Library Map
Legend: red links - category titles, black text - list of documents within this category
- IRE Network
- Network Events
- Plenary Meetings
Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Meeting, Brussels, 22-23 June 1998
- Proceedings of the Innovating Regions in Europe Annual Meeting
- Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Meeting, Madrid, 15-16 June 2000
Speeches and presentations
- Achievements and Recommendations to the current innovation strategies RITTS
- Development of a Regional Policy Measures Resource
- IRE tools: thematic subgroups, CEEC information days, website
- National Networks, the Hellenic RITTS-RIS association
- New call for Proposals to support Regional Innovation Strategies
- Promotion of Innovation: political orientations and pilot actions
- Regional Innovation Measures under the Innovation and SME Programme
- Regional Innovation Policy under the new Structural Funds
- RITTS Madrid and "Red Iberia" first achievements
- RITTS Madrid and "Red Iberia" first achievements - English
- RITTS Madrid and "Red Iberia" first achievements - Spanish
- The new structure of the IRC and IRE Networks: the IRC-IRE Central Unit
- Conference Proceedings
Speeches and presentations
- Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Meeting, Stratford-upon-Avon, 17-18 June 2002
- Agenda
- Presentations
Plenary session Monday 17th June 2002
- Innovating in Thessaly: The European Dimension
- Innovation 2000 Initiative: complementary funding for Innovation
- IRE: Achievements and future perspectives
- New ways of introducing innovation in regional programmes
- RIS+ outcomes
- RIS+ outcomes: West Midlands
Plenary session Tuesday 18th June 2002
- Concluding remarks
- IRE Network: assistance services
- Outcomes from Parallel session 1
- Outcomes from parallel session 2
- RINNO: the resource base for regional innovation
Parallel session 1: New prospects for innovation in the regions
- Innovation strategies: driving regions to adopt foresight
- Measuring regional innovation capability
- Trans-regional Innovation Schemes in the European Research and Innovation Area: new ways for co-operation
- Trend Chart and the European Innovation Scoreboard: Innovation Policy across Europe
Parallel session 2: Towards a new European regional policy after 2006
- A guide to cluster policy in less favoured regions
- Creating Smart Systems. A guide to cluster strategies in less favoured regions
- Innovation and social capital: why geography matters
- The Exaggerated Death of Geography: Localised Learning, Innovation and Uneven Development
- Why geography matters - key points in Kevin Morgan's approach
Plenary session Monday 17th June 2002
- List of participants
- Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Conference, Ljubljana, 7-8 June 2005
- Agenda Plenary Conference
- Presentations
Plenary session 7 June
- Coordinating programmes in favour of Business Innovation
- IRE Secretariat services and activities of the IRE network
- Regional innovation in the context of future cohesion policy
- The future of regional innovation policy in the EU
- The role of the IRE network in the future innovation policy: New actions and services
Parallel session 1: New Innovation projects: New IRE projects and networking between industrial clusters
- Developing a regional innovation strategy in a trans-national partnership
- Networking between industrial clusters
- Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects - Presentation of a project including previous experience
- Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects - Project overview and the Commission's long-term objectives
- Support action to RIS-NAC processes - Project overview
Parallel session 2: Regional strategies for the promotion of start-ups: The PAXIS experience
- Barcelona and the European Day of the Entrepreneur
- Excellence in the transfer and adaptation of innovation policies: Emilia Romagna
- Overview and achievements of the PAXIS initiative
- SPRING in the Stuttgart Region: learning with strong partners through PAXIS
Parallel session 3: Regional Programmes of ERDF Innovative Actions
- Activities and achievements of the ERIK network
- Lorraine's Innovative Actions programme: Implementing regional innovation activities
- Madeira's Innovative Actions programme: Developing a regional strategic framework for innovation support
Parallel session 4: Regional innovation financing - Improving the financial environment for start-ups
- Gate2Growth
- Latvian Venture Capital start aid programme
- Micro-loans and other instruments for start-up companies in Finland
- The revolving fund of the TOP programme
Parallel session 5: Presentation of IRE Working Groups
- WG 1 'Coopoeration and partnership between business and science'
- WG 2 'Regional clustering and networking'
- WG 3 'Mututal Learning Platforms for the regions'
- WG 4 'Industrial Regions'
Parallel session 6: Regions of Knowledge - key activities and achievements
- Baltic Sea Knowledge Region
- MaredFlow
- META Foresight
- The Regions of Knowledge initiative - Key activiites, achievements and prospects
Plenary session 8 June
- Conclusions from Parallel session 1
- Conclusions from Parallel session 3
- Conclusions from Parallel session 4
- Conclusions from Parallel session 5
Exhibitors' presentations
- CORDIS helping innovators: from information service to communication platform
Plenary session 7 June
- Minutes of the 4th IRE Plenary Conference
- Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Conference, Shannon, 24-25 May 2007
- 'Open sessions'
Open session 3: Importance of Intellectual Property for Regions and their Business Development - An Insight into the IP Rghts System
- ‘Open session’ 3 Agenda
- Discover the world of the IPR Helpdesk
- Importance of Intellectual Property for Regions and their Business Development – An Insight into the IP Rights System
Open session 2: Establishment of Innovation Hubs as part of a Regional Innovation System
- ‘Open session’ 2 Agenda
Open session 1: Schools as seeds for innovative regions
- ‘Open session’ 1 Agenda
Open session 3: Importance of Intellectual Property for Regions and their Business Development - An Insight into the IP Rghts System
Venue information
- Bus from Shannon airport to Ennis
- Venue information
- 5th IRE Plenary Conference Agenda
- Presentations
Plenary session: Innovation in Europe: Policy challenges and responses
- "Balearic Islands: Regional tourism development strategy" by Ms Marta Jacob
- "Benefits from networking within the Innovating Regions in Europe", by Mr James Dick
- "Constructing regional advantage from innovation systems", by Prof Philip Cooke
- "European policy boosting regional innovation performance", by Ms Francoise Le Bail
- "Limburg: Knowledge/Research vouchers" by Mr Jean Severijns
- "Madrid: Sistema Madri+d" by Mr Arturo Menedez
- "Networking opportunitites from the IRE Secretariat", by Ms Elzbieta Ksiazek
- "Networking opportunitites from the IRE Secretariat", by Ms Irma Priedl
- "Networking opportunitites from the IRE Secretariat", by Ms Márta Völgyiné Nadabán
- "Opening address", by Mr Kevin Thompstone
- "Yorkshire & Humber: Centres of Industrial Collaboration" by Mr Nicholas Marchetti
Parallel session 1: Setting the scene for innovation: governance and cross-border policy cooperation
- "Collaborative governance of regional innovation policy - Madrid", by Mr Arturo Menedez
- "Preparing joint programmes for trans-regional innovation governance - the INNO-DEAL project", by Ms Michela Michilli
- "Shaping regional development based on the Regional Innovation Strategy - Yorkshire and Humber", by Mr Reza Zadeh
Parallel session 2: Developing research-based clusters and growth poles
- "A cluster-based approach to R&D policy - the RICARDA project", by Mr Daniel Zwicker-Schwarm
- "Medicon Valley - A cross-border research-based cluster in Øresund", by Mr Stig Jørgensen
- "Strengthening innovation paths in automotive clusters", by Mr Rolf Reiner
Parallel session 3: Powering innovation policies with the help of the Structural Funds
- "Developing regional innovation measures in New Member States - expereinces from the 'Support Actions to RIS-NAC processes'", by Mr Andrea Di Anselmo
- "Streamlining regional innovation strategies with ERDF funding in Crete: 10 years experience", by Mr Artemis Saitakis
- "The implementation of Latvia's innovation strategy - benefits from the Structural Funds", by Mr Valdis Avotins
Parallel session 4: Assessing the concrete results of regional innovation policies
- "Evaluating impact of regional innovation strategies - the EMERIPA project", by Ms Begoña Sánchez
- "Measuring the impact of innovation policies in SMEs - the MERIPA project", by Dr Marko Torkkeli
- "Meeting the needs of regional policy makers in impact assessment - the ARISE project", by Ms Gabriella Fiori
- "The increasing importance of impact assessment in innovation policy making", by Mr Torsti Loikkanen
Parallel session 5: Creating innovative services - a key area for the knowledge economy
- "Combining creativity and technology - MFG Innovation", by Dr Jochen Betz
- "Enhancing innovation in the Balearic Islands' tourism sector", by Mr Marta Jacob
- "Innovation in the service sector - characteristics, barriers and policy challenges", by Mr Meirion Thomas
- "Options for service innovation policy in Ireland", by Dr Jos Evertsen
Parallel session 6: Alternatives to high-tech - innovative approaches for traditional sectors
- "Enhancing the regional economy through new products and services based on local resources", by Dr Dimitris Skalkos
- "Promoting access to innovation - the Shannon experience", by Brian Callanan
- "Promoting innovation and product development in a rural area", by Ms Rosa Onofre
- 'Tuscany - a regional innovation system based on art and food', by Prof Luciana Lazzaretti
Plenary session: Innovation in Europe: Policy challenges and responses
- Minutes of the 5th IRE Plenary Conference, Ennis
Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Meeting, Brussels, 22-23 June 1998
- Good practice workshops
Training sessions for the new RITTS/RIS, December 1996 – March 1997
- Lessons learned from Training Sessions for RITTS/RIS Managers - MERIT
SME needs analysis, Brussels, 29-30 May 1997
- Proceedings of the workshop on SME needs analysis
Clusters, Bilbao, 9-10 December 1997
- Report on the Workshop on Clusters
Facilitating SMEs' Access to Research, Cardiff, 14-15 December 1998
- Proceedings of the Facilitating SMEs Access to Research
Turning Analysis into Action, Mainz, 2-3 March 2000
- Turning analysis into action - Preliminary Programme
- Innovation Policy, Implementation and Innovation Audits, Potsdam, 27-28 September 2001
- Innovation and technology strategy of Brandenburg
- Innovation Audits in Hungary
- Innovation-Check
- Introduction to innovation and technology audits - Part 1
- Introduction to innovation and technology audits - Part 2
- Introduction to innovation and technology audits - Part 3
- Montage Innovation Process: West Midlands experience
- Promoting Technology audits in France
- Technology auditing in Slovakia
- Telematic audits in Madrid
- Transnational co-operation on innovation management techniques: the INNO-REGIO project
- Transnational innovation audit systems for SMEs
Agenda and background information
- Innovation policy, Implementation and Innovation Audits - Agenda
- Innovation policy, Implementation and Innovation Audits - Background information
IRE Newsletter article
- Article IRE electronic newsletter 32
- Regional Innovation Observatories and Technology Watch, Porto, 8-9 November 2001
- Economic Intelligence and Technology Watch Innovation Circles - a Regional Approach
- General Introduction Successful Technology Watching
- How SMEs Can Witness Technological Development
- Innovation Strategy in the East of England - Observatory and Foresight
- Promoting the use of Foresight for Regional Policy and Strategy Development
- Supporting foresight in an Enlarged European Union - Providing new Opportunities for Regional Innovation Observatories
- Technology Watch Experiences in the East of Spain
- Technology Watch to Small and Micro Companies: the IRC North East Italy IRENE Exercise
- The Regional Innovation Observatory in Central Macedonia
Agenda and background information
- Regional Innovation Observatories and Technology Watch - Agenda
- Regional Innovation Observatories and Technology Watch - Background information
- Regional innovation schemes to support RDI activities in SMEs, Valencia, 12-13 December 2002
Agenda and press release
- Agenda Valencia, 12-13.12.2002
- Press release: Boosting the innovation potential of Europe's SMEs
- Co-operation between research institutes and SMEs
- EU regional innovation policies: the experience of the IRE network
- From technology transfer to innovation consultancy: Case study AGIT
- Innovation in traditional sector SMEs in Toscana
- Outcomes of the PRICOVA project: action plan and monitoring
- Promoting innovative SMEs in Europe
- Research vouchers pilot scheme: access to external knowledge in Limburg
- Schemes for the support of technological innovation in SMEs in Flanders
- The NEOTEC Initiative: Creation and consolidation of technology-based firms
- Wales for innovation: an action plan to support SMEs
Agenda and press release
- Regional Foresight, Ljubljana, 3-4 March 2003
- Developing embedded foresight and foresight culture at the regional level - an example from Uusimaa
- Future opportunities for EC support to regional foresight activities
- Identifying key technologies in the context of regional innovation strategy projects
- Introducing common foresight methods
- Regional foresight in North East England - a practical approach
- Scoping regional foresight
- The relevance of foresight to small economies in the pre-accession phase: Malta's preliminary experiences with the eForesee project
- What is foresight?
- What relevance does foresight have for regions?
