariat before 15 November. Pre-reserved rooms for special conference rates are available until 30 October. To take advantage of them, please register before this date.

Minutes from IRE workshop on clusters
The minutes from the IRE workshop 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers' can now be accessed.

The event, which took place on 30-31 May, aimed to enhance the participants’ understanding about the establishment, implementation and impact of innovative regional clusters. It presented the key findings of the IRE Subgroup on “Regional clusters as innovation drivers”, which since 2004 has brought together 13 IRE member regions to investigate how innovative clusters can be stimulated and promoted.

IRE subgroup report on cluster management
The IRE subgroup 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers' has published a report on cluster management.

The report focuses on organisational set-up, monitoring and evaluation, and five key fields of managment action: information and communication, training, cooperation, marketing and PR, and internationalisation.

Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) Final Conference
The final Conference of the MLP will take place in Brussels on the 13th of October 2006. Register here.

The Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) is a mechanism for interactive 'learning' by regional authorities and interested public and private organisations in European regions.

The MLP concentrates on three core topics: regional foresight, regional benchmarking, and regional profiles in research and innovation. Within this framework, a set of tools taking the form of guides have been developed. The guides, which will help regional policy makers develop better activities to build their regions' competitiveness, will be presented at the Final Conference. These are:

  • Blueprint on Regional Innovation Benchmarking
  • Regional Foresight - Boosting Regional Potential
  • A toolkit on how to make Growth Poles work

At the Final Conference, the tools will be presented and extensively analysed by well known experts and illustrated by case studies Guest Speakers:
  • Vincenzo Spiezia, Head of the Statistical Indicators Unit, OECD
  • Michael Kitson, Director of the National Competitiveness Network at the Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI)

The platform is a joint initiative of the Commission’s Enterprise and Industry, Research, Regional Policy and Information Society DGs, with the active involvement of the Committee of the Regions (CoR).The participation in the conference is free of charge.

Last week for expressing interest in joining new IRE Subgroups
IRE members are welcome to express their interest in joining three new IRE subgroups until 9 September.

Following the successful results of the IRE subgroups ‘Regional clusters as innovation drivers’ and ‘Cooperation between business and science’, the IRE Secretariat has launched a call for expressions of interest to invite  IRE member regions to join three new subgroups that will run in the period 2006-2008. The subgroups offer their members an excellent opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a particular policy area, and collaborate with regions with similar interests. Their work is expected to result in good practice publications, guidelines and policy recommendations, and that can be useful for other European regions working to enhance their innovation capacity. The subgroups aim also to support the participating regions in the development of new actions in the concerned policy topics. The topics of the groups will be determined by the regions according to the results of the present call for expression of interest. 
Each group will consist of 10-14 participating regions. Dedicated coordinators from the IRE Secretariat will organise the subgroups’ activities and meetings in collaboration with the member regions.The groups will meet three times per year, each time to explore their topic from a specific perspective. Members are expected to contribute actively to the meetings by sharing their experiences and analysing ideas, suggestions and case studies.  Subgroup members’ travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the IRE Secretariat. The group members are expected to devote some time to prepare their contribution to the meetings. The cost of time spent by the members in relation to the subgroups is not reimbursed.
Relevant organisations from IRE member regions, public or semi-public organisations capable of representing the regions’ interest regarding economic development and able to contribute to the development of innovation policies and strategies, can answer the call ultill 9 September 2006. To receive  the application form, which also includes the proposed topics for the subgroups, please contact the IRE Secretariat:
The selection of subgroup members will be done in consultation with the European Commission according to a specified set of criteria.

Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) adopted
CIP comprises sub-programmes on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, ICT and Intelligent Energy.

CIP, which has now been adopted by the European Parliament, has a budget of € 3.621 billion for 2007-2013. It complements other EU actions such as the cohesion activities, research activities and the EU programme for lifelong learning. For example, CIP will help SMEs access the FP7 framework programme and will leverage venture capital for innovative companies to help them bring their research results to market; CIP will identify and analyse examples of excellence which can be adapted and replicated in order to make regional interventions more effective in meeting cohesion goals; and CIP will help meet environmental goals by promoting sustainable approaches.

2nd MLP Workshop on Regional Benchmarking
The MLP workshop 'How to perform regional innovation benchmarking' will take place in Brussels on 20 June.

Interested regional actors are welcome to register.

IRE workshop on clusters as innovation drivers
IRE workshop on clusters as innovation drivers

A IRE workshop entitled 'Regional clusters as innovation clusters' will take place in Brussels on 30-31 May. The workshop will build on the work of the IRE subgroup of regions with the same name that has been working with cluster policy over the past two years. It will include illustration of regional cluster policies and initiatives as well as presentations by cluster managers.

Cluster policy overview in New Member States
Cluster policy overview in New Member States

The IRE subgroup 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers' has published an overview of cluster policy and clusters in New Member States.

INNO Learning Platform calls for independent innovation experts
The INNO-Learning Platform is looking for experts for the exploratory phase of its second learning cycle.

A call for independent experts for the exploratory phase of the second learning cycle of the INNO Learning Platform - PRO INNO Europe initiative is now open.

This call is addressed to individuals for the establishment of teams of independent experts to assist the INNO Learning Platform consortium in the development of studies under seven selected topics:

  1. Mapping of innovation support measures
  2. Policy rationale for innovation support
  3. The subsidiarity principle and support of innovation
  4. Complementarities between regional, national and EU support instruments 
  5. Complementarities between EU instruments
  6. New or better innovation support mechanisms
  7. New perspectives for the European Enterprise Network

The selected experts will work in teams made up of three consultants and will submit a professional report assessing how its respective topic can contribute to more efficient support of innovation in Europe. The call is open until 26 January 2008.

For more information about the call, please visit the website

or contact the INNO Learning Platform:
Ms Paula Galvão

Minutes of IRE cluster working group
The meeting focused on enhancing companies’ skills through cluster initiatives.

The objective of the meeting was to achieve a profound understanding of how a selection of measures function as well as to develop ideas of how such measures can be improved based on the experience of the group members. Four different cases of the group members were presented during the meeting, followed by discussion sessions.

Minutes of fourth RIS methodological workshop
This last workshop for the on-going RIS projects focused on the implementation of regional innovation strategies.

The minutes describe the presentations delivered during the event on topics such as the implementation of Wielkopolska's innovation strategy, the regional network of innovation support agents established in Nord - Pas de Calais, and the regular updating of Galicia's innovation policy. They also summarise the group discussions held which focused on issues such as getting regional commitment for the strategy implementation, implementing RIS pilot projects and trans-regional collaboration.

Publications on effective innovation
NESTA has published two studies on rural innovation and effective regional coalitions for innovation.

NESTA, the UK's National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, has recently published two reports on effective innovation.

Leading Innovation: Building effective regional coalitions for innovation discusses the fact that regions without the extraordinary assets of Silicon Valley ‘ordinary’ regions), making the leap from an old-economy paradigm to one based on innovation in services and high-tech industries can seem impossible. But, the report argues, it isn’t. This leap is made up of a series of smaller, more achievable steps. Two things stand out, however: this isn’t a fast process; and it requires deep regional knowledge and strong regional leadership. The study includes case studies from seven European regions that have successfully made the transition from ordinary to innovative region; and from four UK regions that are somewhere along that journey. It concludes by presenting a guide to the ‘regional innovation journey’ and an analysis of the types of leadership that may be required along the way.

In the past, innovation policy has tended to concentrate on urban areas. This is understandable: simply due to density, much traditional innovation that is countable by R&D expenditure or patent production happens in cities. But 86 per cent of the UK is rural, and those areas are home to almost 20 per cent of the population. The second study, Rural Innovation, examines how innovation happens there and how it might be stimulated.

'Regions of knowledge' calls open
Two calls for proposals under the 'Regions of Knowledge' theme are open until 14 March 2008.

The Seventh Framework Programme's ‘Regions of knowledge’ initiative aims to strengthen the research potential of European regions, in particular by encouraging and supporting the development of regional ‘research-driven clusters’, associating universities, research centres, enterprises and regional authorities.

Proposals submitted under the 2008 'Regions of Knowledge' call should address one or both of the following topics:

  • Maximising the benefits of research infrastructures for regional economic development
  • Regional contributions to the reduction of CO2 emissions

The first topic of the call is entitled 'Analysis, mentoring, integration of research agendas and definition of joint action plans'. This call can support the analysis and integration of research agendas of regional or cross-border clusters. Project partners will perform a detailed analysis of the state of play of the identified research-driven clusters or of regional/local capabilities around which research could be carried out. For the selected topic, analysis will involve the identification of relevant issues and components such as:
the existing regional RTD policies, plans and activities relating to economic development, their evolution and their impact; regional public and private RTD actors, including financial ones (e.g. banks, business angels); and the strengths and weaknesses of the regions concerned in terms of their capacity to produce, transfer and use knowledge.

It can also support initiatives to improve integration: definition of a Joint Action Plan. Project partners will define a Joint Action Plan (JAP) to drive economic development through research and technological development activities in a selected topic or economic sector. This
JAP may comprise regionally specific activities and will include measures such as increasing research potential and researcher mobility, including intersectorial mobility between research and industry; improving and sharing RTD infrastructure; and supporting relevant research projects. The output shall be the definition of a Joint Action Plan identifying the partners, objectives, activities (what to do), responsibilities (who does what) and schedule for trans-national and crossregional cooperation.

Mentoring of regions with a less-developed research profile by highly developed ones, particularly EC convergence and outermost regions, or mutual learning can also be supported.

The second topic of the call is 'Facilitating the emergence of new regional research driven clusters and mutual exchange of information'. It can support actions focusing on facilitating the creation of new regional research-driven clusters through the analysis of
the economic and R&D's strengths and weaknesses of the region, the formulation of a regional research agenda as well as of an action plan of research and technological development activities. This might include mentoring activities by a more mature cluster. In this context, attention will be given to emerging knowledge regions particularly the convergence and outermost regions.

Further details can be found through the link below.

Regions who would like support to identify possible partners among the IRE member regions are welcome to contact the IRE Secretariat.

EUROMED project searches for IRC and EIC experts
The Medibtikar is looking for an expert specialised in the implementation and management of Innovation Relay Centres and Euro Info Centres services.

