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Browse Schemes

List of Schemes by Country
  • Alise – the Alps IT Service Network
  • Alpine Wellness Cluster
  • Business Ideas Competition GENIUS
  • departure - wirtschaft, kunst und kultur
  • Expert Forum on Innovation
  • Innovation Assessment Methodology Lower Austria
  • Innovation Assistant Programme
  • NÖBEG Pre-Seed Model
  • STRINNOP – Strengthening the Regional Innovation Profile
  • Technology Model tecnet
  • Technopol Programme
  • TechnoScope Programme
  • The Business Woman Centre
  • The Innovation Check
  • TIP – Technology and Innovation Partner
  • Upper Austrian cluster initiatives
  • Young Researchers Programme
  • 5-Step model – transforming ideas to concrete business
  • Cluster Policy in Flanders
  • Co-operative Innovation Networks - CIN
  • Démarre la Recherche d'une Entreprise A ta Mesure – DREAM
  • FIRST Scheme in Wallonia - staff exchange
  • Flanders DRIVE
  • Research Days and Scientific Adventures Park in Wallonia
  • Technological Cluster Programme
  • TETRA fund for technology transfer
  • The Company Coaching Scheme (PLATO)
  • Wallonia to the Future – A Foresight Process
  • Young Entrepreneurs in Cyprus
  • The industrial PhD programme
  • Estonian Competence Centre Programme
  • Reserve foresight in Estonia
  • SPINNO - A Programme to Increase the Commercialisation of R&D Results
  • Finnish Centres of Expertise Programme
  • InnoTULI Evaluates the Commercial Potential of Innovations
  • Innovation sessions
  • Regional Foresight in Uusimaa
  • The BioneXt Life Science Initiative
  • The eTampere Information Society Development
  • TKK Entrepreneurs Program
  • Travel Park Incubator Network
  • TUPAS - Research Services for SMEs
  • Wedeco Seed Fund
  • CIFRE Staff Exchange Programme
  • CREALYS Incubator (Rhône-Alpes, France)
  • French Law on Innovation and Research
  • GRAiN Incubator (ante creation)
  • J'innove in North-Pas de Calais - innovation network and portal
  • Nanobio – Innovation pole in micro and nanotechnologies for life sciences and health
  • Présence Rhône-Alpes
  • PRIDES - Regional Clusters for an equitable economic development
  • Regional platform for bilateral knowledge transfer between science and business in Alsace
  • The City of Sciences and Industry
  • Training for SME innovation project mangers – Innovation correspondents
  • “EISS” - Entrepreneurs Innovation Summer School
  • BAV - Business Angel Venture
  • Centre for Applied Nanotechnology - CAN GmbH (Hamburg, Germany)
  • Connected by the Web - Virtual networks for women entrepreneurs
  • FIR_st - Forum IT-Region Stuttgart Reinforcing the IT-economy
  • Fostering knowledge-based entrepreneurship - GründerRegio M e. V.
  • Increasing innovation competence in German SMEs (PRO INNO)
  • Interregional Alliances for Tomorrow’s Markets – “Innovationsforen”
  • KEIMforum e.V. – A model for company start-ups
  • Patent-Exploitation-Agency (PVA)
  • Primanager business game for students
  • Promoting innovative R&D networks in Germany - the InnoNet programme
  • Promoting the implementation of ICT in small firms - Mittelstandsoffensive
  • PUSH! A Network of Partners to Support University-based Start-ups
  • Starterzentrum encourages future entrepreneurs on the Saarland University campus
  • Stuttgart Region Competence and Innovation Centres
  • The foresight pilot project within "Research Generates Jobs - Future for Mecklenburg - Vorprommern"
  • TuTech Innovation (Hamburg, Germany)
  • TWIN (Two Women Win)
  • Youth for Innovation
  • Greek Benchmarking Centre
  • UNISTEP – UNIversity STudents Entrepreneurship Programme
  • University Student Entrepreneurship (UNISTEP): generating technological projects for commercialisation
  • The Project Generation Facility
  • Commercialisation Fund
  • Design Shannon – Design for Innovation
  • Foresight Audit in the Border Midland and Western Region of Ireland
  • High Potential Start-ups
  • Innovation Partnerships Initiative
  • Shannon Region Knowledge Network
  • Technology Transfer Initiative (TTI)
  • TecNet - the Technology Network
  • Business Lab
  • Emilia-Romagna High-Tech Network: The Regional Network for Industrial Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer
  • I TECH-OFF – Information TECHnology spin-OFF
  • IMPAT/SPINTA – Promotion of High-technology Based Firms / Services for the Promotion of New Advanced Technology Based Firms
  • Ingenium – the first Italian public-private seed fund
  • Net Labs - Regional Laboratory Network Projects
  • The High Tech Cluster for Nanotechnology in Veneto
  • The INFM Spin Off Programme
  • The Region Lazio Innovation Scoreboard – RLIS
  • Tuscany’s Innovation Strategies to Preserve Cultural Heritage
  • Fund of Funds in the Venture Capital Sector Supporting SMEs
  • Increasing researchers’ skills in cardiology
  • Chemical Cluster in Limburg – A Driver for Innovation