- Why and how the European Commission supports foresight
Agenda and press release
- Agenda Ljubljana 3-4 March 2003
- Press release: Foreseeing the risks and opportunities of scientific breakthroughs
- Knowledge transfer from University to Industry, Palma de Mallorca, 10-11 April 2003
Agenda and background information
- Agenda and background information Palma de Mallorca
- Business innovation and growth from exploitation of academic research - the BIGEAR network
- Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship - combining entrepreneurial education with pre-incubation
- Infrastructure and spin-off creation at the University of Twente
- Madr&d - Regional Information and Technological Promotion System of Madrid
- MONTAGE - Innovation Process in the West Midlands
- Searching and evaluating research based business ideas in Finland - the TULI programme
- Shannon Region Knowledge Network: third level institutions and industry
- Styria - a network of networks Part 1
- Styria - a network of networks Part 2
- The "Quasi-enterprise" initiative
- The role of universities in the Europe of knowledge: the regional dimension
Agenda and background information
- Clustering as a driver of innovation at regional level, Pescara, 26-27 February 2004
Agenda and press release
- Agenda and background information Pescara
- Press release 'Clustering innovation: the path to regional development'
- ACENET: the lessons learnt in the IRE Thematic Network dealing with clusters
- Enterprise clusters and networks in Europe
- Flemish cluster policies: phases, expectations and achievements
- Italian industrial districts: the example of Castel Goffredo hosiery district
- Networking and clustering in the West of Ireland
- Recent developments and achievements of clusters
- The Alpine Wellness Cluster
- The Basque Country's aerospace cluster
- Yorkshire Forward: A Regional Innovation Strategy based on cluster development
Agenda and press release
- Implementation and monitoring of regional innovation strategies, Cyprus, 13-14 May 2004
Agenda and press release
- Agenda Cyprus
- Press release 'From paper to practice - implementing regional innovation strategies'
- Central Macedonia Observatory for Innovation and Development
- Impact of Swedish RITTS on national policies to promote innovation
- Lower Austria: measuring the impact of the regional innovation strategy
- Madrid’s Research and Innovation Strategy: strengthening the regional policy-making process
- Monitoring of Innovation Policy in Limburg
- RIS as a basis for Lower Austria’s Structural Funds Operational Programme
- Wales for Innovation: Taking forward RIS with regional funding
Agenda and press release
- Innovation financing at regional level, Prague, 15-16 November 2004
- Business Angels
- Connect Midlands - Supporting companies to get ready for investment
- Encouraging Company Start-ups in Estonia
- Financing University Spin-offs - the Western Sweden model
- FonsInnocat - Catalonia's Venture Capital Fund
- Innovation Financing - introduction and overview
- Matching Investors and Entrepreneurs at the European Level
- Role of the State and Partnership with the Private Sector to stimulate access to finance for SMEs
- Warmia and Mazury Local Guarantee Schemes
- Agenda
- Minutes of 'Innovation Financing' workshop
- Innovative business incubators, Krakow, 21-22 April 2005
- Agenda Krakow workshop
- BIC Pilsen - a Business Innovation Centre developing a regional innovation strategy
- European Commission support to regional innovation policies - Current developments
- Helping reconvert declining industrial areas - The case of Liguria
- Incubators in CEE countries - The Mielec Incbator IN-MARR, Poland
- Innovative business incubators - A general ovrview in Europe
- Teh East Midlands Incubation Network (EMIN)
- The Mjärdevi Science Park and Incubator - Linking innovation support institutions in East Sweden
- Travel Park Incubator Network - Connecting incubators in the tourism sector
- Minutes of workshop 'Innovative business incubators'
- Promoting an innovation culture in the regions, Liverpool, 27-28 October 2005
- Agenda Liverpool
- Business Innovation and Growth from Exploitation of Academic Research - the BIGEAR network
- Culture - the key to successful innovation performance
- Culture of creativity in the Helsinki region
- Entrepreneurship training at the University of Saarland
- Fostering a regional innovation culture - support from the European Commission
- Fostering an innovation culture among young people in Western Sweden
- Highlighting successful innovation in companies: the Thessaly Innovation Week
- Innovation culture in England's Northwest
- Inspirational leadership for effective innovation
- Teaming efforts for innovation: The PRO INNO initiative
- The creation of the Sophia Antipolis science park
- The European Day of the Entrepreneur
- Minutes of the workshop 'Promoting an Innovation Culture in the Regions'
- Regional clusters as innovation drivers, Brussels, 30-31 May 2006
- Cluster development in Yorkshire and Humber region
- Cluster management: strategies and actions in East Lombardy
- Cluster mapping and feasibility studies in South East England
- Competence networks in Flanders' innovation system
- Monitoring and evaluating cluster initiatives in Flanders
- Open source cluster in the Stuttgart region
- The IRC and IRE cluster initiatives
- The IRE subgroup on clusters
- Toolmakers cluster of Slovenia
- Tourism cluster in the County of Jämtland (North Sweden)
- Why regional clusters - rationales and trends in cluster policies
- Wood cluster in South Tirol
- Agenda IRE cluster workshop
- Minutes of IRE workshop on clusters
- Effective regional innovation systems, Lahti, 30 November - 1 December 2006
- Effective regional innovation systems - agenda
- Companies' innovation behaviour in the Finnish innovation system
- Coordinating and monitoring the Basque Country innovation system
- Developing the Latvian innovation system
- Event introduction
- Innovation policy and Europe's regions
- Opening
- Overview of the innovation system in Lahti - main actors, success factors and bottlenecks
- Regional innovation systems - theoretical concept and practical use
- Strengthening the regional innovation system in North Great Plain
- The Finnish innovation system - a case of success
- The role and contribution of a Regional Development Agency
- The role and contribution of higher education and research insitutes
- Minutes of the workshop 'Effective regional innovation systems'
- Increasing innovation capacities of companies, Riga (LV), 29 - 30 March 2007
- Increasing innovation capacities of companies - agenda
- "Activites to strengthen the innovation capacities of Latvia", by Anrijs Matiss
- "Developing and promoting traditional products through business cooperation in Peloponnese", by Dimitrios Keranis & Anna Andricopoulou
- "Encouraging innovation in small companies", by Peter Parsons
- "Innovation in the cultural heritage sector - Tuscany", by Nadia Crivelli
- "Innovation training for enterprises in Limerick", by Burga Fullam
- "Placement of academics in low-tech companies – North Sweden", by Liselotte Lundqvist
- "Promotion of innovation in companies – European Programmes perspective", by Alain Libéros
- "Reaching traditional SMEs in peripheral areas – Castilla y León", by Gregorio Muñoz Abad
- "Strengthening the technology and innovation competence of SMEs – Lower Austria’s Innovation Coach programme", by Irma Priedl
- "Taking the challenge – promotion of innovation in SMEs in Latvia", by Valdis Avotins
- "The challenge of addressing non-innovative SMEs – workshop objectives", by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- Lessons from day 1 and round table issues
- Minutes of the workshop 'Increasing innovation capacities of companies'
- Impact assessment for better governance of regional innovation policies, Bilbao, 29-30 January 2008
- Impact assessment for better governance of regional innovation policies - agenda
- 'Assessing the impact of regional innovation policies of SMEs' by Daniel de la Sota
- 'Benchmarking - learning new ideas and understanding what makes the policy successful' by Gabriella Fiori
- 'Creation of an innovation observatory in the region of Apulia' by Adriana Agrimi
- 'Governance and systemic instruments in innovation policies' by Lena J. Tsipouri
- 'Impact assessment - assuring the relevance of your innovation policy' by Begona Sanchez
- 'Impact assessment and benchmarking - pros and cons of different approaches to take' by Ronald Pohoryles
- 'Initiatives and tools for regional innovation policies by OECD' by Vincenzo Spiezia
- 'Introduction to the objectives of the event' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- 'Lisbon Monitoring Platform' by Marcus Scheuren
- 'Measuring the success - indicators for effective innovation strategies' by Lars Gelsing
- 'New' regional policy for innovation and the challenges for the territorial cohesion in Europe' by Mikel Landabaso
- 'Strengthening regional innovation governance by involving regional actors' by Valentina Diana
- 'Use of the impact assessment tools in regional practice' by Annie Renders
- Minutes of IRE conference 'Impact assessment for better governance of reigonal innovation policies'
- Innovation governance: Enhancing interaction in the regional innovation system, Rennes, 5-6 June 2008
- Agenda 'Innovation governance: Enhancing interaction in the regional innovation system'
- Presentations
Part 1: Innovation policy governance for stronger regional innovation systems
- 'A regional innovation strategy supporting public-private knowledge transfer activities' by Bernard McKeown
- 'Governance challenges for enhancing regional innovation systems' by Bernard De Potter
- 'Innovation policy governance in globalised regional innovation systems' by Per Koch
- 'Introduction to the objectives of the event' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Supporting global integration of regional clusters' by Rodolphe Uhlmann
Parallel session 1: Promoting dynamic interaction in regional innovation systems
- 'Innovation policy making in a multilayer governance system - the case of Castilla y León' by Gregorio Munoz
- 'Stakeholder involvement in the Helsinki Metropolitan Innovation Strategy' by Irina Blomqvist
- 'Wielkopolska: Emerging new dimensions in the regional innovation system' by Malgorzata Riotrowicz
Parallel session 2: Quantitative approaches for governance of clusters and innovation systems
- 'Assessing intellectual capital in regional networks' by Veit Haug
- 'Monitoring and evaluating cluster performance in Scotland' by Madeline Smith
- 'Sector and cluster foresight in Western Greece' by Stefanos Michos
Parallel session 3: Making knowledge transfer services more efficient - Some suggestions based on regional experiences
- 'Linking incubation support and knowledge transfer activities' by Jim Keane
- 'Structural Funds support for knowledge transfer activities: Polish examples of implementing good practices' by Jacek Baraniecki
- 'Technology transfer initiatives and dedicated SME development support centres' by Björn Westling
Part 3: Dynamic exchanges for better regional innovation capacity
- 'Excellence in innovation policy governance, clusters and research - the regional innovation strategy of Bretagne' by James Leighton James Leighton
- 'Highlighting conclusions from the IRE Working Groups - presentation of the final papers' by Augusto Ferreira, Nils Gabrielsson and Marc Pattinson
- 'Key issues from parallel workshop 1' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Key issues from parallel workshop 2' by Elena Stieranková
- 'Key issues from parallel workshop 3' by Piotr Bartczak
- 'Open innovation through 'Living Labs' - involving the users' by Annika Sällström
Part 1: Innovation policy governance for stronger regional innovation systems
- Minutes of IRE conference 'Innovation governance: Enhancing interaction in the regional innovation system'
- New Generation of Regional Innovation Strategies, Gothenburg, 24-25 November 2008
- 'Developing Regional Innovation Strategies: the role of the European Commission' by Alberto Licciardello
- 'Flanders RIS 2.0: Flanders in Action' by Bernard De Potter
- 'Introduction' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- 'New Coherent Innovation Strategy in Berlin and its adjustment in the region' by Katrin Schmohl
- 'New Competitiveness Strategy for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area' by Kimmo Heinonen
- 'New Innovation/Competitiveness Strategy for Västra Götaland' by Tomas Ekberg
- 'New Regional Innovation Strategy for Kent' by Alex King and Peter Parsons
- 'New RIS for Yorkshire and Humber: A Response to new Innovation Challenges' by Reza Zadeh
- 'New RTDI Strategy for Castilla y Leon' by Gregorio Muñoz Abad
- 'Opening' by Agneta Mårdsjö
- 'Trends in the development of new Regional Innovation Strategies' by Claire Nauwelaers
- Agenda ‘New Generation of Regional Innovation Strategies'
- Minutes of the IRE workshop ‘New Generation of Regional Innovation Strategies'
Training sessions for the new RITTS/RIS, December 1996 – March 1997
- Industrial Regions group
- Cambridge, 7-8 June 2001
- Conclusions of the RITTS East Lombardy project
- Consortia for Agri-food in Europe
- Implementing the RIS - experience from the Shannon region in Ireland
- Introduction to the East of England region
- RIS+ Aragon update of the last actions undertaken
- RITTS East of England: latest developments
- Strengthening the regional innovation profile
- Virtual environment for Innovation Management Techniques, Province of Mantova
- Western Sweden experience to support industrial clusters
- Cambridge June 2001 - Agenda
- Minutes of the meeting 6-7 June 2001 Cambridge, UK
- Göteborg, 6-7 December 2001
- Implementation of the RITTS East Lombardy results: two projects
- Innovative Actions and Technological Innovation
- Overijssel RIS+ results