The EUROMED Innovation and Technology Programme, also called Medibtikar (derived from MEDiterranean and Ibtikar, Arabic for Innovation), aims to provide the MEDA countries with new and improved instruments to stimulate innovation in firms and at national level. The project will also simulate networking across the MEDA region, and between the region and the countries of the European Union. The beneficiary countries are Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Tunisia, and Turkey.

One planned project activity is to establish a network similar to the IRC/EIC network in the EU to facilitate technology transfer. Medibtikar is thus looking for an expert specialised in the implementation and management of Innovation Relay Centres and Euro Info Centres services. The aim of this assistance will be to:

  • Identify relevant services to be offered to the industry in the target countries to facilitate the building of strategic international industrial partnerships
  • Define the infrastructure to put in place to run these services
  • Define the processes of the services in the infrastructure (who is doing what and when)
  • Identify the financial, human and operational resources required to set-up such infrastructure
  • Set targets for the infrastructure regarding output data and key expected results
  • Run the first pilot actions that will prove to the national innovation stakeholders the interest and the efficiency of the model for the country
  • Initiate the establishment of a Regional Network that will syndicate the needs, develop synergies and facilitate the creation of shared resources.

The expert will perform the above mentioned work in 100 man days (from 10/2007 till 3/2009) with the qualifications mentioned hereunder:
  • At least 5 years of experience from the IRC or the EIC network; meaning that the Expert has worked in an IRC or EIC or in the Network Management Units
  • Ability to work in English (for Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine territory, Syria and Turkey) and French (for Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia).
  • The expert should have strong relationship with European Innovation organisations and have a deep understanding of the procedures used in the IRC/EIC Networks.
  • The Expert should have experience in project management from a theoretical and practical point of view and should have experience in leadership and coordination of network projects.
Experts interested in putting forward a candidature are welcome to contact Ms Danai Gavri, Planet S.A., tel , E-mail:

Presentations from IRE cluster working group
The presentations from the last meeting of the IRE working group 'Innovative clusters' are available.

The meeting focused on measures aiming to improve cluster companies’ innovation capacity through the up-grading of skill levels - in particular (but not exclusively) related to high-tech utilisation.

Report 'Towards Developing an Entrepreneurship Policy for Ireland'
The Irish agency Forfas has published a background report for the development of a national entrepreneurship policy.

The report sets a vision for an entrepreneurial society, and proposes measures to further improve the environment for entrepreneurship.The report looks at a number of key issues in detail and identifies areas for further development in improving the entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurship in the education system and entrepreneurial activity among women and immigrants. Additionally, a mapping exercise has been carried out outlining initiatives to support entrepreneurship in Ireland.

Presentations of the working group on regional innovation systems available
The presentations of the last meeting of the IRE working group 'Effective Regional Innovation Systems' are available.

The topic of this meeting, which took place in Crete on 29-30 October, was multilevel governance of regional innovation systems. Experts from the Ministry of Development of Greece, the Alexander Innovation Zone in Thessaloniki and the IRE Secretariat contributed to the discussions of the working group members.

UNIDO CEE/NIS training programme on technology foresight
UNIDO offers an opportunity to participate in training sessions on technology foresight.

One of the major activities of UNIDO for Central and Eastern Europe and Newly Independent States (CEE/NIS) is capacity building training programmes for different groups involved in Technology Foresight. In autumn 2007 four events are planned:
  • Technology Foresight Summit 2007: 27-29 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary
  • Technology Foresight for Decision Makers, September, 2007, Budapest, Hungary
  • Training Course on Technology Foresight for Organisers, November 2007, Gebze, Turkey
  • Training Course on Technology Foresight for Practitioners - A Specialised Course on Scenarios Building, November 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
Some places can be made available to participants outside of the target region of CEE/NIS.

Minutes of knowledge transfer working group
The knowledge transfer working group met in Ennis on 23 May.

This third meeting of the working group 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' focused on effective knowledge transfer activities: closer linkages between SMEs and higher education institutes and foresight methods.

INNO Learning Platform call for independent experts
The INNO Learning Platform is launching its second call for independent experts on innovation policy.

The INNO Learning Platform consortium is inviting applications from individuals wishing to provide expert assistance on analysing initiatives proposed under the following two themes:

1. Society-driven innovation – Promotion of innovation for citizens
The main objective of the initiatives to be analysed under this theme is to encourage trans-national cooperation between national and regional innovation policy makers and programme managers in specific new fields in order to better address emerging and future societal needs through innovation policy.

2. Better innovation policy governance – a toolbox for innovation policy makers
The main objective of the initiatives to be analysed under this theme is to support national and regional policy makers to improve the quality of their innovation policies in order to increase the efficiency of policy instruments and reduce the administrative burden in implementing innovation support actions.

Two parallel task force teams (one for each of the two themes) will be created in view to conduct feasibility studies. The development of feasibility studies will lead to the definition of a number of initiatives suitable for generating strong trans-national policy cooperation.

Applicants should send their CV in European format and biographical note, indicating which theme(s) they are applying for, to the INNO Learning Platform to Ms Paula Galvao, [email protected]. The deadline for applications is 22 June. The link below leads to further call specifications.

Survey on skills for technology transfer professionals
The European Commission is collecting information on the training needs of technology transfer professionals.

The European Commission intends to launch a European-wide certified Technology Transfer training program. As a first step, the Commission seeks to understand which skills Technology Transfer professionals need.

The European Commission has asked Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University to investigate which skills Technology Transfer Professionals need to have, and to investigate whether there is a need for technology transfer training and a certified programme for technology transfer professionals to be introduced across the EU.

RSM has thus launched an on-line survey one the needs of technology transfer professionals and their interest in training. Regional actors with expertise in this field are invited to fill in the survey (it will take around 10 minutes). The data of the survey will be collected and analysed by RSM. Based on the findings of this survey - and other data collected, for instance by interviews - RSM will advise the European Commission.

The on-line survey is available at

Zilina publishes regional innovation strategy
The Slovak region of Zilina has put together its innovation strategy.

Zilina is one of the 33 regions currently carrying out their Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) projects. Zilina has now completed its innovation strategy, which can be accessed at the IRE website. The region is currently preparing its implementation by launching pilot actions.

'Support Actions to RIS-NAC Processes' present results
Presentations from their joint conference on 25 May are now available.

Four 'Support Actions to RIS-NAC processes have been running 2005-2007 with the aim of supporting the first 16 regions in the new Member States having carried out RIS projects launch the implementation of their innovation strategies. The four projects - INNOVATION COACH, IMIS, 5SCHEMES and INTRO - organised a joint final conference in conjunction to the IRE Plenary Conference to present their results. The presentations from this event can now be found on the IRE website.

INTERREG IVC programme published
An updated version of the INTERREG IVC Operational Programme was submitted to the EC on 19 April 2007.

The new "INTERREG IVC" programme (the exact name is still to be defined) for cross-border collaboration under the Structural Funds will run from 2007 till 2013. INTERREG IVC will have a clear focus on regional development policies in the areas of innovation, knowledge economy, environment and risk prevention. Different types of interregional cooperation projects and networks will be funded. Currently the Operational Programme is being developed by a Programming Committee comprising representatives from 27 EU Member States, Switzerland, Norway and the EU Commission. This updated version of the Operational Programme will be further adjusted as comments from the public consultation as well as from the European Commission made during the approval process have to be incorporated.

A first application round for the new programme can be launched - at the earliest - in autumn 2007.

Presentations from the 5th IRE Plenary Conference available
The conference took place in Ennis, Ireland on 24-25 May.

The IRE Plenary Conference brought together around 270 participants from 32 European countries. During two intensive days, issues such as innovation governance, research-based clusters, implementation of innovation strategies using Structural Funds, innovation policy impact assessment, service innovation and alternative forms of innovation were highlighted and discussed. The European Commission presented its policies for promoting regional innovation, and the IRE Secretariat together with IRE members illustrated what kinds of benefits can be gained from the IRE network. A main ingredient of the event was also the lively networking between conference delegates.

All presentations from the conference are available following the link below.

Support Actions to RIS-NAC processes event
The four 'Support Actions to RIS-NAC processes' are having a joint final event in Ennis on 25 May.

These projects have supported the 16 regions carrying out RIS projects during the period 2001-2004 to prepare the implementation of their innovation strategies. This event, which will take place in conjunction to the IRE Plenary Conference, will present the experience gathered during this process. The session targets in particular the current Regional Innovation Strategy projects and aims to give them an opportunity to learn how the RIS-NAC regions manage to implement their innovation measures.

Register now for IRE Plenary Conference
Pre-reserved hotel rooms for special conference rates are available until 7 May.

IRE members are showing great interest in the IRE Plenary Conference, and a high number of participants have already registered for the event. Those who still want to register are advised to do so without delay, since the number of places are limited. Hotel rooms are pre-reserved until 7 May, and might be difficult to secure after this date.

To view the updated agenda, information about the 'open sessions' and the registration form, please click on the link below.

New European portal for SMEs
The European Commission has launched a web portal for SMEs.

This portal provides access to information on the whole spectrum of EU policies, legislation, programmes and initiatives relevant to Europe's small and medium-sized enterprises. Further information is provided in the following areas:

  • EU funding for SMEs
  • Support services across Europe
  • On-line tools
  • Going international
  • The EU's SME Envoy
  • SME policy in Europe
  • Promoting entrepreneurship
  • A single market in Europe
  • Making SMEs more competitive
  • EU sectoral policies

Call for experts on territorial cooperation
The Committee of the Regions (COR) is establishing an Expert Group on Territorial Collaboration.

The Committee of the Regions (COR) is establishing an Expert Group on Territorial Collaboration (EGTC) which will help facilitating the implementation of a new instrument for territorial cooperation - the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. A call for expression of interest has been opened to experts representing local and regional authorities and existing legal structures for territorial cooperation in the EU27. The deadline for submission of expressions of interest is 18 June 2007. More information is published on the CoR website, and the link is provided below.

Commission communication on improved knowledge transfer
The European Commission has published a communication on improved knowledge transfer between industry and research.

The communication 'Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry across Europe: embracing open innovation' was published on 4 April. It underlines the need for having skilled knowledge transfer staff in universities and research institutes, but also emphasises that all researchers should have basic knowledge transfer skills and an entrepreneurial way of thinking.

Presentations on companies' innovation capacities
The presentations from the IRE workshop 'Increasing innovation capacities of companies' are available.

