About the Regional Innovation Strategies

The development and implementation of regional innovation strategies is a core activity of IRE member regions. The majority of the IRE regions have undertaken Regional Innovation Strategy projects co-funded by the European Commission. Regional innovation strategy documents produced by IRE member regions, as well as summaries produced by the IRE Secretariat, are available here and can be accessed:

Descriptions of regional innovation schemes, i.e. individual actions carried out to promote innovation, can be accessed in the Schemes database.

In order to support the development of regional innovation strategies, the IRE Secretariat has developed methodological guides which give practical advice.


Top downloads during the last


  1. RIS Lower Austria web pages, that include the RIS final report and action plan
  2. RIS Englands Northwest - summary fiche
  3. Final report
  4. RITTS Rhône-Alpes: summary fiche
  5. RITTS Ireland: summary fiche

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