- Presentation of Västra Götaland Region (Western Sweden)
- Regional Design Network
- RITTS Western Sweden - conclusions and opening of discussions
- RITTS/RIS impact questionnaire
- Technological Self-Diagnosis Tool for SMEs
- Thematic Network CAFÉ
- Thematic Network ProWomEn
- Thematic Network SAIL
- Thematic Network SCONE
- Thematic Network STRINNOP
- Thematic Network VERITE
- Göteborg December 2001 - Agenda
- Göteborg December 2001 - Minutes
- Shannon, 16-17 May 2002
Press releases
- Press release: Europe's Innovating Regions achieve critical mass - 29th May 2002
- Press release: Regional innovation is key to EU competitiveness - 19th June 2002
- 3rd IRE Plenary Meeting Proceedings
- ACENET: IRE Thematic Network to promote clusters
- East of England 2010: prosperity and opportunity for all
- Innovative Actions and Technological Innovation
- Innovative Actions Programme of Aragón
- Regional networks as a vehicle for public-private partnerships
- The Yorkshire and the Humber KNOWLEDGE RICH (KRICH)
- Shannon, 16-17 May 2002, Agenda
- Shannon, 16-17 May 2002, Minutes
Press releases
Industrial regions sub-group (previous activities)
- Industrial regions sub-group (previous activities)
- Glasgow, 5-6 December 2002
- Innovation culture in Western Sweden to promote more NTBFs
- The IVF Centre of Excellence for Industrial Innovation
- Glasgow December 2002 - Agenda
- Minutes of the Industrial Regions group December 2002
- Poznan, 10-11 June 2003
- Aragón - Collaboration with West Romania
- East of England 2010: prosperity and opportunity for all
- Introduction to Innovative Actions
- Regional programme of Innovative Actions in Lombardy
- Support to RIS NACs
- Agenda Poznan 11 June 2003
- Industrial Regions Group: Minutes of the meeting, 10-11 June 2003
- Bergamo, 20-21 November 2003
- Agenda
- Aragon - Innovative Actions Programme
- Competitive intelligence for SMEs: digital services for the building sector
- Digital infrastructures within the districts of East Lombardy
- East of England - Innovative Actions Programme
- Entrepreneurs Union - Innovation and Technology Service
- ERIK - Innovative Actions Thematic Network
- INN.TEC Development Agency initiatives in the Province of Brescia
- Lombardy - Innovative Actions Programme
- Servitec Agency
- Strategic Programme for the development and support of innovation and the growth of production activities in the province of Milan 2002-2004
- Western Sweden - Innovative Actions Programme
- Minutes of the Industrial Regions group meeting November 2003
- Uppsala, 17-18 May 2004
- Agenda
- Aragón's sectoral platforms: First achievements
- Innovative Actions regional programme in East Central Sweden
- Lombardia's technological vouchers and Technoloyg Observatory: MINERVA
- Technology and innovation vouchers: IRE experience of Uusimaa and Limburg
- Western Sweden Innovative Actions Programme
- Yorkshire & the Humber Innovative Actions Programme
- Minutes of the Industrial Regions group meeting May 2004
- Zaragoza, 13-15 December 2004
- Agenda
- Aragón R&D and Knowledge Transference Programme
- Call information: Innovation 5,6 and 1
- Regional innovation policy in Västra Götaland
- The Northwest of England Region
- Minutes of the Industrial Regions Group meeting December 2004
Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
- Agenda Ljubljana 6 June
- Liverpool, 26 October 2005
- Agenda
- Bretagne Innovation
- Motivating Merseyside Business to Innovate project
- Minutes of Industrial Regions group meeting, Liverpool 26 October 2005
Brescia, 9-10 March 2006
- Agenda, minutes and presentations
- Information Days
CEEC Exchange Meeting, Prague, 25-26 November 1999
- Minutes of the meeting 25-26 November 1999 Prague, CZ
CEEC Information Day, Cracow, 17-18 February 2000
- CEEC Information Day Cracow - Draft agenda
CEEC Information Day, Bratislava, 21 February 2000
- CEEC Information Day Bratislava - Draft agenda
CEEC Information Day, Sofia, 24 March 2000
- CEEC Information Day Sofia - Agenda
CEEC Information Day, Bucharest, 27-28 March 2000
- CEEC Information Day Bucharest - Agenda
CEEC Information Day, Slovenia, 7 April 2000
- CEEC Information Day Slovenia - Draft agenda
CEEC Information Day, Hungary, 10-11 April 2000
- CEEC subgroup meeting and information Day Hungary - Draft agenda
CEEC Information Day, Tallinn, 14 April 2000
- RITTS information Day Tallinn, EE - Preliminary agenda
CEEC Information Day, Riga, 19 April 2000
- RITTS information Day Riga, LV - Preliminary agenda
RIS Information Day, Piatra Neamt, 17 October 2003
- Agenda
- RIS Information Day, Wroclaw, 20 October 2003
- Agenda
- Results of the RITTS projects in the Salzburg region
- The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western region: The case of RIS Strathclyde
- RIS Information Day, Malta, 4 November 2003
- Agenda
- Development of innovation support infrastructure: outlook
- Formulating a Regional Innovation Strategy: the case of Cyprus
- Innovation support services in Malta: Kordin Business Incubation Centre
- Malta in perspective
- The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Wetern region: the case of the Shannon Region, Ireland
- RIS Information Day, Prague, 10 November 2003
- Agenda
- The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western Region: the case of Aachen
- RIS Information Day, Vilnius, 24 November 2003
- Agenda
- Development of Innovation Support Infrastructure - Outlook
- Formulating a Regional Innovation Strategy: the case of Latvia
- In Practice - the Outcome of a RIS project
- Overview of Innovation Policy Development in Lithuania
- The ERDF Support to the Development of Innovation Services in Lithuania
- TThe value of Regional Innovation strategies in a Western region: the case of Strathclyde, UK
- RIS Information Day, Bratislava, 28 November 2003
- Agenda
- The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western region: the case of London South
- RIS Information Day, Sofia, 5 December 2003
- Agenda
- Overview of regional innovation support services in Bulgaria
- Regional Development Policy in Bulgaria
- Second case study on the concrete results of a RIS exercise Western region: Case of the region of Thessaly, Greece
- The experience of South Central Bulgaria in formulating a Regional Innovation Strategy
- The value of Regional Innovation strategies in a Western region: the case of the West Midlands, UK
RIS Information Day and PARTNER Final Conference, Budapest, 8-9 December 2003
- Agenda
- RIS Information Day, Bucharest, 16 February 2004
- Agenda
- The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western region: the case of Abruzzo
Partner search session, Brussels, 2 April 2004
- Agenda
- Registration form
IRE projects - Reporting and Best Practice Information Day, European Commission, Brussels, 7 April 2006
- Financial issues - frequently asked questions
- Financial issues of the projects
- Introductory presentation
- IRE projects - reporting requirements
CEEC Exchange Meeting, Prague, 25-26 November 1999
- RITTS/RIS subgroups
Interregional co-operation, Madgeburg, 7-8 October 1999
- Interregional Co-operation Subgroup Meeting Magdeburg - Agenda
- Interregional Co-operation Subgroup Meeting Magdeburg - Minutes
Industrial Regions, Uppsala, 22-24 November 1999
- Agenda and list of participants (Uppsala)
- Feedback on the Industrial Regions Subgroup November 1999
- Minutes of the meeting 22-24 November 1999 Uppsala, SE
CEEC exchange meeting, Prague, 25-26 November 1999
- Minutes of the meeting 25-26 November 1999 Prague, CZ
Innovation in the Service Sector, Salzburg, 7-8 September 2000
- Supporting Innovation in the Services Sector - Agenda
- Supporting Innovation in the Services Sector - Report
Industrial Regions, Mantova, 18-19 September 2000
- Industrial Regions Subgroup Meeting 18-19 May 2000 Mantova, IT - Agenda
Industrial Regions, Zaragoza, 14-15 December 2000
- Minutes of the meeting 14-15 December 2000 Zaragoza, ES
Interregional co-operation, Madgeburg, 7-8 October 1999
- Trans-Regional Innovation Projects
- Trans-Regional Innovation Projects launch conference, Brussels, 30 June 1999
- Autochain
- Delcosi
- Iberia North West
- Infoact
- Inno-Regio
- Northern EU
- Sesames
- Teurpin
- Trans-Regional Innovation Projects conference: Minutes
- Trans-Regional Innovation Project Launch Conference - Agenda
- IRE Thematic Networks
- IRE Thematic Network co-ordinators meeting, Luxembourg, 23 May 2002
- ACENET - Afternoon session (1)
- ACENET - Afternoon session (2)
- ACENET - Morning session
- BIGEAR - Afternoon session
- BIGEAR - Morning session
- Conclusions of the TN co-ordinators meeting
- INNOBA-SME - Afternoon session
- INNOBA-SME - Morning session
- METROPOLIS - Afternoon session
- METROPOLIS - Morning session
- Metropolis final document
- PROWOMEN - Afternoon session
- PROWOMEN - Morning session
- SCONE - Afternoon session
- SCONE - Morning session
- STRINNOP - Afternoon session (1)
- STRINNOP - Afternoon session (2)
- STRINNOP - Morning session
- Minutes of the TN co-ordinators meeting
- IRE Thematic Network co-ordinators meeting, Luxembourg, 15-16 May 2003
- Agenda Thematic Network co-ordinators
- Presentations
Plenary sessions
- Innovative Actions network on innovation: ERIK
- Innovative Actions network: Sustainable development
- Innovative Actions Thematic Networks
- Networking activities after the Thematic Network project
- Overview of the IRE Thematic Networks
- Validation of Thematic Network results: the Spinning Club example
Parallel sessions
- IRC Agro-food Thematic Group
- ProWomEn
Plenary sessions
- Minutes Thematic Nework co-ordinators meeting May 2003
- Training Sessions
Innovation and Technology Transfer, Bratislava, 9th July 2002
- Agenda
Technology Audits, Helsinki, 19th - 20th September 2002
- Agenda
- List of hotels
IT Tools and Technology Watch, Tallinn, 25th October 2002
- Draft agenda
- List of hotels
IT tools and Technology Watch, Vienna, 15 - 16 January 2004
- Agenda
- IRE Training Session ‘Innovation policy design, implementation and evaluation’, Madrid, 16 - 18 April 2008
- IRE Training Session Agenda
- 'Designing innovation policy measures that will benefit the region' by Meirion Thomas
- 'European programmes supporting regional innovation policy' by Elzbieta Ksiazek and Lena Mårtensson
- 'Globalisation of innovation and design of policy measures for open systems of innovation' by Nicos Komninos
- Group exercise: Formulating your innovation policy measures
- 'Implementing Madrid's regional innovation strategy' by Beatriz Presmanes Arizmendi
- 'Innovation policy developments - perspectives from the IRE network' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Innovation policy measures: How should company needs be met?' by Peter Parsons
- 'Introduction to day 2' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Introduction to day 3' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- 'Introduction to the workshop - objectives and agenda' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- 'Monitoring and evaluation of regional innovation policies' by Nicos Komninos
- 'Regional innovation policy: mission and practical function within a region' by Meirion Thomas
- 'Stronger regional innovation systems - a challenge for regional innovation policies' by Elvira Uyarra
- 'The meaning of innovation from a company perspective' by Peter Parsons
- 'Transforming innovation policies into concree programmes and projects' by George Strogylopoulous
- Summary of IRE Training Session, Madrid
Innovation and Technology Transfer, Bratislava, 9th July 2002
- Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking
- Regional benchmarking and innovation monitoring in regions, Brussels, 14 May 2003
- Minutes from benchmarking meeting May 2003
- Experiences from Aragón
- Experiences from Flanders
- Experiences from London
- Experiences from the Balearic Islands
- Experiences from Valencia
- Monitoring regional innovation Applications in Central Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece
- Monitoring regional innovation in Abruzzo
- Regional innovation policies Evaluation and benchmarking
- The Lower Austrian case and experiences
- Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects meeting, Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
- Agenda Impact assessment and benchmarking projects meeting
- Introduction: Impact assessment and benchmarking exercise - overview of projects
- MLP benchmarking working group
- Previous experiences of regional innovation assessment and benchmarking - the METARITTS initiative
- Previous experiences of regional innovation assessment and benchmarking - the STRINNOP benchmarking exercise
- Regional benchmarking: the Italian case part 1
- The regional dimension of the European Innovation Scoreboard
- Minutes
Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects meeting, Brussels, 24 November 2005
- Agenda
- Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking project coordinators meeting, Brussels, 19 June 2006
- Development of impact assessment methodology in EURO-COOP project
- Development of indicators for regional innovation benchmarking
- Impact assessment of innovation policies in Finland
- Agenda
- Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking project coordinators Meeting, Shannon, 23 May 2007
- agenda
- Meeting objectives Benchmarking projects
- Next steps
- Objectives for policy makers
- State of play
- Minutes Benchmarking Project Coordinators Meeting 23 May 2007
- National networks
- National networks' coordinators meeting, Florence, 11 December 2003
- Agenda
- The Hellenic Network of Regional Innovation Strategies
- The Italian Innovating Regions Network
- The Polish Network of Regional Innovation Strategies (IntegRIS)
- The UK Regional Innovation Network (RINET)
- Minutes of national networks' co-ordinators meeting, December 2003
- PARTNER implementation group
- Krakow, 20-21 April 2005
- Agenda
- Implementing of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Wielkopolska
- Introduction