While most European regions are home to a limited number of companies with great innovation potential, they tend to be dominated by small, often traditional, enterprises that are often uninterested, unwilling or unable to innovate. Reaching these companies and enabling them to realise that innovation is interesting, useful and possible for them is a great challenge for many regional actors.

This workshop, which took place in Riga on 29-30 March, presented concrete examples from IRE member regions of initiatives that encourage traditionally non-innovative companies to start to innovate by, for instance, raising their interest in innovation, facilitating their start of innovation activities, and creating in-house innovation capacities.

Case study compilation of regional innovation projects
DG Regional Policy has published case studies of regional innovation projects.

The publications includes examples of projects funded under the ERDF Regional Programmes of Innovative Actions. These case studies, in English or in French, present the objectives and activities of the projects, the strategic context, the innovative aspects, partnership, obstacles in terms of design or implementation, results and impacts.

Presentations on innovation culture available
Presentations from the RIS Focus Group 'Academic-Business Links and Innovation Culture' can be downloaded.

The Focus Group meeting, which took place in Riga on 28 March, brought together representatives of the on-going RIS projects. It aimed to provide the participants with an improved understanding of regional strategies and specific tools that foster an innovation and entrepreneurship culture in the regions, namely in Higher Education Establishments, enterprises, and the public at large. The event highlighted key topics such as raising awareness on the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship; the role of education and training; and creation and incubation of knowledge-base enterprises.

Register for the IRE Plenary Conference
It is now possible to register for the 5th IRE Plenary Conference on 24-25 May in Ennis, Ireland.

The fifth IRE Plenary Conference is a key European event on regional innovation. The conference will bring together regional policy makers and innovation practitioners from the over 200 IRE member regions. The European Commission will present its innovation policies, and parallel sessions will focus on the following topics:

  • Innovation policy governance and cross-border policy cooperation
  • Development on research-based clusters and growth poles
  • Powering innovation policies with the help of Structural Funds
  • Impact assessment of regional innovation policies
  • Innovation in the service sector
  •  Innovative approaches for traditional sectors

During the gala dinner, the winner of the IRE Award for best European regional innovation policy scheme will be announced.

IRE members are invited to register for the conference by filling in and returning the registration form before 1 May.
Pre-reserved hotel accommodation for special conference rates is available until 1 May. Participants will receive a hotel booking form upon registration to be able to take advantage of the conference rates.

One of Ireland’s main traditional festivals, the Fleadh Nua, will take place in Ennis on 20-28 May. Conference participants are strongly recommended to register and book their hotel accommodation on time, since it might be difficult to find a hotel room after this date. Take also the opportunity to enjoy the Irish music during the Fleadh Nua!

The updated agenda, registration form and information about the conference venue are available on the IRE website. Further information can also be obtained from the IRE Secretariat.

Guide on innovative solutions in public procurement
The European Commission has published a guide on innovative solutions in public procurement.

The guide has been created to be of immediate use for public procurement professionals, and outlines 10 practical approaches that will help promote innovative solutions:

  1. Act as an ‘intelligent’ customer
  2. Consult the market before tendering
  3. Involve key stakeholders throughout the process
  4. Let the market propose creative solutions
  5. Seek value for money, not just the lowest price
  6. Take advantage of electronic means
  7. Decide how to manage risks
  8. Use contractual arrangements to encourage innovation
  9. Develop an implementation plan
  10. Learn for the future

Minutes of RIS methodological workshop available
The third methodological workshop for RIS projects focused on the last project stage.

During this stage, the RIS projects will develop their regional innovation strategies and action plans and prepare for strategy implementation. The workshop aimed to give practical advice and lessons based on the experiences of IRE member regions that have previously gone through this process.

The minutes of the meeting, as well as the presentations, are avilable following the link below.

Call for experts in innovation policy
The PRO INNO Learning Platform is looking for experts in innovation policy.

A call for independent experts to provide professional support and technical assistance within the framework of the INNO Learning Platform of the PRO INNO Europe initiative of the European Commission (2007-2009) has been launched. This call is addressed to individuals for the establishment of teams of independent experts to assist the INNO Learning Platform consortium in the development and promotion of trans-national innovation policy cooperation activities. The deadline for expressing interest is 9 February 2007.

Evaluation of innovation in the Structural Funds
An evaluation of innovation and knowledge aspects of the Structual Funds has been published.

The evaluation entitled 'Strategic Evaluation on Innovation and the knowledge based economy in relation to the Structural and Cohesion Funds, for the programming period 2007-2013', has been commissioned by DG Regional Policy.

10th Massachusetts Innovation Index published
Massachusetts Innovation Index – one of the world’s oldest activity on regional benchmarking – has published its 10th report. This annual publication makes an appraisal of the innovation performance of the state of Massachusetts focusing on its nine most important technology clusters and compare their performances and trends against six competitive ‘leading technology states’ of the USA.

The reports identify trends of the state’s innovation development and its competitors providing recommendations as practical recommendations to local decision makers in industry, academia, and government in order to effect needed policy changes and economic development strategies.
The report can be accessed from John Adams Innovation Institute website.

Minutes of knowledge transfer subgroup
The minutes and presentations of the first meeting of the knowledge transfer subgroup are available.

The first meeting of the subgroup 'Knowledge transfer between universitites and enterprises' took place in Malta on 4-5 December. The group consists of 15 member regions and will focus on regional policies and practices and of the issues facing SMEs and universities trying to develop more effective knowledge transfer activities.

Swiss conference on regional innovation
RIS Central Switzerland is organising a conference with regional innovation as the central theme.

The conference UnBla.07, which will take place on 24-26 January 2007 in Lucerne, will focus on the region's innovation strategy. It will address three main issues:

1. Supporting a whole region, including various stakeholders, to remain innovative.
2. Telling the stories of regional innovators as a way of enhancing the regional spirit of innovation.
3. The positive effects of disturbing innovation processes

On the afternoon of day 3 euresearch offers a workshop to develop proposal ideas for the 7th framework programme. This workshop is only open to registered participants of UnBla.07. Further information about registration is available following the link below.

Presentations from innovation systems subgroup
The presentations from the first meeting of the subgroup 'Regional innovation systems' are available.

This was the first meeting of the six to be held. It took place on 29 November in Helsinki.

Call for applications to assist the EC with enterprise policy
The Commission calls for members of the Business Chamber of the Enterprise Policy Group.

The Enterprise Policy Group (EPG) advises the Commission on enterprise policy issues. It is composed of two different sections, one for representatives from the Member States (Directors-General of Industry and high-level administrators responsible for SMEs) and the other - the Business Chamber - for high-level experts from the enterprise community.

The EPG Business Chamber consists of eminent persons active in industry and services. It provides a forum for European business actors to exchange ideas and provide direct, first-hand input to the Commission’s policy development process, particularly in areas linked to the development of innovation policies and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Anyone interested in applying to become a member of the EPG Business Chamber is invited to read carefully the “Call for Applications” document available through the link below, and then to fill in and submit the Application Form. The deadline for applications is 15 January 2007.

Check out the new IRE subgroups
Information about the activities and members of the three new IRE subgroups is now available.

The three subgroups, which will run 2006-2008, are entitled 'Effective regional innovation systems', 'Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers', and 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises'. The information available includes a description of the groups' main aims and activities, as well as details concerning the members and the regions they represent. Documentation related to their activiites, as well as their final deliverables, will also be published here.

INNOBAROMETER 2006: Clusters facilitate innovation in Europe
Companies confirm in this year's Innobarometer that belonging to a cluster facilitates business expansion.

25% of the companies in the EU work in a cluster-like environment, characterised by a close cooperation with other businesses in the region and strong ties with the local business infrastructure. However, in new Member States only 9% of the enterprises benefit from the stimulating business environment created by clusters. Companies active in a cluster are among the most innovative companies in Europe.

Fourth IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
A summary of the results of this year's IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey is available.

The survey is carried out every year in order to ascertain to what extent the services provided by the IRE Secretariat correspond to the needs and expectations of IRE members.

'Blueprint' on better science-industry collaboration
The IRE subgroup 'Collaboration between business and science' has published its final report.

The final report is a 'blueprint' which outlines the subgroup's conclusions on how cooperation between science institutions and enterprises can be enhanced.

Presentations from MLP workshop on growth poles available
The presentations from the MLP workshop on how to make regional growth poles work can now be accessed.

The first MLP workshop on Regional Profiles focused on the identification of the criteria, ingredients and regional prerequisites for a growth pole. This second workshop followed up the first one and it aimed to identify ways of making right use of these ingredients. It focused on the “recipe” and how the ingredients can be put together in order to create the desirable results.

Presentations from the IRE workshop "Regional clusters as innovation drivers"
The presentations from the IRE workshop on clusters as innovation drivers are now available.

The event, which was organised in Brussels on 30-31 May 2006, aimed to enhance the participants’ understanding about the establishment, implementation and impact of innovative regional clusters.

2nd MLP Workshop on Regional Profiles
The MLP workshop 'How to make Regional Growth Poles work" will take place in Brussels on 14 June.

Interested regional actors are welcome to register.

ERIK+ Network collecting good practice of regional innovation schemes
The ERIK+ Network has launched a call for good practice in regional innovation schemes regarding industry-science relations and support to start ups and spin-offs.

ERIK+ brings together regions carrying out Regional Programmes of Innovative Actions. The call is open for all regions, and focuses on information (both qualitative and quantitative) on Innovative Actions (RPIAs) related activiites and other regional innovation schemes. Candidate good practices will be widely promoted through the project promotional tools and will have the opportunity to take part in the exhibition area of ERIK+ Final Conference in Brussels planned for the beginning of 2007. Moreover, an ERIK+ AWARD will be granted during the final conference to regions identified as relevant innovative performers. More information ca be found in the call text and on the ERIK website (

Minutes of the regional innovation systems working group
The minutes of the last meeting of this IRE working group are now available.

The IRE working group 'Effective regional innovation systems' met in Ennis on 23 May to discuss three main issues:

  • The interaction and openness of regional innovation systems
  • Activities and need orientation of regional innovation systems
  • The vision, strategy and steering of regional innovation systems
The minutes describe the findings of the working group members.

Presentations from benchmarking projects meeting available
The coordinators of the regional innvotion impact assessment and benchmarking projects met on 23 May.