  • Research Voucher Scheme
  • Technology Circle Twente (TKT)
  • The TOP programme at University of Twente
  • “TRANSFORM – Ideas into Businesses” Programme
  • Centro Tecnologico de Automocion de Galicia (Galician Automotive Technology Centre)
  • Cross-Border BioValley
  • Cross-border Medicon Valley
  • EMERTEC Gestion Seed fund
  • Growlink
  • Horizon Programme (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
  • INNACT – a programme to support innovation and reduce technology gaps
  • Innovation Advisory service – Open Innovation
  • Link Up
  • MATRIX, Northern Ireland’s science industry panel (NI)
  • Sweden Cleantech Incubators
  • The OMNIPACK Cluster – Cooperation for Innovation
  • Brokering Research Competence (Rogaland, Norway)
  • The FORNY programme
  • E-Klaster – The Malopolska IT Cluster
  • ISKRA - Lower Silesian Online System of Creating Innovative Activity
  • LORIS TEX - Transformation of textile and clothing industry
  • FAME – Support Fund for Micro Companies
  • Road Show for Entrepreneurship
  • FDI Cost-Sharing Grant Scheme
  • Marketing Innovation in Slovenia
  • Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia (TCS)
  • FonsInnocat & Highgrowth-Innovation Venture Capital Funds
  • Innovation Circles in Madrid - The Link between Researchers and Companies
  • LEGITE Programme – Excellence and Generalization of Innovation in Companies in Castilla y León
  • Madr&d - the Regional Information and Technological Promotion System of Madrid
  • madri+d OEBT (madri+d Office of the Technology-Based Entrepreneur)
  • NEOTEC - creation and consolidation of technology-based firms
  • OTRI – the Spanish Network of University Knowledge Transfer Offices
  • Promotion of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation Act
  • Quasi Enterprise Programme
  • Research and Innovation Plan for Catalonia
  • Risk capital funds in the Basque Country
  • SECOT - Seniors Españoles para la Cooperación Técnica
  • Technology and Knowledge Transfer Programme (Madrid, Spain)
  • Tourism Cluster
  • Academics in Companies - building academic/business links in Northern Sweden
  • Aluminiumriket
  • Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship, CSE
  • Clusters and Networks in Värmland
  • Drivhuset (Hothouse)
  • Flashes of Genius (Snilleblixtarna)
  • Forska & Väx (Research & Grow)
  • Innovation for young people
  • STING – Stockholm Innovation & Growth AB
  • The Fiber Optic Valley
  • The 'Industrial Dynamics' network facilitating knowledge transfer
  • TUFF - Technology Transfer for SMEs in Sweden
  • Venture Cup
  • VINNVÄXT - Growth Through Dynamic Innovation Systems
  • VINNVINN Gothenburg
  • Visanu - National Programme for the Development of Innovation Systems and Clusters
United Kingdom
  • BIG - Raising the Awareness of SMEs about the Opportunities and Possibilities within Knowledge Economy
  • Bolton Technical Innovation Centre
  • Bridging the Equity Gap from SME in Scotland
  • Cardiff's Observatory of Innovation
  • Centres of Industrial Collaboration
  • CLIK – Technology Transfer Office
  • Connect Midlands
  • Connect Yorkshire's Investor Readiness Programme
  • Creating and Accessing New Markets
  • DiagnOx – Supporting Technology Transfer in Diagnostics Technology
  • East Midlands Incubation Network (EMIN)
  • Enterprise Fellowship - Encourages Commercialisation of Research
  • Finance initiatives in West Midlands
  • Finance Wales
  • Foresight North-East
  • gateway2investment – Reducing Investment Gaps in London
  • Innovation Culture in Wales
  • Innovation Culture in Western Scotland
  • Innovation Networks for product, process and service innovation
  • Innovative Licences and Technologies project
  • Interface – the knowledge connection for business
  • ISIS Innovation of the University of Oxford
  • Know-How Wales
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
  • Master of Enterprise educates students about knowledge and technology transfer
  • MediaLab project
  • Merseyside Special Investment Fund
  • OION - Oxfordshire Investment Opportunity Network
  • SEEDA Enterprise Hub Programme
  • SMART Scotland – Small Firm Merit Award for Research and Technology
  • The Business Fellow Network (Knowledge Transfer through Brokering)
  • The High Growth Start-Up Programme
  • The Knowledge Dock
  • The London Entrepreneurs’ Challenge - business competition
  • The Pembrokeshire Lottery
  • The Proof of Concept Programme
  • The UK UCSF - University Challenge Seed Fund
  • Trading Up – supporting community enterprise
  • Venturefest – International Fair for Entrepreneurs
  • Western Innovation Network supporting innovation in micro businesses
  • WestFocus Helps Businesses to Access University Resources and Expertise
  • WIN - Women Into the Network
  • Xénos – Wales Business Angels Network

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