- Recommendations for Latvia's NIS and a proposed Action Plan 2005-2010
- Regional Innovation Strategy of Slovenia
- RIS Nove Zamky and Nitra
- RIS West Pomerania
- RITTS Western Sweden
- Silesia's Regional Innovation Strategy 2003-2013
- Minutes of RIS-NAC Implementation Group 20-21 April 2005
- Brussels, 11 October 2005: Kick-off meeting of the Support actions to RIS-NAC processes
- Agenda
- Common procedures and approaches
- Councelling schemes
- Implementation of Silesia's innovation strategy
- Implementation of South Great Plain's innovation strategy
- Implementation of the regional innovation strategy of England's Northwest with the use of external expertise
- Implementation of West Romania's innovation strategy
- Overview of the ‘Support actions to RIS-NAC processes’ (Strand 3)
- Minutes of PARTNER Implementation Group 11 October 2005
- Specific support to RIS projects
- RIS launch conference, Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
- Agenda RIS launch conference
- IRE Secretariat support accompanying the RIS projects – discussion and practical arrangements
- RIS Tartu Region and South Estonia: outcomes and regional benefits
- RIS-NAC project benefits from the membership in the IRE network - RIS Slovenia
- RIS-NAC project benefits from the membership in the IRE network - RIS West Romania
- The added value of RIS Castilla y León: results and regional impact
- The IRE network and the service offer of the IRE Secretariat
- First methodological workshop, Vilnius, 7-8 July 2005
Agenda and presentations
- Agenda
- Getting a good foundation during phase 0, experiences of RIS in Prague
- How to prepare a communication strategy
- Involvement of wide groups of stakeholders, experiences of RIS Central Bulgaria
- Involving business in a RIS project - experience of Yorkshire and Humberside
- Launching a RIS project in the right direction
- Promotion and collaboration with media, experiences of Overijssel
- Working groups on "golden rules" for a RIS project
Agenda and presentations
- Second methodological workshop, Malta, 16-17 February 2006
- Agenda
- Analysis objectives and methods
- Coming activities of the RIS focus groups
- European support for regional innovation
- Evaluation and interpretation of the RIS analysis results
- Hamburg's Regional Programme of Innovative Actions - RIS++
- Lessons learnt from day 1
- Plans of on-going RIS projects - RIS INNPULSE, Lithuania
- Plans of on-going RIS projects - RIS Pomerania, Poland
- Plans of on-going RIS projects - RIS Western Switzerland
- Regional case study of RIS analysis preparation and realisation: Lower Austria
- Regional innovation capacity and institutions in Latvia
- RIS analysis – getting it right from the start
- Technology trends analysis in Wallonie
- Minutes of 2nd RIS methodological workshop
- Focus Group 'Promotion of innovation in SMEs', Banská Bystrica, 3-4 April 2006
- Agenda
- Improving access to innovation services - innovation support networks
- Innovatin and SMEs in Northern Great Plain Region
- Innovation awareness raising and training for SMEs
- Innovation in SMEs - situation on Malta
- Introducing innovation management techniques
- Introduction – Encouraging innovation in companies
- Lessons learnt from day 1
- Networks of SMEs promoting innovation
- Providing innovation consulting services
- Strategic innovation promotion programme resulting from a RIS project
- Minutes of RIS Focus Group on promotion of innovation in SMEs
- Focus Group 'Academic-Business Links and Innovation Culture', Gdansk, 11-12 May 2006
- Academic-Business Links in RITTS London South
- Academic-business links in the Innovating Regions in Europe
- Academic-Business Links in the Regional Innovation Strategy for Crete
- Business Innovation and Growth from Exploitation of Academic Research
- Cooperation between local industry and academia in the implementation phase of RIS Prague
- ISIS Innovation - Transferring Technology from the University of Oxford
- Selected Technology Transfer Schemes in Crete
- State of the art in RIS regions - Jerusalem
- State of the art in RIS regions - Pomerania
- Agenda
- Minutes of RIS Focus Group on academic-business links
- Focus Group 'Clusters and Innovation Financing', Brussels, 29 May 2006
- Agenda
- Cluster dimensions in RIS South East Bulgaria
- Cluster dimensions in RIS Trnava
- Cluster policy - a remedy for all regions?
- Establishing clusters in Tartu and South Estonia - a RIS based initiative
- Regional networks for cluster support - the case of Western Sweden
- Step-by-step development of a cluster policy - the case of Flanders
- Workshop objectives and agenda. Cluster policies in IRE regions
- Minutes of the RIS Focus Group on innovative clusters
- Focus Group 'Promotion of innovation in SMEs', Lahti, 29 November 2006
- Agenda
- An incubator and technology park collaborating with start-up support programmes in East Sweden - Sten Gunnar Johansson
- Developing innovation support infrastructure based on a RIS project. Competence centres in Weser Ems - Frank Glanert
- Innovation support infrastructure: the case of Banská Bystrica - Elena Stierankova
- Innovation support infrastructure: the case of Bucharest-Ilfov - Roxana Oprescu
- Innovation support scheme: Innovation sessions in Häme - Essi Artima
- Innovation support services and schemes centre for SMEs: IMPIVA - Javier Minguez
- Introduction to the workshop - Elzbieta Ksiazek
- Minutes of the RIS Focus Group on regional innovation infrastructure
- Third methodological workshop, Sofia, 22-23 February 2007
- "A strategy that impacted the region – the inspirational example of the Basque Country", by Begoña Sánchez
- "Creating consensus and commitment", by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- "Developing a regional innovation strategy and action plan", by Lena Mårtensson
- "Formulating and implementing pilot actions in Silesia", by Luk Palmen
- "Integrating RIS results into Structural Funds programmes – the case of Lower Austria", by Irma Priedl
- "Interpreting analysis results and using them as a basis for strategy formulation", by Philipp Nussböck
- "Introduction to the day and lessons learned from Day 1", by Lena Mårtensson
- "Introduction to the workshop – objectives and agenda", by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- "Plans for strategic priorities and actions", by Daniela Tchonkova
- "Plans for strategic priorities and actions", by Kristi Kiitsak
- "Preparing and launching pilot actions", by Philipp Nussböck
- "Preparing for monitoring the implementation of the strategy", by Philipp Nussböck
- "RIS Mizia forums - a technique for reaching consensus" by Vassil Lenchev
- Agenda third methodological workshop
- Minutes of the third methodological workshop for RIS projects
- Focus Group 'Academic-Business Links and Innovation Culture', Riga, 28 March 2007
- Agenda
- 'Innovation and entrepreneurship culture in University of Strathclyde' by Alasdair MacKay
- 'Innovation culture in Central Switzerland' by Jens Meissner
- 'Innovation culture in Kujawy-Pomorze region' by Krzysztof Chmara
- 'Innovation culture in West Midlands' by Thomas Blount
- 'Junior incubator in England's Northwest' by Paul Abbott
- 'KEIMforum - promotion of start-ups in Karlsruhe' by Peter Heydebreck
- 'Workshop objectives and brainstorming' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- Minutes of the RIS Focus Group on innovation culture
- Focus Group 'Clusters and Innovation Financing', Miskolc, 4-5 October 2007
- Agenda RIS Focus Group on innovation financing
- 'Business Angels in Europe - venture capital for innovative companies' by Reginald Vossen
- 'FAME - support fund for micro companies' by Ana Luisa Brejo
- 'Innovation financing in North Hungary' by Dániel Kuttor
- 'Innovation financing in South Muntenia' by Gilda Niculescu
- 'Instruments for innovation financing - Finance Wales' by Nick Moon
- 'Introduction to the Hungarian innovation financing system' by Dr Tivadar Lippényi
- 'Investment readiness programme - Connect Yorkshire' by James Farrar
- 'Lessons learned from day 1' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Workshop objectives and agenda' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Xénos Business Angels Network' by Nick Moon
- Minutes of RIS Focus Group on innovation financing
- Fourth methodological workshop, Sinaia, 6-7 December 2007
- Agenda Fourth methodological workshop
Transport and tourism information
- Tourist information: Pelse castle
- Transports between Bucharest airport and Sinaia
- 'Creating a network of innovation consultants in Nord - Pas de Calais' by Jean-Marie Pruvot
- 'European policy supporting regional innovation' by Sven Schade
- 'Final summing up' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- 'Implementing a RIS action plan - the case of Wielkopolska' by Jacek Gulinski
- 'Introduction to the workshop - welcome to the imperfect innovation policy world!' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
- 'Lessons learned from day 1 and 'golden rules' by Lena Mårtensson and Elzbieta Ksiazek
- 'Monitoring regional innovation policies - experiences from IMPACTSCAN' by Annie Renders
- 'Summary of the group exercises' by Elzbieta Ksiazek and Lena Mårtensson
- 'Updating regional innovation policies - Galicia's research and innovation plans' by Raúl Rodriguez
- Minutes of Fourth methodological workshop for RIS projects, Sinaia
- Support actions to RIS-NAC processes
Project meeting, 6 June 2005, Ljubljana
- Agenda
- Introduction
- IRE Secretariat services available for RIS-NAC and other IRE member regions
- From Strategy to Action: the experience of former RIS NACs and strand 3 Innov4 Projects in implementing RIS within the mainstreaming of Structural Funds, 25 May 2007, Ennis
- Agenda
- 5SCHEMES: Introducing innovation in the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 in Wielkopolska
- IMIS: Regional supply chain for the automotive industry
- INNOVATION COACH: Seed and pre-seed funds to boost knowledge-based start-ups
- INTRO: Skill centres in the Strand 3 workshop - Latvia
- Results of 5SCHEMES
- Results of IMIS
- RIS and 5SCHEMES: Building the regional capacity in devising and implementing innovation policy in South Central Bulgaria
Project meeting, 6 June 2005, Ljubljana
- IRE Thematic Networks
Early preparations Madrid June 2000
- Draft Innovation Society: Key Issues and Priorities for London
- Draft: Benchmarking Network
- Draft: Biosphere - A Thematic Network for Organo-Science Industries : Biosphere
- Draft: Biosphere - A Thematic Network for Organo-Science Industries : Food
- Draft: Contact lists
- Draft: Diffusion of Economic Intelligence for SMEs and VSEs
- Draft: Economic Intelligence for SMEs - Experiences and good practices
- Draft: Financing Innovation in the Regions
- Draft: Incubator of SME alliances
- Draft: Innovation Culture
- Draft: Internationalisation of SMEs
- Draft: Regional Supply/Value Chains and linking SMEs with Large Companies
- Draft: The Digital Market Place - A network to encourage and support the growth of e-business among SMEs and the formation and management of e-business clusters and supply chains
- Draft: The INNOPOLITAN project: The European Network of Large Metropolitan Regions
- Draft: The S.A.I.L. (Strenghening Academic and Industrial Links) Network
- Draft: Valorisation of Knowledge
- Draft: Virtual Clusters
- Draft: Virtual Environment for Regional Innovation Technologies (VERITE)
- Thematic Networks newsletters
Strengthening Academic-Industrial Links - SAIL
- SAIL Newsletter 1 (June 2002)
- SAIL Newsletter 2 (September 2002)
- SAIL Newsletter 3 (January 2003)
- SAIL Newsletter 4 (March 2003)
- SAIL Newsletter 5 (August 2003)
- SAIL Newsletter 6 (September 2003)
Valorisation of knowledge - SCONE
- SCONE Newsletter no 1 (July 2002)
- SCONE Newsletter no 2 (October 2002)
- SCONE Newsletter no 3 (February 2003)
- SCONE Newsletter no 4 (June 2003)
Consortium for Agro-Food Europe - CAFÉ
- CAFÉ Newsletter no 1 (February 2002)
- CAFÉ Newsletter no 2 (June 2002)
- CAFÉ Newsletter no 3 (February 2003)
- CAFÉ Newsletter no 4 (August 2003)
- CAFÉ Newsletter no 5 (October 2003)
Profit for all Regions through Networking of European Regions - PARTNER
- PARTNER Newsletter no 1 (May 2002)
- PARTNER Newsletter no 2 (September 2002)
- PARTNER Newsletter no 3 (January 2003)
- PARTNER Newsletter no 4 (May 2003)
Overcoming Innovation Barriers in SMEs - INNOBA
- INNOBA Newsletter 1 (July 2002)
- INNOBA Newsletter 2 (September 2002)
- INNOBA Newsletter 3 (June 2003)
- INNOBA Newsletter 4 (August 2003)
- INNOBA Newsletter 5 (September 2003)
Innovation and networking activities in Large Metropolitan Areas - METROPOLIS
- METROPOLIS newsletter no 1 (August 2002)
- Metropolis newsletter no 2 (February 2003)
- METROPOLIS newsletter no 3 (July 2003)
- METROPOLIS newsletter no 4 (November 2003)
Accelerating the Establishment of Clusters - ACENET
- ACENET Newsletter 1 (October 2002)
- ACENET Newsletter 2 (February 2003)
Strengthening the regional innovation profile - STRINNOP
- STRINNOP Newsletter 1 (February 2003)
- STRINNOP Newsletter 2 (August 2003)
- STRINNOP Newsletter 3 (October 2003)
Innovation Finance - CRESCENDO
- CRESCENDO Newsletter 1 (May 2003)
- CRESCENDO Newsletter 2 (November 2003)
- CRESCENDO Newsletter 3 (March 2004)
Strengthening Academic-Industrial Links - SAIL
Thematic Network Matrix
- Thematic Network Matrix
Thematic Network Good practice
- Good Practice description: Company validation of Thematic Network results - SCONE
- Good Practice description: Definition and implementation of regional innovation schemes - METROPOLIS
- Management and animation of a transnational network - Selected experience from the IRE Thematic Networks
Thematic Network final reports
- Thematic Network final reports
Thematic Networks Good practice compilation
- Good practice of regional innovation schemes
Early preparations Madrid June 2000
- Trans-regional co-operation
- Metropolis final document
- Metropolis newsletter 1