The aim of the meeting, organised jointly by the European Commission and the IRE Secretariat, was to discuss the methodologies for impact assessment and benchmarking being developed by the projects. The presentations from the meeting are now available following the link below.

Info Day on the Intelligent Energy – Europe II programme
The Info Day in Brussels on 19 April will provide inforamtion and advice for those interested in applying.

About 55 million Euro will become available this year under the new Intelligent Energy – Europe II programme to support European projects promoting energy efficiency and renewables. Up to 75% of the eligible project costs will be supported.

The European Info Day 2007 (Brussels, 19 April 2007) will provide those interested in applying with essential information and advice. It will also present ongoing IEE-supported projects, explain the broader policy context of the programme, and allow participants to meet and network with colleagues from across Europe. Some 600 participants are expected.

It is possible to register and download the Info Day programme following the link below. The morning session will also be broadcast live on the internet by

Presentations from RIS methodological workshop available
The presentations from the third methodological workshop for RIS projects are available.

This methdological workshop, which took place in Sofia on 22-23 February, focused on Stage 2 of the RIS project and the development of regional innovation strategies and action plans.

'Open sessions' at the IRE Plenary Conference
IRE regions are invited to signal interest in organising 'open sessions' in conjunction to the IRE Plenary Conference.

The 5th IRE Plenary Conference will take place in Shannon, Ireland on 24-25 May 2007. In order to allow IRE regions to highlight topics of their interest and provide additional networking opportunities for conference delegates interested in specific issues, IRE member regions are invited to submit expressions of interest to organise ‘open sessions’ in conjunction to the conference. The open sessions provide an opportunity to invite participants at this major European conference to a programme fully organised by IRE regions. Three open sessions, preliminarily scheduled at 14:30 – 17:00 on 25 May, will take place in parallel.

The three most interesting expressions of interest for open sessions will be selected by the IRE Secretariat in collaboration with the European Commission. The opportunity of organising a session is open to IRE member regions. The session organiser should be a regional and public or semi-public organisation (or a group of such organisations) actively contributing to the development of innovation policies and strategies in its region.

The application form including further details about the practical organisation of the open sessions, conditions to submit an expression of interest etc can be found following the link below. Please send your expression of interest to the IRE Secretariat by 15 March 2007.

'Regions of Knowledge' call published
The 'Regions of Knowledge' call for proposals is open until 24 April.

The 'Regions of Knowledge' call for proposals is part of the first batch of calls published under the Seventh Framework Programme on 22 December 2007. The call includes three strands:

1. Regions of Knowledge: Analysis, mentoring and integration of research actors
2. Regions of Knowledge: Facilitating the emergence of new clusters and mutual information
3. Regions of Knowledge: Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points (NCPs)

Further information about the call can be found following the link below.

Regional actors wishing to look for potential partners among the IRE member regions are welcome to contact the IRE Secretariat for further support.

Call to develop Nordic innovation policy
The Nordic Innovation Centre is launching two calls for expressions of interest on Nordic innovation policies.

The themes of the two calls for expressions of interest are Regional innovation and Regional innovation actors of tomorrow, and User-driven innovation.

The Nordic Innovation Centre (NICe) will be investing up to €1.20 million and €1.5 million respectively in each to support separate portfolios of projects. Though the main focus is to promote the collaboration between Nordic countries, it is possible for partners outside Nordic countries to be involved in the projects. A Nordic consortium may invite relevant international actors to join the project in order to add value and improve impact of the project.

Presentations on regional innovation infrastructure available
The presentation from the last meeting of the RIS Focus Group 'Promotion of innovation in SMEs' are available.

The Focus Group meeting was held on 29 November 2006 in Lahti, Finland, and brought together representatives of running RIS projects. It included case studies from Weser Ems, Valencia, East Sweden and Lahti.

Irish report on services innovation
The Irish agency Forfás has published a report on services innovation.

The report is entitled ‘Services innovation in Ireland – Options for innovation policy’ and includes policy recommendations for how to stimulate innovation in the services sector. Forfás is Ireland's national policy board for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation.

Blueprint on strategic intelligence in cluster policy
The project STRATINC has published a policy guide on the uses of strategic intelligence in cluster policy.

STRATINC - Strategic intelligence and innovative clusters - was funded under the INTERREG IIIC initiative and brought together the regions of Lorraine (FR), Central Macedonia (GR), Oslo (NO), Murcia/Tenerife (ES) and Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE). The objective of the project was to improve the competitiveness of territories, local businesses and industrial clusters through enhancing their capacity to undertake and take advantage of strategic intelligence and foresight.

New publication: Showcasing Innovative Greece
'Showcasing Innovative Greece' presents Greek Regional Programmes of Innovative Actions.

The publication provides an overview of all Innovative Actions programmes carried out in Greece 2000-2006.

New Commission communication on innovation
The European Commission has published a ten-point programme for fostering innovation.

The new programme outlines the way forward to accompany industry-led innovation with public policies at all levels as a core element of the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs. The Commission seeks to develop the concept of "lead markets" where public authorities facilitate industry-led innovation by creating conditions for a successful market uptake of innovative products and services in a focussed way. Primary targets are areas that respond to societal demands (e.g. areas such as transport or health, internal security and eco-innovation). The Commission calls upon Member States to make the structural reforms necessary to deliver the results required.

Outcomes of public consultation on industry-research links
A document summarising the outcomes of the public consultation conducted by DG Research is available.

This draft report presents the outcomes of the "Public consultation on transnational research cooperation and knowledge transfer between public research organisations and industry" carried out 12 May - 31 July 2006.

Indicators for monitoring transregional cooperation
INTERACT has published a study on indicators for monitoring transnational and interregional cooperation programmes, based on the ongoing INTERREG programmes.

A new set of indicators is proposed.

Summary of RIS Focus Group on academic-business link
A summary document from the RIS Focus Group dealing with university-industry collaboration is now available.

The meeting took place on 11 May in Gdansk, and included experience sharing with IRE member regions are already implementing their innovation strategies.

Presentations and minutes from RIS Focus Group meeting on clusters
The presentations and minutes from the RIS Focus Group meeting on clusters are now available.

The Focus Group meeting, which took place on 29 May in Brussels, focused on how to develop cluster policy within a RIS project.

E-RAIN project inviting new members
The 'Regions of Knowledge 2' project E-RAIN is inviting potential new members to join its activities.

The recently launched E-RAIN - the European Network for Regional Innovation Agencies - project will study innovation policy programmes and analyse their implementation procedures, in order to find the ways to enhance the efficiency of research and innovation programmes across Europe.

Reporting and financial issues of on-going IRE projects
The European Commission organised an information day on reporting and financial administration of running IRE projects on 7 April.

The presentations given during the day are now available on the IRE website.

Starting cluster implementation
Starting cluster implementation

How to go from cluster mapping to cluster implementation is the topic of a new review published by the IRE cluster subgroup.

Register to the IRE workshop on companies' innovation capacities
A few places still remain for the IRE workshop 'Increasing companies' innovation capacities' on 29-30 March in Riga.

The aim of this workshop is to explore how innovation can be encouraged in small, often traditional, enterprises that often are uninterested or unable to innovate, not realising that this might be undermining their competitiveness and even endanger their survival on teh long term. Presentations from IRE members will illustrate ways of raising these companies’ interest in innovation, facilitating their start of innovation activities, and creating in-house innovation capacities. In addition, group discussions will allow participants to exchange experiences with each other.

Further information, including the agenda and the registration form, is available following the link below. It is possible to register until Monday 19 March.

Coventry University Enterprises recruiting programme manager
Coventry University Enterprises is recruiting a programme manager dealing with innovation.

The programme manager will work in particular with European projects on innovation. As part of the Business Development Group, the programme manager will help secure and deliver contracts from the commercial sector, the European Commission, UK Government and Regional Government; everything from successfully writing proposals to delivering grant funded projects. Further information is available under the link below.

Minutes and presentations from cluster subgroup meeting available
The minutes and the presentations from the first meeting of the subgroup 'Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers' are now available.

This first meeting of the subgroup took place in Veneto on 13-14 November 2006.

Final reports of the Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) available
The final reports of the MLP can now be downloaded.

The reports were presented on the MLP Final Conference, which took place in Brussels on 13 October. They focus on three themes: boosting regional potential through foresight, tools to make regional growth poles work, and a blueprint for regional innovation benchmarking. Paper copies of the reports can be ordered from the IRE Secretariat.

Results of innovative strategies and actions
DG Regional Policy has published a review summarising results from the Structural Funds' Innovative Actions.

The review, entitled 'Innovative strategies and actions: Results from 15 years of regional experimentation', presents critical success factors as well as principal lessons of regional innovation strategies and actions that have been implemented in European regions with funding from the Innovative Actions programme. The aim is to provide assistance to regions and Member States in the design and implementation of the new Structural Funds programmes for 2007-2013.

The future of cluster policies and programmes
This report summarises the conclusions of the IRE subgroup 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers'.

The report discusses issues such as clusters in a changing global environment, implications for cluster policies and implications for policy measures and organisations supporting clusters.

How to make Regional Growth Poles work
The report from the 2nd MLP Workshop on Regional Profiles in Research and Innovation is now available

This report is an attempt to summarise and concisely present the main points conveyed by the workshop speakers and should be studied complimentary to the speakers’ complete presentations (available on the IRE website). It is divided into three parts. The first part presents introductory remarks of the MLP initiative, its subgroups and the workshop’s objectives. The second part illustrates an overview of the workshop’s presentations while the third part synopsises the key points which reflect the main issues and concerns raised by the speakers and the workshop participants and conclusions.

Subscribe to IRE news alerts
A new facility on the IRE website enables you to receive alerts by e-mail inbox about IRE news of your interest.

After having subscribed to this service, personalised e-mail messages will tell you that new information has been published on the IRE website. You can indicate exactly what kind of news you would like to receive, by type of article – Regional Innovation in Europe magazine articles, events, news announcements, etc – and/or by thematic key words. You can choose to receive the news alert each week or each month. Click on the link below to subscribe.

Presentations from MLP benchmarking workshop available
The presentations from the MLP workshop on regional innovation benchmarking are now available.

The workshop entitled 'How to Perform Regional Innovation Benchmarking' focused on profiling regional innovation benchmarking, information sources for regional innovation benchmarking, analysing the benchmarking results and value added from benchmarking.

