The Trend Chart on Innovation in Europe

The Trend Chart is a practical tool for innovation policy makers and managers in Europe. It provides information, statistics and analysis, at national and Community level, on innovation policies, performances trends and supports the exchange of good practice. The Trend Chart, which is an operation of Enterprise DG, includes three main building blocks:
  • A survey of innovation policy to collect and analyse information on innovation policy measures in Europe
  • The European Innovation Scoreboard
  • A series of benchmarking workshops for exchange of experience and identification of ‘good practice’
The Trend Chart includes a database of innovation policy measures in 33 countries. The measures are classified in the following categories:
  • Fostering an innovation culture (education and training, mobility of students/researchers/teachers, raising public awareness, promotion of clustering and co-operation for innovation, etc)
  • Establishing a framework conducive to innovation (competition, protection of IPR, financing, taxation, etc)
  • Gearing research to innovation (strengthening company research, start-up of technology-based companies, research – company collaboration, absorption of technologies by SMEs, etc)
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  1. RIS Lower Austria web pages, that include the RIS final report and action plan
  2. RIS Englands Northwest - summary fiche
  3. Final report
  4. RITTS Rhône-Alpes: summary fiche
  5. RITTS Ireland: summary fiche

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