- Metropolis newsletter 2
- Metropolis newsletter 3
- Metropolis newsletter 4
- RITTS/RIS subgroups
- Central/Eastern Europe subgroup
Subgroup activities
- Minutes of the meeting 25-26 November 1999 Prague, CZ
- Profiles of the CEEC Subgroup regions
- Summary of the CEEC Subgroup regions and fields of interest for co-operation
Useful links
- Success Stories from Research DG
- The Enlargement Directorate General of the European Commission
Subgroup activities
- Industrial regions subgroup
Subgroup activities
- Feedback on the Industrial Regions Subgroup November 1999
- Minutes of the meeting 14-15 December 2000 Zaragoza, ES
- Minutes of the meeting 22-24 November 1999 Uppsala, SE
- Minutes of the meeting May 1997 Glasgow, UK - Report and Evaluation
- Minutes of the meetings 5-7 November 1997 Hasselt, BE and Maastricht, NL
- Profile of the members of the Industrial Regions Subgroup November 1999
Good practice guidebook
- Guidebook: "Good Practice on RITTS, RIS and RTP Pilot Projects across Europe"
Report: Industrial competitiveness and business support
- Industrial competitiveness and business support
- Industrial competitiveness and business support - Annex 1
- Industrial competitiveness and business support - Annex 2
- Industrial competitiveness and business support - Annex 3
Subgroup activities
- Interregional innovation policy subgroup
Subgroup activities
- "Good practice in Interregional Innovation Policy" - Final report of the Subgroup February 1999, Network Secretariat
- E-mail addresses of persons involved in the subgroup October 1999
- Forms for expression of interest in co-operation October 1999
- Interregional Co-operation subgroup - Participating regions
- Matrix of Inter-regional Innovation Actions - Results October 1998
- Minutes of the meeting 14 June 2000 Madrid , ES
- Minutes of the meeting 19-20 March 1999 Athens, GR
- Minutes of the meeting 30 September - 2 October 1998 Altlengbach, AT
- Minutes of the meeting 30-31 March 2000 Ioannina, Epirus, GR
- Minutes of the meeting 3-5 February 1999 Rende-Cosenza, IT
- Minutes of the meeting 7-8 October 1999 Magdeburg, DE
- Minutes of the meeting May 1998 Maastricht, NL
- Profile of the Regions participating in the subgroup October 1999
- Results of the Survey - Matrix of Inter-regional Innovation Action and Good Practice Questionnaire October 1998
Benchmarking on innovation promotion in the regions
- "Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 1 Structure and Organisation" December 1998, Network Secretariat
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Castilla-La Mancha
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Thessaly
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Calabria
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Limburg, BE
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Limburg, NL
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Lower Austria
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Neubrandenburg
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Northern EU
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Overijssel
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Puglia
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Sachsen Anhalt
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Sterea Ellada
- Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 3
Subgroup activities
Service sector and innovation subgroup
- Info Pack from the meeting 26-28 April 2000 Shannon, IR
- Minutes of the meeting 26-28 April 2000 Shannon, IR
- Report of the meeting 7-8 September 2000 Salzburg, AU
Tourism subgroup
- A short bibliography
- List of publications provided by the DG XXIII
- Minutes of the meeting July 1997, Esens, DE
- Minutes of the meeting June 1998, Bari, IT
- Minutes of the meeting November 1997, Brussels, BE
Urban regions subgroup
- How to elaborate a Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategy in urban regions
- Minutes of the meeting April 1998 Berlin, DE
- Minutes of the meeting June 1997, Madrid, ES
- Minutes of the meeting November 1997, Brussels, BE
- Minutes of the meeting October 1998 Milan, IT
- National networks
The Hellenic Network of Regional Innovation Strategies
- Minutes of the Greek-speaking IRC-IRE co-ordination meeting 11 - 12 March 2002, Athens (GR)
The Iberian Network of Innovation (RI2)
- Minutes of the first meeting of the "Red Iberia"
Report on the national networks of innovating regions
- Report on national networks of innovating regions 2003
The Hellenic Network of Regional Innovation Strategies
- Regional Innovation Strategy projects
RITTS and RIS evaluation reports
- Assessment of the Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategies and Infrastructures (RITTS) Scheme. Evaluation Report
- Ongoing Evaluation of Regional Innovation Strategies Pilot Projects - ECOTEC July 1999
- The Evaluation of the Pre-Pilot Actions under Article 10: Innovative Measures Regarding Regional Technology Plans. June 1998
- Methodology guides for RIS projects
- RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part I
- RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part II
- RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part III
- RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part IV
- Stage O of a RITTS
Guidelines for project managers
- Lessons learned from Training Sessions for RITTS/RIS Managers 1996 - 1997
- Regional Technology Plan Guide Book - 1994
- RIS/RITTS Guide - Glossary: Abbreviations and Definitions 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide Section 1: Rationale and objectives of the exercice 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide Section 2: Management Structure 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide Section 3: Methodological guidelines 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide Section 4: Timetable and deliverables 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide Section 5: RITTS / RIS Network 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide: Executive summary 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide: List of Publications 1997
- RIS/RITTS Guide: List of regional RITTS & RIS contacts 1997
- Methodological guides Stage 0, 1 and 2
Guides produced by the PARTNER network 2002 - 2004
- Methodological guide Stage 0
- Methodological guide Stage 1
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 1: Examples of analysis instruments
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 2: Example Thessaly
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 3: Commonly identified needs
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 4: Example Hamburg
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 5: Examples of supply-side conclusions
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 6: Example North Sweden
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 7: Benchmarking on regional case studies
- Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 8: Cluster benchmarking guide
- Methodological guide Stage 2
- Methodological guide Stage 2 - Annex 1: Examples from urban regions
- Methodological guide Stage 2 - Annex 2: Building successful multi-partner projects
- Methodological guide Stage 2 - Annex 3: Pilot projects and priorities
Guides produced by the IRE Secretariat 2005 - 2007
- RIS Methodological guide Stage 0
- RIS methodological guide Stage 1
- RIS methodological guide Stage 2
Guides produced by the PARTNER network 2002 - 2004
Good practice
- A Guide to Regional Innovation Strategies
- Examples of past exercises: Results
- Good Practice on RITTS, RIS and RTP Pilot Projects Across Europe - Guidebook
- Innovation in SMEs Concepts, Experiences and Recommendations - Results from ADAPT projects
- Methodological approaches to investigate regional innovation capabilities
- Regional Innovation Strategy pilot projects - brochure
- RIS/RITTS Benchmarking Report: Communication Strategies
RITTS, RIS and RIS+ final reports
- RITTS, RIS and RIS+ final reports
RIS+ guide
- Regional Innovation Strategies under the European Regional Development Fund Innovative Actions 2000-2002: RIS+ guide
RITTS and RIS evaluation reports
- Trans-Regional Innovation Projects
Guidelines for reporting
- Costs statements of the Trans Regional Innovation Projects: typical mistakes to be avoided
- Guidelines for reporting in Trans Regional Innovation Projects
Trans-Regional Innovation Projects final reports
- Trans-Regional Innovation Projects final reports
Guidelines for reporting
- IRE working groups of regions
- IRE Sub-group 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers' 2004-2006
Background documents on clusters
- Final report of the expert group on enterprise clusters and networks
- Final report of the IRE Thematic Network ACENET
- Regional clusters in Europe (Observatory of European SMEs)
- Report on innovative clusters as drivers of national innovation systems (OECD)
- The cluster policies whitebook (IKED)
- Meeting in Györ, 29 November - 1 December 2004
- 4Frontregion
- Cluster initiatives in the Czech Republic
- Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Györ
Reviews and case studies
- An overview of Cluster Policies and Clusters in the New Member States of the European Union
- Cluster management
- Design of cluster initiatives - an overview of policies and praxis in Europe
- Emergence, identification and mapping of clusters - review report
- How to get started - Going from cluster mapping to actual implementation
- The future of cluster policies and programmes
- Meeting in Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
- Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Ljubljana
- Agenda Ljubljana 6 June 2005
- Evaluation of clustering initiatives in Slovenia
- Meeting in Oxford, 16 - 18 March 2005
- Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Oxford
- Meeting in Lyon, 29 - 30 September 2005
- Agenda
- Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Lyon
- Meeting in Brescia, 9 - 10 March 2006
- Agenda
- Cluster management in the Czech Republic
- Clusters and their internationalisation
- Clusters of competitiveness in Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
- East Lombardy expereinces in cluster management
- ELIAN Network
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship - the experience of Italy and the Lombardy region
- Micromega Network
- Regional Programme of Innovative Actions 2006-2007 in Aragón
- The proposed Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
- Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Brescia
Meeting in Brussels, 29 May 2006
- Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Brussels
Background documents on clusters
- IRE Sub-group 'Cooperation between business and science' 2004-2006
Meeting in Brussels, 4 April 2005
- Agenda
- Briefing report
- Introductory presentation
- Minutes of business - science subgroup meeting, Brussels, 4 April 2005
- Meeting in Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
- Agenda
Background information
- Briefing report for the second subgroup meeting
- FOR-RIS Expereince and ideas for developing regional foresight in a RIS/RITTS project context
- Raising R&D Intensity - Improving the Effectiveness of the Mix of Public Support Mechanisms for Private Sector R&D
- The Structural Funds and the Research Component
- Minutes of business-science cooperation subgroup, Ljubljana
- Meeting in Crete, 29-30 September 2005
Agenda and briefing document
- Agenda
- Briefing document: Market conditions - promoting effective science-industry collaboration
- Minutes of business-science cooperation subgroup, Crete
Agenda and briefing document
- Meeting in Malta, 8-9 December 2005
Agenda and briefing document
- Agenda
- Briefing document: Promoting enterprise – science collaboration and integrating innovation and economic policy within regional science policy
- Subgroup overview
- Transforming Irish industry
- Minutes of business-science cooperation subgroup, Malta
Agenda and briefing document
- Meeting in Sofia, 23-24 February 2006
- Agenda
- Minutes of science-business cooperation subgroup, Sofia
- Subgroup 1 - overview of activities and further work
Meeting in Stuttgart, 2-3 May 2006
- Agenda
- Minutes
'Blueprint' for better science-industry collaboration
- 'Blueprint' for better science-industry collaboration
Meeting in Brussels, 4 April 2005
- IRE working group 'Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers' 2006-2008
- Meeting in Veneto, 13-14 November 2006
- Agenda
- Clusters in Aquitaine
- Clusters in East Finland
- Clusters in Gaeltacht
- Clusters in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Clusters in Scotland
- Clusters in Silesia
- Clusters in Stuttgart
- Clusters in Tartu
- Clusters in Veneto
- Clusters in Western Greece
- Meeting introduction
- The ELIAN network
- The high-tech clusters of nanotechnologyin Veneto
- The Veneto footware cluster
- Welcoming address
- Minutes of the cluster subgroup, Veneto
- Meeting in Aix en Provence 22-23 February 2007
- Agenda
Background paper
- Background paper
- Minutes of the cluster working group, Aix-en-Provence
- Capenergie cluster
- Cluster policy in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur: PRIDES
- Clusters in Alentejo
- Clusters in Aragón
- Clusters in Galicia
- Clusters in South Great Plain
- East Lombardy's model for assessing impact on clusters
- Indicators for assessing impact at cluster level
- Indicators for assessing impact at regional level
- Indicators for project selection and project impact
- The marine cluster in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Meeting in Galway, 23 May 2007
Agenda and background paper
- Agenda
- Background paper on cluster foresight
- Cluster foresight in Western Greece
- Foresight experiences from Estonia
- From farming subsidies to farming knowledge
- Rural Ireland 2025 - Foresight perspectives
- Summary of the group members' view on foresight
- What is foresight?