Report from MLP foresight workshop available
The workshop report from the second MLP workshop on regional foresight is now available.

The report can be downloaded from the IRE website.

Europe INNOVA web portal launched

A web portal presenting Europe INNOVA, a new European Commission initiative to drive innovation, is now available, Europe INNOVA examines in depth the sectoral barriers and challenges for innovation, maps the most competitive and innovative sub sectors, identifies the hot spots for new company creation and employment, and highlights the interfaces between sectors that show promise of innovation potential through collaboration or the application of new technologies.

Presentations from MLP Workshop on Foresight avaliable
The presentations from the MLP workshop on regional foresight on 31 March are now available.

The presentations from the MLP Workshop on Regional Foresight which took place on Friday 31 March in Stuttgart are now available.

European Enterprise Awards
European Enterprise Awards

The European Commission has launched the “European Enterprise Awards” to highlight successful initiatives by local and regional authorities to support entrepreneurship. The competition is open to local and regional authorities as well as public private partnerships in countries participating in the European Commission enterprise programme (EU - 25, Bulgaria, Iceland, Norway, Romania and Turkey). Each participating country will select up to two candidates to take part in the competition. Nominations will close at the end of May.

Second minutes of knowledge transfer subgroup
The minutes and presentations of the second meeting of the knowledge transfer subgroup are available.

The second meeting of the subgroup 'Knowledge transfer between universitites and enterprises' took place in Madrid on 19-20 February. The group consists of 15 member regions and will focus on regional policies and practices and of the issues facing SMEs and universities trying to develop more effective knowledge transfer activities.

Presentations from the Mutual Learning Platform Conference available
Presentations from the Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) Final Conference are available.

The final conference took place in Brussels on 13 October. To access to the Power point files, please click on the link below.

Presentations on promotion of innovation in SMEs available
Presentations on promotion of innovation in SMEs available

The presentations from the first meeting of the Focus Group 'Promotion of innovation in SMEs' for running RIS projects are now available.

PAXIS innovation policy guide
PAXIS innovation policy guide

The PAXIS initiative has published a guide for innovation policy makers and practitioners.

Newsletter from the benchmarking project EURO-COOP
Newsletter from the benchmarking project EURO-COOP

The regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking project EURO-COOP has published its newsletter no.2.

European Venture Contest - call for expressions of interests for hosts
European Venture Contest - call for expressions of interests for hosts

The European Venture Foundation has lunched a call for the expression of interest for innovative regions in Europe to host the selection sessions in the second edition of the European Venture Contest. The first edition was organised last year within the Gate2Growth Initiative.

Guide to evaluation of innovation programmes
Guide to evaluation of innovation programmes

DG Enterprise and Industry has published a practical guide to evaluate innovation programmes.

IRE newsletter January/February 2006 available
IRE newsletter January/February 2006 available

The latest IRE electronic newsletter is now available.

Report from MLP workshop on regional profiles and growth poles available
Report from MLP workshop on regional profiles and growth poles available

The workshop report from the MLP workshop on regional profiles and growth poles held on 9 December 2005 in Brussels is now available.

Minutes and presentations from 2nd methodological workshop available
Minutes and presentations from 2nd methodological workshop available

The minutes and ppresentations from the 2nd methodological workshop for RIS projects, held on 16-17 February, are available.

Joint RegStrat and MLP event on policy intelligence and regional foresight
Joint RegStrat and MLP event on policy intelligence and regional foresight

The Conference on Strategic Policy Intelligence and the second MLP Regional Foresight Workshop will take place on 30-31 March 2006 in Stuttgart.

RIS methodological guide Stage 1 available
RIS methodological guide Stage 1 available

The IRE Secretariat has published a methodological guide helping RIS projects to carry out their analysis phase (Stage 1).

Report "Creating an Innovative Europe"
Report "Creating an Innovative Europe"

This report, published by four high-level experts appointed by the Commission, urges Europe’s leaders to take radical action on research and innovation "before it is too late".

Handbook for SMEs on e-markets
Handbook for SMEs on e-markets

eMarket Services, an internet portal co-funded by DG Enterprise and Industry, has published a handbook "E-markets and online directories - a handbook for small businesses".

Report on ICT use in 10 sectors
Report on ICT use in 10 sectors

The European e-Business W@tch Report studies how European firms in 10 economic sectors use ICT to transform their business processes.

Annual Progress Report on the Lisbon Strategy
Annual Progress Report on the Lisbon Strategy

The European Commission has published its Annual Progress Report on the Lisbon Strategy, "Time to Move Up A Gear".

Good practice in regional innovation schemes by IRE Thematic Networks
Good practice in regional innovation schemes by IRE Thematic Networks

The IRE Secretariat has put together a good practice compilation built on the results of the IRE Thematic Networks which run during 2001-2004.

Report on the joint MLP and FOR-LEARN foresight workshop
Report on the joint MLP and FOR-LEARN foresight workshop

The report from the joint MLP and FOR-LEARN workshop on regional foresight is available.

Report on MLP benchmarking workshop
Report on MLP benchmarking workshop

The report from the MLP workshop 'Benchmarking for better regional innovation policies' is available.

Survey on regions' involvement in the Lisbon strategy
Survey on regions' involvement in the Lisbon strategy

The Committee of the Regions' survey shows that only 17% of regions and cities are satisfied with their role in the National Reform Programmes.

Vacant position at the IRE Secretariat
Vacant position at the IRE Secretariat

The IRE Secretariat is looking for an IRE Expert to join our Luxembourg team (see attached job description). Interested persons, having at least 5 years experience in the field of innovation policies atregional and/or European level are invited to send their CVs to [email protected]

IRE newsletter 56 available
IRE newsletter 56 available

The IRE electronic newsletter for November/December 2005 is now available.

Call for experts on innovation culture
Call for experts on innovation culture

The 5SCHEMES project is looking for experts to help design measures to foster a regional innovation culture.

Presentations from MLP workshop on growth poles
Presentations from MLP workshop on growth poles

The presentations from the MLP workshop 'Regional Profiles and Growth Poles' are available.

European Innovation Scoreboard 2005
European Innovation Scoreboard 2005

The European Innovation Scoreboard, which analyses European innovation performance, has been published.

Good practice guide for collaborative research and knowledge transfer
Good practice guide for collaborative research and knowledge transfer

This Handbook aims to improve joint research and knowledge transfer involving public research and companies.

Minutes from IRE workshop on innovation culture
Minutes from IRE workshop on innovation culture

The minutes from the IRE workshop 'Promoting an Innovation Culture in the Regions' are available.

MLP regional profiles and growth poles workshop
MLP regional profiles and growth poles workshop

The Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) workshop on regional profiles and growth poles will take place in Brussels on 9 December 2005.

MLP benchmarking workshop
MLP benchmarking workshop

The Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) workshop on regional benchmarking will take place in Brussels on 25 November 2005.

IRE newsletter September/October 2005 available
IRE newsletter September/October 2005 available

The September/October 2005 issue of the IRE electronic newsletter is available.

Presentations from IRE innovation culture workshop
Presentations from IRE innovation culture workshop

The presentation from the IRE workshop 'Promoting an Innovation Culture in the Regions' are now available.

5SCHEMES calls for experts in regional innovation schemes
5SCHEMES calls for experts in regional innovation schemes

The partner regions of '5SCHEMES' have published a call for experts to develop regional innovation schemes.

New action plan on research and innovation
New action plan on research and innovation

The European Commission has published a communication entitled ‘More Research and Innovation: Investing for Growth and Employment - A Common Approach’.

’Support to innovation policy learning and development’ call published
’Support to innovation policy learning and development’ call published

This call for proposals addresses various innovation policy activities. Click here for more details.

Newsletter from benchmarking project EURO-COOP
Newsletter from benchmarking project EURO-COOP

The regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking project EURO-COOP has published its first newsletter.

Registration opened for MLP and FOR-LEARN workshop on regional foresight
Registration opened for MLP and FOR-LEARN workshop on regional foresight

Registrations are now open for the Mutual Learning Platform and FOR-LEARN workshop on regional foresight on 19-20 October.

EC public consultation on a European Institute of Technology
EC public consultation on a European Institute of Technology

A public consultation on whether and how to create a European Institute of Technology (EIT) has been opened by the European Commission. It will gather the views of stakeholders on how an 'EIT' could strengthen research, education and market innovation in Europe. The public consultation will run until mid-November, and will feed into a wider analysis by the European Commission services.

Call for papers for international industrial policy conference
Call for papers for international industrial policy conference

The University of Limerick has launched a call for papers for a conference on industrial policy in June 2006. The main topics include technology and innovation policy.

PATINNOVA '05 conference in Budapest 8-10 November
PATINNOVA '05 conference in Budapest 8-10 November

The PATINNOVA '05 conference will focus on intellectual property (IP) management as a business strategy for growth.

IRE workshop on innovation culture
IRE workshop on innovation culture

An IRE workshop entitled 'Promoting an Innovation Culture in the Regions' will take place on 27-28 October 2005 in Liverpool.

Partner search for 'Mutual learning and co-ordination in research policy making' call
Partner search for 'Mutual learning and co-ordination in research policy making' call

The Fundación Insula Barataria from Castilla La Mancha would like to join a proposal for "Mutual learning and co-ordination in research policy making".

Plans for new action fostering collaboration of innovation programmes
Plans for new action fostering collaboration of innovation programmes

European Commission has unveiled plans for a new PRO INNO action, which aims at fostering collaboration and future joint initiatives of national and regional innovation programmes. A call for proposal is planned to be announced in October. Some more details about the forthcoming call can be found in the recent issue of IRE Electronic Newsletter.

New call for proposals on mutual learning and co-ordination in research policy making
New call for proposals on mutual learning and co-ordination in research policy making

This call for proposals aims to improve and better coordinate research policies on national and regional level. Proposals can be related with public research spending and policy mixes; public research base and its links to industry; fiscal measures for research; intellectual property rights and research; and SME’s and research. The deadline for the call is 3 February 2006.

IRE Newsletter July/August 2005 available
IRE Newsletter July/August 2005 available

The latest issue of the IRE Newsletter is now available.

New RIS regions presented
New RIS regions presented

Descriptions of new IRE member regions that carry out RIS projects since June 2005 are now available

European attitudes to innovation
European attitudes to innovation

The Eurobarometer has published a report on population innovation readiness.

Subgroup paper on identifying and mapping clusters
Subgroup paper on identifying and mapping clusters

The IRE subgroup 'Clusters as drivers of regional innovation' has published a paper entitled 'Emergence, identification and mapping of clusters - review report'.

Fundación Comunidad Valenciana partner search
Fundación Comunidad Valenciana partner search

The Fundación Comunidad Valenciana is looking for partners to join a proposal to be submitted to the Leonardo da Vinci Programme entitled "e-Learning for Auditors of Electronic Certification Services". Further information available here.

Conference ‘'Integrating Regional Intelligence'
Conference ‘'Integrating Regional Intelligence'

The Meta-Foresight project, part of the Regions of Knowledge Pilot Action, organises a conference on 6-7 October 2005 in Cáceres (Spain), which is to bring together European actors in the field of innovation involved in the promotion and integration of regional intelligence.

RIS Methodological guide Stage 0
RIS Methodological guide Stage 0

The IRE Secretariat has published a methodological guide for Stage 0 of a RIS project.

Key Figures 2005 on Science Technology and Innovation
Key Figures 2005 on Science Technology and Innovation

The European Commission's 'Key Figures 2005 on science, technology and innovation' are now available.

Presentations from first RIS methodological workshop
Presentations from first RIS methodological workshop

The presentations from the first methodological workshop for the new RIS projects, held on 7-8 July, are available.

Guidelines for Structural Funds support 2007-2013: focus on research and innovation
Guidelines for Structural Funds support 2007-2013: focus on research and innovation

The draft Community Strategic Guidelines entitled 'Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth and Jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines, 2007-2013' propose a strong focus on research and innovation.

R&D expenditure and personnel in European regions
R&D expenditure and personnel in European regions

EUROSTAT has published figures on the levels of R&D expenditure and the intensity of R&D personnel in Eurpean regions.

Western Europe top destination for foreign investment
Western Europe top destination for foreign investment

The 2005 Ernst & Young European Attractiveness Survey shows that Western Europe remains the most attractive destination for foreign investment, despite increasingly strong competition from Central and Eastern Europe and China.

IRE electronic newsletter 53 available
IRE electronic newsletter 53 available

The May/June 2005 issue of the IRE electronic newsletter is now available.

Minutes of the MLP launch conference
Minutes of the MLP launch conference

The minutes and presentations of the Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) launch conference are available.

Minutes from the benchmarking projects meeting
Minutes from the benchmarking projects meeting

The minutes of the 'regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking' projects meeting on 6 June 2005 are now available.

Methodological workshop for RIS projects
Methodological workshop for RIS projects

The first methodological workshop for the new Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) projects will take place in Vilnius on 7-8 June 2005.

Presentations from benchmarking projects meeting
Presentations from benchmarking projects meeting

The presentations from the meeting of the new 'regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking' projects meeting on 6 June 2005 are now available.

Research and Innovation Plan for Catalonia (2005-2008)
Research and Innovation Plan for Catalonia (2005-2008)

A new plan for research and innovation in Catalonia has been published by the Catalan Government.

Presentations from RIS launch conference
Presentations from RIS launch conference

The presentations from the RIS launch conference, which took place on 6 June 2005, are now available on the IRE website.

Presentations from the 4th IRE Plenary Conference
Presentations from the 4th IRE Plenary Conference

The presentations from the 4th IRE Plenary Conference are now available on the IRE website.

Minutes of RIS-NAC Implementation Group meeting
Minutes of RIS-NAC Implementation Group meeting

The minutes and presentations of the first meeting of the 'RIS-NAC Implementation Group' - a group of Central and Eastern European regions collaborating on the implementation of their innovation strategies - are now available.

MEDINNOV – Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen de l’Innovation
MEDINNOV – Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen de l’Innovation

A new network has been launched to promote innovation in the Mediterranean basin. MEDINNOV aims to bring together key actors in the field of innovation in order to carry out activities such as studies, reports, joint research and forums.

Partner search for virtual incubators project
Partner search for virtual incubators project

BIC Lazio is searching for partners for a project proposal on virtual incubators. An abstract of their project idea is available.

Design of cluster initiatives
Design of cluster initiatives

The IRE subgroup 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers' has published an overview of policies and praxis in design of cluster initiatives.

Presentations from IRE workshop 'Innovative business incubators' available
Presentations from IRE workshop 'Innovative business incubators' available

The presentations from the IRE workshop 'Innovative business incubators' held in Krakow on 22 April 2005 are now available.

Meetings for forthcoming IRE projects
Meetings for forthcoming IRE projects

Meetings for coordinators of IRE projects to be launched in 2005 will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 6 June 2005. Project representatives can register.

Benchmarking programme for universities
Benchmarking programme for universities

ESMU, the European Centre for Strategic Management of Universitites, offers a benchmarking programme during 2005-2006, of which one topic is strategic partnerships based on university - enterprise co-operation. For further information

'Regions of Knowledge 2' – Partner searches
'Regions of Knowledge 2' – Partner searches

Regualary updated information about actors who would like to submit proposals or join as partners for this call for proposals is available.

Launch conference of the 'Mutual Learning Platform'
Launch conference of the 'Mutual Learning Platform'

The Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) aims to support regions in developing their research strategies. Its launch meeting will take place in Brussels on 18 April 2005.

IRE workshop 'Innovative Business Incubators'
IRE workshop 'Innovative Business Incubators'

This event, which aims to present different kinds of innovative business incubators, is organised in conjunction with the ERIK network and the Malopolska Region on 21-22 April 2005 in Krakow. Welcome to register!

Report on innovation performances by sector
Report on innovation performances by sector

For the first time, the European Innovation Scoreboard has published a report on innovation performances per sector. To access the report

Blueprint for foresight actions in RIS/RITTS contexts
Blueprint for foresight actions in RIS/RITTS contexts

An expert group set up by DG Research developed a series of blueprints to support regions to implement foresight activities. One of the blueprints looks at ideas for developing foresight in RIS/RITTS contexts. To access this blueprint

Partner search for KnowREG 2 proposal
Partner search for KnowREG 2 proposal

The Institute for European Regional Research at the University of Siegen, Germany, is searching for partners for a 'Regions of Knowledge 2' proposal. To access the proposal abstract

Minutes from the IRE subgroup on clusters
Minutes from the IRE subgroup on clusters

The minutes from the first meeting of the IRE subgroup on clusters are now available. To acces them

Minutes from the Industrial Regions group meeting
Minutes from the Industrial Regions group meeting

The minutes and presentations from the last meeting of the Industrial Regions group are now available. To access them

Regional innovation strategy of South Central Bulgaria
Regional innovation strategy of South Central Bulgaria

The regional innovation strategy of South Central Bulgaria has been finalised. To access it

Innobarometer 2004 published
Innobarometer 2004 published

The Innobarometer 2004, which evaluates European innovation support from a business perspective, has been published. To access the report

'Regions of Knowledge 2' - call for proposals
'Regions of Knowledge 2' - call for proposals

A call for proposals has been launched for the "Regions of knowledge" (FP6-2004-KNOW-REG-2). Proposals are invited to promote better regional investment in research through mutual learning, coordination and collaboration between regional policies and initiatives. For more information

The 2004 EU Industrial Research Investment Scoreboard
The 2004 EU Industrial Research Investment Scoreboard

This first EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard has been produced as part of the research investment Action Plan. The Scoreboard lists the research investments of the top 500 EU and top 500 non-EU corporate R&D investors. To access the publication

4th IRE Plenary Conference - final agenda
4th IRE Plenary Conference - final agenda

The final version of the agenda for the 4th IRE Plenary Conference, which will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 7-8 June 2005, is available.

Consultation on Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
Consultation on Competitiveness and Innovation Programme

The European Commission has launched a stakeholder consultation on the proposed framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation (CIP), which would support competitiveness and innovation in the single market. For further information

'Regional innovation in Europe' December 2004 available
'Regional innovation in Europe' December 2004 available

The December 2004 issue of the 'Regional Innovation in Europe' magazine, which focuses on innovation in the service sector, is now available. To access it

8th European Competitiveness Report published
8th European Competitiveness Report published

The European Commission has published the 8th "European Competitiveness Report", which gives extensive information on productivity, innovation and R&D in EU Member States. To download it

Project on organisational restructuring - search for partners
Project on organisational restructuring - search for partners

The County of Aarhus, Denmark, is searching for partners to join a project proposal on management change and organisational restructuring. If you are interested

Minutes from IRE workshop on innovation financing
Minutes from IRE workshop on innovation financing

The minutes from the IRE workshop ‘Innovation Financing on the Regional Level’, as well as the presentations, are now available. To access them

New Trend Chart website
New Trend Chart website

A new website has been launched for the European Trend Chart on Innovation, which provides a better overview and easier access to information about innovation policies in Europe. To visit the site


An INTERREG IIIC Forum will take place in Rotterdam on 6 December 2004. The Forum will focus on how to run successful INTERREG IIIC operation and results obtained so far. For further information

Innovation strategy for Latvia available
Innovation strategy for Latvia available

The innovation strategy and respective action plan for Latvia have recently been completed. To access the strategy

'Entrepreneurial innovation: networking key players and users' call for proposals
'Entrepreneurial innovation: networking key players and users' call for proposals

The call for proposals 'Entrepreneurial innovation: networking key players and users' has been launched by the European Commission. The call relates to sectors, clusters and networking of innovation actors by sector. For further details

Call for applications for 'INSME Award'
Call for applications for 'INSME Award'

INSME - International Networks for SMEs - has launched a call for applications for the 'INSME Award', a prize that will be assigned to intermediaries or their networks in order to acknowledge the success or the importance of the activities and initiatives they have undertaken at international, regional, national or sub-national level to promote innovation in SMEs. For further information

'Stepping up economic and technological intelligence' call for proposals
'Stepping up economic and technological intelligence' call for proposals

The European Commission has published a call for proposals for 'Stepping up economic and technological intelligence' under the 'Research and Innovation' thematic priority of the Sixth Framework Programme. The deadline for submitting project proposals is 10 February 2005. To see the full details of the call

Fourth European Forum for Innovative Enterprises, 5-7 December 2004
Fourth European Forum for Innovative Enterprises, 5-7 December 2004

The '4th European Forum for Innovative Enterprises' will bring together high-level European innovation policy makers, researchers and practitioners to present and debate the latest policy ideas, opportunities and challenges for a more innovative and competitive Europe. For more information