- Minutes of the cluster working group, Galway
Agenda and background paper
- Meeting in Stuttgart, 24-25 October 2007
- Cluster initiatives in South Great Plain region, by Tamás Gyulai, Hungary
- Cluster working group presentation
- Improving logistic skills in the wine sector, by Laura Gaffurini, East Lombardy
- Innovation- and Cluster Policy in the Stuttgart Region, by Veit Haug, Stuttgart Region
- IRE Working Groups, by Laura Cascone, IRE Secretariat, Luxembourg
- Open Source Region Stuttgart, by Hans-Ulrich Schmid, Stuttgart Region
- The Virtual Dimension Center VDC, by Christoph Runde, Stuttgart Region
- Agenda
- Minutes of 'Innovative clusters' working group, Stuttgart
- Meeting in Glasgow, 21-22 February 2008
- Agenda
- Internationalisation of clusters
- Mediterannée Téchnologies - PACA cluster internationalisation
- MedSilesia- Silesian Medical Cluster
- Scottish Enterprise - Clusters and priority industries
- Scottish Enterprise - Energy and Scotland
- Scottish Enterprise - Exploring cluster dynamics
- Scottish Enterprise - Life sciences in Scotland
- Scottish Enterprise - Priority industries: strategy and evaluation
- Scottish Enterprise - Scottish Development International
- Minutes of 'Innovative clusters' working group, Glasgow
Final report
- IRE working group 'Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers' - Final report
- IRE working group 'Regional Innovation Systems' 2006-2008
- Meeting in Helsinki, 29 November 2006
- Agenda
- Bavaria, Karl-Heinz Hanne
- Castilla y Leon, Gregorio Munoz Abad
- Crete, Panagiotis Ignatiadis
- East Sweden, Anna Jacobson
- Flanders, Bernard De Potter
- Helsinki, Irina Blomqvist
- Lower Austria, Irma Priedl
- Milano, Pasquale Gioffi
- South East England, Peter Parsons
- Southern Denmark, Birgitte Hee Olesen
- Yorkshire & Humber, Trevor Gregory
- Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Helsinki
- Meeting in Vienna, 1-2 March 2007
- Agenda
- '2nd WG Meeting on Regional Innovation Systems' by Yannis Pierrakis
- 'Descriptive models. Regional Innovation Systems' by Bernard De Potter
- 'IRE Working Group Regional Innovation System', by Jesus de las Cuevas
- 'Key Elements of the Regional Innovation System – The point of view of Lower Austria' by Irma Priedl
- 'Making regional innovation systems effective. Some policy implications', by Meirion Thomas
- 'Regional Innovation Systems. Part 1 : Theoretical Framework ', by Bernard De Potter
- Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Vienna
- Meeting in Ennis, 23 May 2007
- Agenda
- "Group I: Interaction and Openness", Yorkshire & Humber, Bavaria, Helsinkin and North-Brabant
- "Group II: Activities & Need orientation", Rhône-Alpes, East Sweden & Crete
- "Group III - Steering" by Malgorzata Piotrowicz, Poznan Science & Technology Park
- "Similar Projects " by Anna Jacobson, Ostergotland County Administrative Board
- "Steering, Strategy and Vision, The New Danish set-up", South Denmark
- "Strategy" by Pasquale Maria Cioffi and Márta Völgyiné Nadabán
- "Vision Group III', by Peter Parsons
- "Welcome and summary from the previous meeting" by Yannis Pierrakis
- "IRE Regional Innovation Systems Working Group", minutes from the 3rd meeting
- Meeting in Crete, 29-30 October 2007
- Agenda
- 'Multilevel governance and regional innovation' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Multilevel governance in Bavaria' by Karl-Heinz Hanne
- 'Multilevel governance in Greece' by Aliki Pappa
- 'Multilevel governance in Wielkopolska' by Malgorzata Piotrowicz
- 'Stronger links between the working groups and the wider IRE network' by Lena Mårtensson
- 'Trends in innovation: Innovation Zone/Clustering Impact on New Economy' by Iordanis Arzimanoglou
- 'Welcome' by Augusto Ferreira
- Working group 1: EU innovation layers
- Working group 2: The influence of multilevel governance on regional innovation systems
- Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Crete
- Meeting in Eindhoven, 25-26 February 2008
- Agenda
Background paper
- Background paper
- 'Regional Governance in Bavaria' by Karl-Heinz Hanne
- 'Regional Governance in Crete' by Artemis Saitakis and Panagiotis Ignatiadis
- 'Regional Governance in Flandes' by Eric Sleeckx
- 'Regional Governance in Lower Austria' by Irma Priedl
- 'Regional Governance in Milan' by Pasquale Cioffi
- 'Regional Governance in Nort Great Plain' by Márta Nádaban
- 'Regional Governance in Rhòne-Alpes' by Raphaël Anasthase
- 'Regional Governance in the Innovation Field' by Patries Boekholt
- 'Regional Governance in the Province of North Brabant' by Rob de Groot
- 'Regional Governance in Uusimaa/Helsinki' by Irina Blomqvist
- 'Regional Governance in Wielkopolska' by Malgorzata Piotrowicz
- Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Eindhoven
Final report
- IRE Working Group 'Effective regional innovation systems' - Final report
- IRE working group 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' 2006-2008
- Meeting in Malta, 4-5 December 2006
- Introduction by Marc Pattinson, IRE Secretariat
- Knowledge transfer in Alsace
- Knowledge transfer in England's Northwest
- Knowledge transfer in Latvia
- Knowledge transfer in Madrid
- Knowledge transfer in Northern Ireland
- Knowledge transfer in Rogaland
- Knowledge transfer in West Pomerania
- Minutes of the knowledge transfer subgroup, Malta
- Agenda knowledge transfer subgroup Malta
- Meeting in Madrid, 19-20 February 2007
- Introduction by Marc Pattinson, IRE Secretariat
- Knowledge transfer in Alsace
- Knowledge transfer in Brittany
- Knowledge transfer in Emilia-Romagna
- Knowledge transfer in Hamburg
- Knowledge transfer in Hame
- Knowledge transfer in Iceland
- Knowledge transfer in Latvia
- Knowledge transfer in Madrid
- Knowledge transfer in Norhern Ireland
- Knowledge transfer in South East England
- Knowledge transfer in Västra Götaland
- Knowledge transfer in West Romania
- Minutes of the knowledge transfer subgroup, Madrid
- Meeting in Ennis, 23 May 2007
- Agenda
- Minutes of knowledge transfer working group meeting, Ennis
- “Effective Knowledge Transfer Activities: Closer Linkages SME/HEI and Forsesight Methods" by Paloma Mallorquin, Madrid Region
- BIP – “User Driven Research based Innovation Projects” by Anne Solheim and Hilde Aarsheim, Rogaland Region
- Foresight & Horizon Scanning, Northern Ireland
- Foresight : Sharing the experience of regional practitioners and experts by Günter Clar, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
- Foresight in the regional innovation strategy, West-Pomerania
- Fusion ‘Connected’ – The Higher Education/Further Education Collaboration Fund by Anne Conaty, Northern Ireland
- Innovation Circles - Commercialisation Programme by Paloma Mallorquin, Madrid Region
- Moderator presentation
- New study program “Innovative business development” in Ventspils University College by Agnese Grinevica, Latvia
- The Better Concept, Vastra Gotaland Region
- The Business Fellow Network - Knowledge Transfer through Brokering, Mini KT Partnerships – Business +, East-South of England Region
- Meeting in Western Sweden, 18-19 October 2007
- Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), by Ulf Södervall, Chalmers University
- IRE Working Groups, by Elzbieta Ksiazek, IRE Secretariat, Luxembourg
- Moderator presentation for meeting and next steps by Marc Pattinson, the Working Group Coordinator
- Overview Swedish Institute sector and its current transformation, by Björn Westling, Western Sweden
- Overview Vastra Gotaland Regional KT strategy and key KT networks and activities by Lave Thorell, Västra Götaland Region
- 'Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs' by Ásta Erlingsdóttir
- Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Christian A. Scerri, Malta Council For Science and Technology, Malta
- Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Conor Dunbar, Northern Ireland
- Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Session II - Brittany
- Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Session II - Hamburg
- Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Tiziana Boyland, SEEDA, South East England
- Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, West Romania
- The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, by Ásta Erlingsdóttir, Iceland
- The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, by Debora Facchini, ASTER, Emilia Romagna
- The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, by Paloma Mallorquín, Madrid
- The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, Conor Dunbar, Northern Ireland
- The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, Session I - Brittany
- The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, Session I - Hamburg
- The Swedish innovation system, by Anne Löfquist, VINNOVA
- Visit of Chalmers Knowledge Transfer Institute, by Kent Rundgren and Henric Rhedin, Chalmers University
- Welcome to IVF
- Agenda
- Minutes of 'Knowledge transfer' working group Gothenburg
- Meeting in Bologna, 12-13 February 2008
- "Definition and proposals preparation" by Giorgio Moretti, Emilia-Romagna Region
- "Evaluation and monitoring tools", by Leda Bologni and Giorgio Moretti, Emilia-Romagna Region
- "Evaluation and selection proposals" by Leda Boligni, Emilia-Romagna Region
- "GePh-CARD" by Marina Mordenti, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institutes
- "Microarrays and GeBBALab" by Silvia Giuliani, Bologna
- "Monitoring process " by Giorgio Moretti, Emilia-Romagna Region
- "New policies for competitiveness and for a knowledge based economy" by Silvano Bertini, Emilia-Romagna Region
- Agenda
- Minutes of 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' working group, Bologna
Final report
- IRE Working Group 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' - Final report
Working Group on European Observatory of Regional Innovation
- Aragon contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Bretagne contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Bulgaria contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Crete contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Cyprus contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Eurada contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Hollanders contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- IRE Secretariat contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Lower Austria contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Minutes from teh Workshop 30_October_2008
- Nord-Pas de Calais contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- OECD contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Pais Basque contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Puglia contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Wielkopolska contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
- Mutual Learning Platform
- Launch conference in Brussels, 18 April 2005
Agenda and participants
- Agenda MLP lauch conference
- List of participants
- Introduction to MLP Priority Working Groups
- Mutual Learning - a strategic tool for regions to improve their competitiveness
- Mutual Learning Platform - Approach and expected outcomes
- Outline of the benchmarking working group
- Outline of the 'Regional profiles in innovation and research' working group
- Presentation of the ERA-NET scheme
- Regional benchmarking of innovation policies - where are we now?
- Regional benchmarking: the Italian case
- Regional routes to the knowledge economy
- The Leuven experience
- Wallonia Foresight Mission 21
- Minutes of the MLP launch conference
Agenda and participants
2nd MLP Board meeting, Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
- Agenda
- Combined MLP and FOR-LEARN workshop, Brussels 19-20 October 2005
- Foresight impacts
- Presentation of a regional foresight exercise initiated through the Blueprints group
- Presentation of a regional foresight exercise initiated through the Blueprints group (1):Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Regional foresight methodological issues – what FOR-LEARN can offer
- Stocktaking of the follow-on activities in the Blueprints working groups
- The Border Midland and Western Region’s Experience in Regional Foresight
- The Experience of Wallonia 2020 as Regional Foresight Exercise
- The Lombardia experience in Regional Foresight
- Agenda
Workshop report
- Report from the joint MLP and FOR-LEARN foresight workshop
- MLP workshop 'Benchmarking for better regional innovation policies', Brussels, 25 November 2005
- European Innovation Scoreboard
- Territorial Benchmarking for Regional Competitiveness
- The quantitive impact of policies on regional innovation and development
- Tools and indicators provided by Eurostat
- Agenda
Workshop report
- Workshop report from MLP workshop 'Benchmarking for better regional innovation policies'
- MLP workshop 'Regional profiles and growth poles', Brussels, 9 December 2005
- Agenda
- Constructing regional advantage by Phil Cooke
- EU policy update by DG Enterprise
- EU policy update by DG Regional Policy
- EU policy update by DG Research
- Factors of regional competitiveness by Saxon Brettell
- Final remarks by Jean Severijns
- Growth Poles in Europe by Alasdair Reid
- Introduction by Jean Severijns
- Leuven as a growth pole by Martin Hinoul
- Overview of the innovation characteristics of the European regions by Pieter de Bruijn
- Review of the IPTS's research on regional profiles by Tibor Dory
Workshop report
- Report from the MLP workshop on regional profiles and growth poles
- MLP workshop "Regional Foresight", Stuttgart, 31 March 2006
- Agenda of the workshop
- FuturReg: a Transregional Approach
- Issues, Diagnosis and Long-term Vision
- Key Features of any Foresight Exercise - Evidence from the EFMN
- Possibilities for Foresight-related Activities in the New Structural Funds
- Possibilities for Foresight-related Activitiesin the New Structural Funds
- Shaping the Future at Regional Level: Planning Challenges for the 21st Century
- Strategic Investment and Structural Development as Impacts of Foresight Exercises
- Strategic Plan as a Strong Output of Foresight: The Case of Estonia
- Sum-up and outlook: First outline of a "Guide to the Guides" or a "Master Blueprint"
- The FOR-LEARN Tools to structure Foresight Processes
- Which Role can Foresight Play in Regional Policy-Making?