Report on innovation management in a knowledge-driven economy
Report on innovation management in a knowledge-driven economy

A report has been published by Enterprise DG on Innovation Management Techniques (IMTs) that aim to improve competitiveness, in particular with a focus on knowledge as an important part of the innovation process. To access the fulll report

Entrepreneurship Action Plan
Entrepreneurship Action Plan

The European Commission has published an Action Plan which establishes five strategic priority areas setting out Europe’s agenda for entrepreneurship, as well as a series of key actions. To access the Action Plan

IRE workshop on innovation financing
IRE workshop on innovation financing

An IRE workshop entitled 'Innovation financing at regional level' will take place in Prague on 15-16 November 2004. The event will present successful innovation financing schemes as well as schemes to match entrepreneurs and investors. For further information

Epirus call for project partners
Epirus call for project partners

The region of Epirus - North Western Greece is looking for partners for an INTERREG IIIC project focusing on sustainable rural development, and for an EQUAL II project dealing with tourism, in particular rural tourism, and emigrants. For further information about the call for partners

Intellectual property in public research organisations
Intellectual property in public research organisations

The European Commission has published a report entitled ‘Management of intellectual property in publicly-funded research organisations: Towards European guidelines’. The document identifies processes, good practices and the implications of a more active involvement in the innovation process through the management of IPR. To access the report

Report on improving university spin-out performance
Report on improving university spin-out performance

Too few UK university spin-outs become successful businesses, claims a study. The success rates could, however, greatly increased if universities were more aware of what promots successful spin-out activity. To access the study

Entrepreneurship Action Plan
Entrepreneurship Action Plan

The European Commission has published an Action Plan which establishes five strategic priority areas setting out Europe’s agenda for entrepreneurship, as well as a series of key actions. To access the Action Plan


The Info Day, which is to be held in Krakow on 6 September, will inform about the current open call for proposals of the INTERREG IIIC East programme, and will offer participants the opportunity to learn about the programme’s funding and procedures. For further information,

Conference ‘Baltic Dynamics 2004’
Conference ‘Baltic Dynamics 2004’

The conference will be organised on 9-12 September in Riga and will address topics such as the development of innovation systems, co-operation between networks supporting entrepreneurship, access to venture capital, business incubators, and technology transfer. For further information

Service Charter of the IRE Secretariat
Service Charter of the IRE Secretariat

The Service Charter of the IRE Secretariat describes the kind of support the Secretariat provides to IRE member regions and other actors involved in regional innovation strategies. To access the Service Charter

Mid-term evaluation of the INTERREG programme
Mid-term evaluation of the INTERREG programme

A mid-term evaluation of the INTERREG programme has been published. The document contains experience and practices from which many lessons can be learned. To access the report

CRESCENDO final conference
CRESCENDO final conference

The final conference of CRESCENDO, the IRE Thematic Network dealing with innovation finance, will take place on 9 - 10 September in Cork, Ireland. For more information about the conference

Guidelines for future EU policy to support research
Guidelines for future EU policy to support research

The European Commission has launched the discussion on the 7th Framework Programme with a communication entitled 'Science and technology, the key to Europe's future'. To access the communicatoin

Fourth INTERREG IIIC call for proposals launched
Fourth INTERREG IIIC call for proposals launched

The North, East and West zones of INTERREG IIIC launched their fourth call for project proposals on 14 June 2004. In the South zone, the third call for proposals is still open for Regional Framework Operations (RFO) only. For more information

Silesia's Regional Innovation Strategy available
Silesia's Regional Innovation Strategy available

The Polish RIS Silesia project has resulted in a Regional Innovation Strategy covering the years 2003 - 2013. To read the strategy

Regional Innovation Strategy for Wielkopolska
Regional Innovation Strategy for Wielkopolska

The Polish region of Wielkopolska has developed a regional innovation strategy within the framework of its RIS project. To access the strategy

Regional Innovation in Europe May 2004 issue published
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2004 issue published

The May 2004 issue of the "Regional Innovation in Europe" magazine is now published. To access the publication

Presentations from Industrial Regions group available
Presentations from Industrial Regions group available

The presentations from the meeting of the Industrial Regions group on 17 - 18 May are now available. To access them

Presentations from IRE workshop in Cyprus available
Presentations from IRE workshop in Cyprus available

The presentations from the IRE workshop "Implementation and monitoring of Regional Innovation Strategies" in Cyprus on 13-14 May are now available. To access them

IRE Thematic Network brochure available
IRE Thematic Network brochure available

The brochure "Thematic Networks - Sharing our experiences", which has recently been published by the IRC-IRE Central Unit, describes selected outcomes from the 14 IRE Thematic Networks. To access it

Second INTERACT call for proposals published
Second INTERACT call for proposals published

INTERACT aims to exploit experience and knowledge from INTERREG activities to benefit INTERREG III. The current call is open for projects on transfer of experience and good practice, and development of collaboration tools between EU 15 and the New Member States. Deadline for proposal submission is 15 July. For more information

Regional Innovation Strategy of Slovenia
Regional Innovation Strategy of Slovenia

Slovenia has finalised its innovation strategy, developed within its Regional Innovation Strategy project, in April 2004. To download the strategy

European Awards for Regional Innovation
European Awards for Regional Innovation

Nine regions have received Regional Policy DG's 'European Awards for Regional Innovation' for projects included in their Regional Programmes for Innovative Actions. For further information on the winners

International Conference on Rapid Product Development
International Conference on Rapid Product Development

CIRTES, European Centre for Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling, is organising a conference on Rapid Product Development on 3-4 June 2004 in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France. Interested participants as well as potential speakers are welcome to register. For more information

Public consultation on European Innovation Action Plan
Public consultation on European Innovation Action Plan

The European Commission is preparing an Innovation Action Plan, which aims to improve competitiveness, productivity, added value and growth of European business. The Commission invites all relevant stakeholders to put forward comments and suggestions to the Plan. To do this

Conference on development of regional innovation strategies
Conference on development of regional innovation strategies

Organised by several Polish national and regional entities in Poznan on 14-17 June 2004, this event encompasses exchange of experience on the development of regional innovation strategies, as well as a fair exhibition with stands from Polish and other European regions. For more information

Conference "Next business generation"
Conference "Next business generation"

The region of Stuttgart is organising a conference about the successful transfer of companies to a younger generation on 17-18 May 2004. For further information

IRE workshop "Implementing and monitoring Regional Innovation Strategies"
IRE workshop "Implementing and monitoring Regional Innovation Strategies"

The IRC-IRE Central Unit and RIS Cyprus are organising this workshop in Cyprus on 13-14 May 2004. For further information

IRE Partner search session
IRE Partner search session

The IRC-IRE Central Unit is organising a Partner search session in Brussels on 2 April 2004 for regional stakeholders planning to submit proposals to the call "Regional Innovation Policies". For more information

Regional Innovation Policies call for proposals published
Regional Innovation Policies call for proposals published

The Commission has published the call "Regional Innovation Policies, including new tools and approaches". The deadline for project proposals is 16 June 2004. For further information

Third report on economic and social cohesion in Europe
Third report on economic and social cohesion in Europe

The third report on economic and social cohesion produced by Regional Policy DG summarises the impact so far and the vision for the future of Europe's policy to reduce disparities and promote greater economic, social and territorial cohesion. To access the report

INTERREG IIIC call for proposals published
INTERREG IIIC call for proposals published

The third INTERRG IIIC call for proposals was published on 8 March 2004. The last day for submission of proposals is 30 April 2004. For further information

Presentations from IRE workshop on clusters available
Presentations from IRE workshop on clusters available

The presentations from the IRC-IRE workshop "Clusters as a driver of innovation at regional level", which took place in Pescara on 26-27 February 2004, are now available on the IRE website. To access them

Europe in the Creative Age
Europe in the Creative Age

A report published by the London-based thin tank DEMOS, says that a "creative crescent" of northern European countries is challenging the economic power of the United States and "old Europe". The study ranks European countries according to their creative potential, i.e. talent, technology and tolerance. To access the full report

Pre-announcement of INTERACT second call for proposals
Pre-announcement of INTERACT second call for proposals

The INTERACT programme seeks to exploit the experience and knowledge from INTERREG activities to benefit INTERREG III. A second INTERACT call for proposals, including activities such as comparative studies of INTERREG activities, exchange of experience and best practice, and training activities, will be published early May 2004. An Info Day about the forthcoming call will be held in Brussels on 29 April 2004. For further information

BASAN Final report available
BASAN Final report available

The final report of the IRE Thematic Network BASAN - Baltic Sea Agro-Industrial Network - is now available. To access it

BIGEAR good practice examples
BIGEAR good practice examples

The BIGEAR network aims to understand and promote good practice in achieving business innovation and growth from the exploitation of academic research. After two years of activities, the network reveals a set of good practice examples selected from members' experience. For further information

Dates for INTERREG IIIC call for proposals fixed
Dates for INTERREG IIIC call for proposals fixed

The third INTERREG IIIC call for proposals will be launched on 8 March 2004, with a deadline for submission of applications on 30 April 2004. A Partner Search Forum will take place on 8-9 March 2004. For more information

"IRE Network News" January 2004 available
"IRE Network News" January 2004 available

The January 2004 issue of the "IRE Network News" is now available. To access it

METROPOLIS newsletter now available
METROPOLIS newsletter now available

You can now access the last newsletter produced by METROPOLIS. This IRE Thematic Network focuses on innovation in Large Metropolitan areas. To download it

INTERREG IIIC Partner Search Forum 8-9 March 2004
INTERREG IIIC Partner Search Forum 8-9 March 2004

The INTERREG IIIC programme is organising a partner search forum in Berlin on 8-9 March 2004. The forum is open to local and regional representatives from the 25 countries of the wider Europe. For more information

Meeting of national networks of innovating regions
Meeting of national networks of innovating regions

The co-ordinators of four national networks of innovating regions met in Florence in December 2003 to exchange experience and discuss collaboration. To access the minutes and the presentations

CRO-BO-BU-CO handbook available
CRO-BO-BU-CO handbook available

A handbook summarising the results and findings of the IRE Thematic Network CRO-BO-BU-CO - Cross-Border Business Co-operation between EU and NAC regions - is now available. To access it

Call for tenders on successful cluster strategies
Call for tenders on successful cluster strategies