Workshop report
- Report from MLP foresight workshop in Stuttgart
- MLP Workshop on Regional Benchmarking, Brussels, 20 June 2006
- "How to Perform Regional Innovation Benchmarking" by Alasdair Reid
- "Regional Innovation Bechmarking" Lessons for European Innovating Regions by Luis Iurcovich
- A project or an ongoing initiative? Value-added from benchmarking by Yannis Pierrakis and Elzbieta Ksiazek
- Benchmarking Core Methods by Nicos Komninos
- Benchmarking regional innovation policies - 2nd MLP Workshop by Agnieszka Turynska
- European Regional Innovation Scoreboard - Past, Present and Future by Hugo Hollanders
- Indicators for benchmarking regional innovation in practice by Andrea de Panizza
- Introductory remarks to the Blueprint for regional benchmarking by Peter Heydebreck
- The Emilia-Romagna scoreboard of information society - Benchmarking as a decision support tool by David Osimo
- The Massachussetts Innovation Index - Case Study by Zvi Rosen
- The role of inter-regional benchmarking in the policy-making process - Lessons learnt in the field of information society by David Osimo and Karsten Gareis
- The role of inter-regional benchmarking in the policy-making process by Karsten Gareis
- Transferring Good Practice in Regional Innovation Policy – A Mission Impossible? The case of Prague by Jirí Blažek
- Agenda MLP benchmarking workshop
Workshop Handout
- Workshop Handout
- MLP workshop on Regional Profiles, Brussels, 14 June 2006
- "Basic recipe of a business model: central issues for discussion" by Taco C.R. van Someren
- "Emilia Romagna Regional Growth Pole" by Valeria Bandini
- "From coal-mining to high-tech – the role of incubators, support systems and clusters in the Aachen Technology Region" by Bernd Thomas
- "From Research to Revenue" by Clive Reeves
- "Irish Regional Growth Pole - The Shannon Region" by David Deighan
- "Regional growth chain and value chain to achieve it" by Martin Hinoul
- "Tampere experiences - or how simple things make the difference" by Kari Kankaala
- "There is chemistry in Limburg" by Frank van Lissum
- “How to make Regional growth poles work”, feedback from the first workshop and outlook for the second, by Jean Severinjs
- Agenda of the workshop
Workshop handout
- Workshop Handout
Observations and final conclusions
- Observations and conclusions
Workshop report
- 2nd MLP Workshop Report - Regional Profiles
- MLP Final Conference, Brussels, 13 October 2006
- "A toolkit to make Regional Growth Poles work", by Martin Hinoul
- "How to make Regional Growth Poles work", by Jean Severijns
- "Innovating Regions in Europe MLP Final Conference - Regional Innovation Benchmarking", by Alasdair Reid
- "Key lessons from the Mutual Learning Platform", by Peter Heydebreck
- "Learning from Policy-Making:Strategic Tools to Promote Regional Innovation", by Vincenzo Spieza
- "Regional Foresight – Boosting Regional Potential", by Sabine Hafner-Zimmermann
- "Regional Foresight Boosting Regional Potential", by Philippe Destatte
- "The Regional Innovation Process: Knowledge Generating and Knowledge Using Locations", by Michael Kitson
- “Regional Development Strategic Policy Tools”, by Luis Iurcovich
- MLP Final Conference Agenda
- Minutes from the MLP Final Conference, 13 October 2006
MLP Reports
- Benchmarking Workshop, Background Report
- Ingredients of a regional growth pole
- MLP brochure: Regional benchmarking, regional foresight and regional profiles in research and innovation
- MLP Report: Blueprint for Regional Innovation Benchmarking
- MLP Report: How to make Regional Growth Poles Work
- MLP Report: Regional Foresight - Boosting Regional Potential
- Mutual Learning Platform - synthesis report
- Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects
EURO-COOP Newsletters
- EURO-COOP Newsletter 1 September 2005
- EURO-COOP Newsletter 2 March 2006
- EURO-COOP Newsletter 3 September 2006
- EURO-COOP Newsletter 4 December 2006
- EURO-COOP Newsletter 5 March 2007
- EURO-COOP Newsletter 6 June 2007
EURO-COOP methodology and demonstration reports
- Benchmarking process for regional innovation strategies and policies
- Comprehensive Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment
- Policy recommendations about regional innovation policy impact assessment
- Regional Syntheses from the nine EURO-COOP regions (RIPIA Demonstration)
- Report about data collection in the partner regions
EURO-COOP Newsletters
- IASMINE Impact assessment and benchmarking methodology booklet
- IASMINE News, Issue 1, June 2006
- IASMINE News, Issue 2, December 2006
- IASMINE News, Issue 3, June 2007
- IASMINE News, Issue 4, December 2007
EMERIPA Newsletters
- EMERIPA Newsletter December 2005
- EMERIPA Newsletter January 2007
- EMERIPA Newsletter June 2006
EMERIPA methodology abstract and questionnaire
- EMERIPA external questionnaire
- EMERIPA methodology abstract
EMERIPA Newsletters
ARISE Newsletter
- ARISE Newsletter August 2006
- ARISE Newsletter February 2006
- ARISE Newsletter February 2007
- ARISE Newsletter June 2007
ARISE Newsletter
- Analysis of indicators. MERIPA final indicators and benchmarking tools
- MERIPA regional benchmarking report
- MERIPA report on regional innovation policy impact
- MERIPA Tool box - A booklet for regional innovation policy makers
- Regional cluster and network analysis - Methodology Tool Box
- Status report on the performance and impact of regional innovation policy
- The MERIPA survey
- Assessment methodology tool
- Benchmarking indicator tool
- Matchmaking analysis
- Paper on the impact of regional innovation measures
- Policy recommendations
- Summarising tools for existing policies
- Transregional benchmarking results and good practice
- White book on OMEN impact assessment and benchmarking methodology
- INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 1 August 2006
- INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 2 May 2007
- INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 3 August 2007
- INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 4 January 2008
INNOWATCH methodology
- INNOWATCH benchmarking analysis between partner regions
- INNOWATCH exchange of good practice and dissemination of overall results
- INNOWATCH policy recommendations
- INNOWATCH regional conclusions and dissemination
- IMPACTSCAN policy intelligence tool for regional innovation policy - user guide
IRE Award
- IRE Award announcement and further information
- IRE Award application form
- Nominated schemes for the IRE Award - motivations by the Evaluation Panel
- Winner of the IRE Award - motivation by the Evaluation Panel
- Support Actions to RIS-NAC processes
- 5SCHEMES Final report
IRE Steering Group
- IRE Steering Group Contribution to the discussion on the future of the Cohesion policy in Europe
- Position paper of the IRE Steering Group 'Innovating Regions in Europe in the new area of EU innovation policies'
Regions of Knowledge 2
- MIRIAD Project: Final Report 2008
- MOVARE project: Policy paper
- Novaregio: Final Activity Report
- Novaregio: Final Event
- RegStrat Project: Final Guide
- RegStrat Project: Publication
- IRE Secretariat
Service Charter
- IRE Secretariat service charter
- IRE publications
IRE general presentation materials
- IRE poster 1: Mission statement
- IRE poster 2: Map
- IRE presentation leaflet
Previous publications
- IRE brochure 'Innovating Regions in Europe network - Projects and Achievements'
- IRE leaflet 'Innovating Regions in Europe network - Innovation at the Heart of Europe`s Regions'
- IRE poster
Previous publications
- Regional Innovation in Europe: The journal of the IRE Network
Regional Innovation in Europe October 2001: Innovate regionally, compete globally
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (DE)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (DK)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (EN)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (ES)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (FI)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (FR)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (GR)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (IT)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (NL)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (PT)
- RIE Magazine October 2001 (SV)
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2002: The real challenge lies ahead
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (DA)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (DE)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (EL)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (EN)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (ES)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (FIN)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (FR)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (IT)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (NL)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (PT)
- RIE Magazine May 2002 (SV)
Regional Innovation in Europe October 2002: Towards regional innovation benchmarking
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (DA)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (DE)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (EN)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (ES)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (FI)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (FR)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (GR)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (IT)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (NL)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (PT)
- RIE Magazine October 2002 (SV)
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2003: Strengthening the university-industry interface
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (DA)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (DE)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (EN)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (ES)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (FI)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (FR)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (GR)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (IT)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (NL)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (PT)
- RIE Magazine May 2003 (SV)
Regional Innovation in Europe October 2003: Developing innovative clusters
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (DE)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (DK)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (EN)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (ES)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (FI)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (FR)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (GR)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (IT)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (NL)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (PT)
- RIE Magazine October 2003 (SV)
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2004: Innovation in traditional sectors
- RIE magazine May 2004 (DE)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (DK)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (EN)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (ES)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (FR)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (GR)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (IT)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (NL)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (PT)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (SF)
- RIE magazine May 2004 (SV)
Regional Innovation in Europe December 2004: Innovation in the services sector
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (DA)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (DE)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (EL)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (EN)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (ES)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (FI)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (FR)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (IT)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (NL)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (PT)
- RIE Magazine December 2004 (SV)
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2005: Regional competitiveness – a question of innovation culture
- RIE Magazine May 2005 (EN)
Regional Innovation in Europe December 2005: New projects - a step forward for regional innovation
- RIE Magazine December 2005 (EN)
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2006: Finance for innovation
- RIE Magazine May 2006 (EN)
Regional Innovation in Europe December 2006: Knowledge-based entrepreneurship
- RIE magazine December 2006
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2007: Regional innovation systems
- RIE magazine May 2007
Regional Innovation in Europe December 2007: Encouraging innovation in SMEs
- RIE magazine December 2007
Regional Innovation in Europe May 2008: A collaborative approach to innovation
- RIE magazine May 2008
Regional Innovation in Europe December 2008: Knowledge transfer
- RIE magazine December 2008
Regional Innovation in Europe October 2001: Innovate regionally, compete globally
IRE electronic newsletters
- NEWSLETTER 1, October 1996
- NEWSLETTER 10, appendix
- NEWSLETTER 10, November 1997
- NEWSLETTER 11, December 1997
- NEWSLETTER 12, February 1998
- NEWSLETTER 13, April 1998
- NEWSLETTER 14, June 1998
- NEWSLETTER 15, August 1998
- NEWSLETTER 16, September 1998
- NEWSLETTER 17, January / February 1999
- NEWSLETTER 18, March / April 1999
- NEWSLETTER 19, May / June 1999
- NEWSLETTER 2, November 1996
- NEWSLETTER 20, July / August 1999
- NEWSLETTER 21, September / October 1999
- NEWSLETTER 22, November / December 1999
- NEWSLETTER 23, January / February 2000
- NEWSLETTER 24, March / April 2000
- NEWSLETTER 25, May / June 2000
- NEWSLETTER 26, July / September 2000
- NEWSLETTER 27, October / November 2000
- NEWSLETTER 28, January / February 2001
- NEWSLETTER 29, March / April 2001
- NEWSLETTER 3, December 1996
- NEWSLETTER 30, May / June 2001
- NEWSLETTER 31, July / August 2001
- NEWSLETTER 32, September / October 2001
- NEWSLETTER 33, November / December 2001
- NEWSLETTER 34, January/ February 2002
- NEWSLETTER 35, March/ April 2002
- NEWSLETTER 36, May/June 2002
- NEWSLETTER 37, July/August 2002
- NEWSLETTER 38, September/October 2002
- NEWSLETTER 39, November/December 2002
- NEWSLETTER 4, January 1997
- NEWSLETTER 40, January / February 2003
- NEWSLETTER 41, March/April 2003
- NEWSLETTER 42, May/June 2003
- NEWSLETTER 43, July/August 2003
- NEWSLETTER 44, September/October 2003
- NEWSLETTER 45, November/December 2003
- NEWSLETTER 46, January/February 2004
- NEWSLETTER 47, March/April 2004
- Newsletter 48, July/August 2004
- NEWSLETTER 49, September/October 2004
- NEWSLETTER 5, February 1997
- NEWSLETTER 50, November/December 2004
- NEWSLETTER 51, January/February 2005
- NEWSLETTER 52, March/April 2005
- NEWSLETTER 53, May/June 2005
- NEWSLETTER 54, July/August 2005
- NEWSLETTER 55, September/October 2005
- NEWSLETTER 56, November/December 2005
- NEWSLETTER 57, January/February 2006
- NEWSLETTER 58, March/April 2006
- NEWSLETTER 59, May/June 2006
- NEWSLETTER 6, April 1997
- NEWSLETTER 60, July/August 2006
- NEWSLETTER 61, September/October 2006
- NEWSLETTER 62, November/December 2006
- NEWSLETTER 63, January/February 2007
- NEWSLETTER 64, March/April 2007
- NEWSLETTER 65, May/June 2007
- NEWSLETTER 66, July/August 2007
- NEWSLETTER 67, September/October 2007
- NEWSLETTER 68, November/December 2007
- NEWSLETTER 69, January/February 2008
- NEWSLETTER 7, May 1997
- NEWSLETTER 70, March/April 2008
- NEWSLETTER 71, May/June 2008
- NEWSLETTER 72, July/August 2008
- NEWSLETTER 73, September/October 2008
- NEWSLETTER 74, November/December 2008
- NEWSLETTER 8, July 1997
- NEWSLETTER 9, September 1997
- European Innovation - IRE Network News
IRE Network News September 2001
- IRE Network News September 2001 - English version
- IRE Network News September 2001 - French version
- IRE Network News September 2001 - German version
- IRE Network News September 2001 - Italian version
- IRE Network News September 2001 - Spanish version
IRE Network News January 2002
- IRE Network News January 2002 - English version
- IRE Network News January 2002 - French version
- IRE Network News January 2002 - German version
- IRE Network News January 2002 - Italian version
- IRE Network News January 2002 - Spanish version
IRE Network News September 2002
- IRE Network News September 2002 - English version
- IRE Network News September 2002 - French version
- IRE Network News September 2002 - German version
- IRE Network News September 2002 - Italian version
- IRE Network News September 2002 - Spanish version
IRE Network News January 2003
- IRE Network News January 2003 - English version
- IRE Network News January 2003 - French version
- IRE Network News January 2003 - German version
- IRE Network News January 2003 - Italian version
- IRE Network News January 2003 - Spanish version
IRE Network News September 2003
- IRE Network News September 2003 - English version
- IRE Network News September 2003 - French version
- IRE Network News September 2003 - German version
- IRE Network News September 2003 - Italian version
- IRE Network News September 2003 - Spanish version
IRE Network News January 2004
- IRE Network News January 2004 - English version
- IRE Network News January 2004 - French version
- IRE Network News January 2004 - German version
- IRE Network News January 2004 - Italian version
- IRE Network News January 2004 - Spanish version
IRE Network News May 2005
- IRE Network News May 2005 - English version
- IRE Network News May 2005 - French version
- IRE Network News May 2005 - German version
- IRE Network News May 2005 - Italian version
- IRE Network News May 2005 - Spanish version
IRE Network News September 2005
- IRE Network News September 2005 - English version
- IRE Network News September 2005 - French version
- IRE Network News September 2005 - German version
- IRE Network News September 2005 - Italian version
- IRE Network News September 2005 - Polish version
- IRE Network News September 2005 - Spanish version
IRE Network News January 2006
- IRE Network News January 2006 - English version
- IRE Network News January 2006 - French version
- IRE Network News January 2006 - German version
- IRE Network News January 2006 - Italian version
- IRE Network News January 2006 - Polish version
- IRE Network News January 2006 - Spanish version
IRE Network News September 2006
- IRE Network News September 2006 - English version
- IRE Network News September 2006 - French version
- IRE Network News September 2006 - German version
- IRE Network News September 2006 - Italian version
- IRE Network News September 2006 - Polish version
- IRE Network News September 2006 - Spanish version
IRE Network News January 2007
- IRE Network News January 2007 - English version
- IRE Network News January 2007 - French version
- IRE Network News January 2007 - German version
- IRE Network News January 2007 - Italian version
- IRE Network News January 2007 - Polish version
- IRE Network News January 2007 - Spanish version
IRE Network News September 2001
Other promotional materials
- ERDF Innovative Actions Map
- IRE map
- RIS/RIS+ map
- RITTS RIS Brochure
IRE Press releases
- Boosting the innovation potential of Europe's SMEs - 3 December 2002
- Clustering innovation: the path to regional development - 4 February 2004
- Europe's Innovating Regions achieve critical mass - 29 May 2002
- Foreseeing the risks and opportunities of scientific breakthroughs - 17 February 2003
- From paper to practice - implementing regional innovation strategies - 29 April 2004
- Innovation as the basis for regional development in EU candidate countries – a strategic approach - 29 September 2003
- IRE network extended to central and eastern Europe - 31 May 2002
- Regional innovation is key to EU competitiveness - 19 June 2002
Innovation logo
- Innovation logo
- Innovation logo: usage guidelines
IRE Thematic Networks brochure
- Thematic Networks - Sharing our experiences
IRE network logotype
- IRE network logotype - format for web use
- IRE network logotype - high resolution format for printing
Brochure on the IRE Award for best European innovation scheme
- 'IRE Award on best European innovation scheme' brochure
Brochure on the achievements and results of the IRE projects 2005-2008
- Achievements and results of the IRE projects 2005-2008
Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment & Benchmarking Guidebook
- Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment & Benchmarking Guidebook
Final brochure on the IRE Network results
- 'IRE Network results' final brochure
IRE general presentation materials
- 1st IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey - results
- 2nd IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
- 3rd IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
- 4th IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
- 5th IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
- European Observatory of Regional Innovation questionnaire
- Regional innovation strategies impact questionnaire
- Working Group on European Observatory of Regional Innovation
Web editorials
- Web editorial
- Archives
- Clusters: Christian Saublens, Network Secretariat (EURADA)
- Interview with a project manager: Dr Roy Tubb, East Finland
- Interview with a project manager: Pierre Bourgogne, Auvergne
- Regional consensus building
- Research vouchers pilot project
- The Ontario "RIS" experience: David A Wolfe and Meric S Gertler
Ireland Photos
- Photos
- Ireland Photos
Service Charter
- European Commission
Enterprise and Industry DG
- An Industrial Property Rights Strategy for Europe
- Benchmarking Enterprise Policy: Results from the 2002 Scoreboard
- Better environment for enterprises
- Clusters and cluster policies and their role for innovation&competitiveness
- Commission staff working document: 'Towards a European strategy in support of innovation in services: Challenges and key issues for future actions'
- Communication "More Research and Innovation - Investing for Growth and Employment: A Common Approach"
- Consultation on Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
- Creating an entrepreneurial Europe. The activities of the European Union for SMEs
- DG Enterprise and Industry report: Innovation Clusters in Europe: A statistical analysis and overview ofcurrent policy support
- Enterprise DG web site
- Entrepreneurial innovation in Europe
- Entrepreneurship Action Plan
- Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies - Final Report of the Expert Group
- European Cluster Memorandum
- European Competitiveness Report
- European Competitiveness Report 2008
- Highlights of results of the Best Procedure projects 2001-2002
- INNO-Learning Platform Annual Report, 2007-2008
- Innovation Tomorrow
- Promoting entrepreneurship on TV and in other audio-visual media - Report of the Expert Group
- Small Business Act for Europe - Report on the results of the open consultation
- Third report on the implementation of the European Charter from Small Enterprises
- Towards world-class clusters in the European Union: Implementing the broad-based innovation strategy
- World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report 2007-2008 - Chapter 2.3 "SMEs hold the Key to European Competitiveness: How to Help Them Innovate through ICT and E-business"
Regional Policy DG
- Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth and Jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines, 2007-2013
- ERDF Innovative Actions
- ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006: Frequently Asked Questions
- Examples of regional innovation projects
- Ex-post evaluation of the RIS, RTTs and RISI ERDF Innovative actions for the period 1994-99 Analytical report Strand A (RIS)
- Ex-post evaluation of the RIS, RTTs and RISI ERDF Innovative actions for the period 1994-99 Final synthesis report
- General Block Exemption Regulation on State Aid
- Guidelines for the ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006
- Innovative strategies and actions: Results from 15 Years of Regional Experimentation
- Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC
- Regional Policy DG web site
- 'Regions 2020' - An Assessment of Future Challenges for EU Regions
- Regions delivering innovation through cohesion policy
- Second report on economic and social cohesion
- Strategic Evaluation on Innovation and the knowledge based economy in relation to the Structural and Cohesion Funds, for the programming period 2007-2013
- Structural policies and European territories: Competitiveness, sustainable development and cohesion in Europe - from Lisbon to Gothenburg
- Thematic Evaluation of the Structural Funds’ Contributions to the Lisbon Strategy
- Third report on economic or social cohesion
- Research DG
Documents and publications
- Communication: Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry across Europe: embracing open innovation
- Co-operation and co-ordination of Research Activities - ERA-net
- Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions
- Innovation and Transfer of Results of Energy RTD in National and European Community Programmes
- Key Figures 2003-2004 Report: Towards a European Research Area - Science, Technology and Innovation
- More research for Europe - Towards 3 % of GDP
- Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation
- Regional dimension of the European Research Area web page
- Some suggestions for the preparation of an ERA-NET Co-ordination Action
- Strengthening the dimension of foresight in the European Research Area
- The European Research Area: Providing new momentum. Strengthening - Reorienting - Opening up new perspectives
- The Regional Dimension of the European Research Area
- Towards a European Research Area - Key figures 2002
- Voluntary guidelines for universities and other research institutions to improve their links with industry across Europe
Research DG website
- Research DG website
Documents and publications
Calls for proposals
- INNET “Innovation express” Trans-European call for proposals for technology clusters and SMEs (open from March to December 2008)
- INTERREG IVB Baltic Sea call for proposals (February 2008)
- INTERREG IVB South East Europe call for proposals (May 2008)
- INTERREG IVC call for proposals (September 2007)
- Open calls for proposals and tenders on CORDIS
- Regions of knowledge: Analysis, mentoring, integration of research agendas and definition of joint action plans (December 2007)
- Regions of Knowledge: Facilitating the emergence of new regional research driven clusters and mutual exchange of information (December 2007)
Official exchange rates: EURO
- European Central Bank: Euro foreign exchange reference rates
- Info Euro: Exchange rates of the national currencies with the EURO
Enterprise and Industry DG
- IRC Network
IRC Network
- Innovation Relay Centres network public web site
IRC Network
- Innovation Policy and Practice
European Innovation Scoreboard
- European Innovation Scoreboard 2002-2005
- European Innovation Scoreboard 2006-
- European Innovation Scoreboard 2007
Trend Chart
- Annual INNO Policy Trendchart Country Reports
- Mini Studies of the second learning cycle of the INNO Learning Platform
- Trend Chart
Innovation-related studies and reports
- A Practical Guide to Regional Foresight
- A time for new ideas - Innovation in Central Eastern Europe
- Benchmarking business angels
- Benchmarking industry-science relationships
- Benchmarking innovation practices of European firms
- Benchmarking national and regional e-business policies for SMEs.
- Benchmarking National and Regional Support Services in field of IPR for SMEs
- Benchmarking the Administration of Business Start-ups
- Best practices in angel groups and angel syndication
- Booz & Company study: Beyond Borders: The Global Innovation 1000
- Clusters in the EU-10 new member countries
- Corporation tax and innovation: Issues at stake and review of European Union Experience in the Nineties
- Creating an Innovative Europe
- Dynamising national innovation systems
- Europe INNOVA: Innovation and Clusters - the experience of 11 networks
- Europe INNOVA: Innovation and Financing - the experience of 10 networks
- European Innovation Scoreboard 2005
- Examples of regional innovation projects
- Final Report of the Expert Group on Enterprise Clusters and Networks
- Guide on dealing with innovative solutions in public procurement
- Helping business start up: A "good practice guide" for business support organisations
- Helping businesses grow: A good practice guide for business support organisations
- Hidden innovation in the creative industries - Nesta report
- Impact of technological and structural change on employment: prospective analysis 2020
- Innobarometer 2004
- INNOBAROMETER 2006: Clusters facilitate innovation in Europe
- INNO-Learning Platform Annual Report 2007-2008
- Innovation 2008 - the BSG senior management survey
- Innovation and Public Procurement. Review of Issues at Stake
- Innovation by Absorption - the NESTA interim report
- Innovation in tourism: How to create a tourism learning area
- Innovation Management in a Knowledge-Driven Economy
- Innovation Policy in Europe 2004
- Innovative Clusters Drivers of national innovation systems
- Leading Innovation - Building effective regional coalitions for innovation
- Major challenges for the governance of national research and innovation policies in small European countries
- Measuring innovation efficiency
- Methodology for regional and transnational technology clusters: Learning with European best practice
- NESTA report: Innovation by Adoption
- Nesta research report: The changing nature of the early stage venture capital market in the UK
- OECD review of regional innovation: Globalisation and regional economies
- Open Innovation in Global Networks
- Regional clusters in Europe
- Rural innovation
- Services Innovation in Ireland - Options for Innovation Policy
- SMART INNOVATION: A Practical Guide to Evaluating Innovation Programmes
- SME policy and the regional dimension of innovation: towards a new paradigm for innovation policy?
- Study on Indicators for monitoring Transnational and Interregional Cooperation Programmes
- Technology Audit
- Technology, knowledge and learning panel report
- The geography of the inventive activities in OECD regions
- The impact of corporate spinn-offs on competitiveness and employment in the European Union. A first study
- The implications of R&D off-shoring on the innovation capacity of EU firms
- The New Inventors - How users are changing the rules of innovation
- The PAXIS Manual for Innovation Policy Makers and Practitioners - Analysis and transfer of innovation tools, methodologies and policy
- The Rise of Knowledge Regions: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for Universities
- What role do cities play in innovation, and to what extent do we need city-based innovation policies and approaches?
- World Economic Forum: The Global Competitiveness Report 2008–2009
European Innovation Scoreboard