The European Commission's Research DG has launched a call for tenders on successful cluster strategies in European regions with relevance to research and development policy. For more information

Industrial Districts and Clustering for Innovation
Industrial Districts and Clustering for Innovation

The December 2003 issue of the Euroabstracts publication reviews the role and importance of the Italian industrial districts. To access the publication

Event on clusters, Abruzzo, 26-27 February 2004
Event on clusters, Abruzzo, 26-27 February 2004

The IRC-IRE Central Unit and the region of Abruzzo are organising a workshop to examine how successful clusters have been created and supported in selected regions. To download the agenda and the registration form

PARTNER methodological guides available
PARTNER methodological guides available

Methodological guides for Stage 0 and Stage 1 of a Regional Innovation Strategy project, prepared by the IRE Thematic Network PARTNER, are available. To download them

STRINNOP guidebook available
STRINNOP guidebook available

The IRE Thematic Network STRINNOP has published a guidebook summarising its final results. To access the guidebook

Minutes of the Industrial Regions Meeting
Minutes of the Industrial Regions Meeting

The minutes of the Industrial Regions Meeting held in Bergamo on 20-21 November are now available. To access them

Some key issues in Europe's competitiveness - towards an integrated approach
Some key issues in Europe's competitiveness - towards an integrated approach

This communication from the European Commission covers competitiveness policy, challenges and developments as well as how to better address competitiveness issues. For a copy of the report

Innovation Scoreboard 2003
Innovation Scoreboard 2003

The Innovation Scoreboard for 2003 is now available and contains indicators at a regional level. To view the scoreboard

The Brain Drain Study
The Brain Drain Study

This study into the movement of European scientists and engineers within Europe, to the US and elsewhere describes and measures the consequences of the brain drain/brain gain phenomenon within Europe. For a summary

Key Figures 2003-2004 Report
Key Figures 2003-2004 Report

Research DG's "Key Figures 2003-2004" report provides information on Europe's investment and performance in science, technology and innovation. It indicates a slowdown in the EU's transition towards a knowledge-based economy. To view the report

STRINNOP Newsletter 3 available
STRINNOP Newsletter 3 available

The third newsletter of the Thematic Network STRINNOP is now available. To access it

Trend Chart - Annual Report 2003
Trend Chart - Annual Report 2003

This document describes the current status of the Trend Chart's products and services, presents selected findings and previews further developments planned for next year. It offers a comprehensive overview of the Trend Chart and the evolution of the European innovation scene. To acces this report

The Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard 2003
The Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard 2003

The STI brings together the latest internationally comparable data on trends in the knowledge-based economy. It contains over 200 indicators covering four key areas, notably the creation and diffusion of knowledge; the information society; economic globalisation; and productivity and economic structure. For details on how to obtain the STI

CAFÉ Final report published
CAFÉ Final report published

The final report that describes the results of the IRE Thematic Network CAFÉ has been published. To access it

IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey results
IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey results

The first IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey was carried out in May 2003 to ascertain to what extent the services offered by the Central Unit met IRE members' needs. To access the results

ProWomEn good practice handbook
ProWomEn good practice handbook

A good practice handbook, summarising the findings of the Thematic Network ProWomEn, is now available. To access it

RIS-NAC awareness raising events
RIS-NAC awareness raising events

A series of events have been organised in eight EU candidate countries, which will illustrate how regions can benefit from developing a Regional Innovation Strategy and provide information on the forthcoming call for proposals for RIS projects in candidate countries. For more details

Enterprise Clusters and Networks
Enterprise Clusters and Networks

To consult the Final Report of the Expert Group on Enterprise Clusters and Networks, produced in the framework of DG Enterprise's multi-annual project for enterprise and entrepreneurship

University of Florence search for partners
University of Florence search for partners

The University of Florence and the region of Tuscany are looking for partners for a project proposal to be submitted under FP6. The project will focus on the creation of an innovation culture in the emerging knowledge society. For more information

Report on management experience from the IRE Thematic Networks
Report on management experience from the IRE Thematic Networks

The Central Unit has prepared a report on the experience of IRE Thematic Networks in the running and animation of a transnational network, in areas such as project management, network activities, use of results, and monitoring and evaluation. To access the report

Novel handbook on innovation process
Novel handbook on innovation process

TECTRA, an EU project based in Spain, Finland and France, has developed a novel handbook aimed at coaching young innovators and small businesses during all phases of the innovation process i.e. from the initial awareness of the business environment and own core competencies, to the final implementation and development of business activities. For more information about this free handbook

Methodological workshop
Methodological workshop

The third PARTNER methodological workshop (including the work of the Focus Groups) will take place on 8-10 October 2003 in Silesia, Poland. For more information

Innovation policy in seven candidate countries: the challenges
Innovation policy in seven candidate countries: the challenges

According to this report, written at the request of DG Enterprise, innovation capabilities in the candidate countries still lag somewhat behind those within the 15 current Member States. The report, which focuses on Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Turkey, is targeted towards policy makers, enterprises and researchers within the EU and applicant countries, and provides suggestions for policy approaches aimed at promoting innovation levels. To view the report

Innovative actions awards
Innovative actions awards

DG Regional Policy has launched a competition to identify the most innovative projects currently being implemented within the framework of the ERDF regional programmes of innovative actions. The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2003. For further information

Report: An Agenda for a Growing Europe
Report: An Agenda for a Growing Europe

A recently published report has outlined a path for growth in Europe, which emphasises the importance of innovation, research and higher education in order to transform Europe into an innovation-based economy. For a copy of the report

Rome "Regions of Knowledge" search for partners
Rome "Regions of Knowledge" search for partners

The University of Rome is searching for partners for a proposal under the "Regions of Knowledge" pilot action. For more information

INTERREG III C East workshop for lead applicants and individual consultations
INTERREG III C East workshop for lead applicants and individual consultations

The aim of this workshop, which will be held in Regensburg (DE) on 2 and 3 September 2003, is to support Lead Applicants and provide guidance on the application procedure for the INTERREG IIIC programme. Individual consultations will be possible by appointment. For more information

"Regions of knowledge" call for proposals
"Regions of knowledge" call for proposals

A call for proposals has been launched for the "Regions of knowledge" pilot action initiated by the European Parliament. The call will support regional actions in the areas of technological development, co-operation between universities, and research at a regional level. The deadline for submission of proposals is 17 September 2003. For more information

CAFÉ Newsletter 4 available
CAFÉ Newsletter 4 available

The fourth newsletter of the IRE Thematic Network CAFÉ is available. To access a copy

Information meeting: Regions of Knowledge Pilot Actions
Information meeting: Regions of Knowledge Pilot Actions

The agenda and presentations from this meeting, which was held on 24 July 2003 in Brussels, are now available. To access them

New EC publication: Entrepreneurial Innovation in Europe
New EC publication: Entrepreneurial Innovation in Europe

The European Commission has just published a report on innovation policies, which outlines a European model for smart innovation policy. It is designed to help policy makers strengthen Europe's innovation capacity through the introduction of effective, targeted legislation and social measures. For more info

Final conferences of the IRE Thematic Networks
Final conferences of the IRE Thematic Networks

The IRE Thematic Networks are preparing a series of open conferences where they will present the main findings from the work carried out over the last 20 months. These events will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about good practices developed in Europe to promote regional innovation. To access information about the first six final conferences of the Thematic Networks

"Regions of Knowledge" pilot action
"Regions of Knowledge" pilot action

DG Research is launching a pilot action entitled "Regions of Knowledge", which seeks to support regional measures to promote the establishment of "regions of knowledge" in the field of technological development and regional-level cooperation among universities and researchers. An information meeting will be held on 24 July 2003 in Brussels. For more info

Tuscany search for partners for ERA-NET proposal
Tuscany search for partners for ERA-NET proposal

Tuscany is searching for partners for a planned ERA-NET proposal under the priority of Food Quality and Safety. It will include issues such as food traceability, regional support to innovation in the food sector and links between agro-food SMEs and universities. For more information

Call for speakers on Business Intelligence (BI)
Call for speakers on Business Intelligence (BI)

VERITE is organising a conference entitled - For intelligent organisations: methods and tools of business intelligence. The event will analyse the potential of BI for organisations and examine how to take BI initiatives one step further. If you would like to submit a paper

INTERREG IIIC Information Day for New Member States
INTERREG IIIC Information Day for New Member States

Regions and cities from new EU Member States will be eligible as partners in the second INTERREG IIIC call for proposals. This information day on 30 June 2003 in Györ, Hungary, will inform actors in Accession Countries about INTERREG IIIC programme project and funding opportunities. For more information

Forum designed to boost European knowledge-based economy
Forum designed to boost European knowledge-based economy

The main focus of the European knowledge management forum is to establish and maintain an effective support infrastructure throughout Europe for the coordination of research activities, as well as for formal and informal networking

Regional dimension of the ERA web page
Regional dimension of the ERA web page

A new page on CORDIS, dedicated to the Regional Dimension of the European Research Area, containing important policy documents, details of relevant studies and information about R&D activities with regional relevance. It also contains several useful links to other related policy areas and initiatives, as well as details of forthcoming events and recent developments

3rd report on the implementation of the European Charter for SMEs
3rd report on the implementation of the European Charter for SMEs

The EU Member States and the European Commission have made the commitment through the European Charter for Small Enterprises to actively support and promote small enterprises in ten key areas. The implementation report from 2003 summarises how the EU lives up to its commitment, and illustrates good practice examples from Member States

Future of regional policy: a study on outermost regions and islands
Future of regional policy: a study on outermost regions and islands

The European Commission presented the findings of a study of islands and the so-called group of "outermost regions". The report highlights the special development problems faced by these regions. For further information

Communication "Investing in research: an action plan for Europe"
Communication "Investing in research: an action plan for Europe"

Adopted by the European Commission on 30 April 2003, this action plan is aimed at increasing investment in European R&D in order to approach 3% of GDP by 2010. To access it

3rd European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003
3rd European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003

This report containing Science and Technology indicators has been published, and can be commanded from the EC's Publication Office. Highlights and an overview of the report are available

Suggestions for ERA-NET proposals
Suggestions for ERA-NET proposals

The European Commission has published a document with suggestions concerning the preparation of an ERA-NET Co-ordination Action. The document includes points to be considered and mistakes to be avoided. To access it

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