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  • IRE Network
    • Network Events
      • Plenary Meetings
        • Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Meeting, Brussels, 22-23 June 1998
          1. Proceedings of the Innovating Regions in Europe Annual Meeting
        • Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Meeting, Madrid, 15-16 June 2000
          • Speeches and presentations
            1. Achievements and Recommendations to the current innovation strategies RITTS
            2. Development of a Regional Policy Measures Resource
            3. IRE tools: thematic subgroups, CEEC information days, website
            4. National Networks, the Hellenic RITTS-RIS association
            5. New call for Proposals to support Regional Innovation Strategies
            6. Promotion of Innovation: political orientations and pilot actions
            7. Regional Innovation Measures under the Innovation and SME Programme
            8. Regional Innovation Policy under the new Structural Funds
            9. RITTS Madrid and "Red Iberia" first achievements
            10. RITTS Madrid and "Red Iberia" first achievements - English
            11. RITTS Madrid and "Red Iberia" first achievements - Spanish
            12. The new structure of the IRC and IRE Networks: the IRC-IRE Central Unit
          • Proceedings
            1. Conference Proceedings
        • Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Meeting, Stratford-upon-Avon, 17-18 June 2002
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            • Plenary session Monday 17th June 2002
              1. Innovating in Thessaly: The European Dimension
              2. Innovation 2000 Initiative: complementary funding for Innovation
              3. IRE: Achievements and future perspectives
              4. New ways of introducing innovation in regional programmes
              5. RIS+ outcomes
              6. RIS+ outcomes: West Midlands
            • Plenary session Tuesday 18th June 2002
              1. Concluding remarks
              2. IRE Network: assistance services
              3. Outcomes from Parallel session 1
              4. Outcomes from parallel session 2
              5. RINNO: the resource base for regional innovation
            • Parallel session 1: New prospects for innovation in the regions
              1. Innovation strategies: driving regions to adopt foresight
              2. Measuring regional innovation capability
              3. Trans-regional Innovation Schemes in the European Research and Innovation Area: new ways for co-operation
              4. Trend Chart and the European Innovation Scoreboard: Innovation Policy across Europe
            • Parallel session 2: Towards a new European regional policy after 2006
              1. A guide to cluster policy in less favoured regions
              2. Creating Smart Systems. A guide to cluster strategies in less favoured regions
              3. Innovation and social capital: why geography matters
              4. The Exaggerated Death of Geography: Localised Learning, Innovation and Uneven Development
              5. Why geography matters - key points in Kevin Morgan's approach
          • Participants
            1. List of participants
        • Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Conference, Ljubljana, 7-8 June 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Plenary Conference
          • Presentations
            • Plenary session 7 June
              1. Coordinating programmes in favour of Business Innovation
              2. IRE Secretariat services and activities of the IRE network
              3. Regional innovation in the context of future cohesion policy
              4. The future of regional innovation policy in the EU
              5. The role of the IRE network in the future innovation policy: New actions and services
            • Parallel session 1: New Innovation projects: New IRE projects and networking between industrial clusters
              1. Developing a regional innovation strategy in a trans-national partnership
              2. Networking between industrial clusters
              3. Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects - Presentation of a project including previous experience
              4. Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects - Project overview and the Commission's long-term objectives
              5. Support action to RIS-NAC processes - Project overview
            • Parallel session 2: Regional strategies for the promotion of start-ups: The PAXIS experience
              1. Barcelona and the European Day of the Entrepreneur
              2. Excellence in the transfer and adaptation of innovation policies: Emilia Romagna
              3. Overview and achievements of the PAXIS initiative
              4. SPRING in the Stuttgart Region: learning with strong partners through PAXIS
            • Parallel session 3: Regional Programmes of ERDF Innovative Actions
              1. Activities and achievements of the ERIK network
              2. Lorraine's Innovative Actions programme: Implementing regional innovation activities
              3. Madeira's Innovative Actions programme: Developing a regional strategic framework for innovation support
            • Parallel session 4: Regional innovation financing - Improving the financial environment for start-ups
              1. Gate2Growth
              2. Latvian Venture Capital start aid programme
              3. Micro-loans and other instruments for start-up companies in Finland
              4. The revolving fund of the TOP programme
            • Parallel session 5: Presentation of IRE Working Groups
              1. WG 1 'Coopoeration and partnership between business and science'
              2. WG 2 'Regional clustering and networking'
              3. WG 3 'Mututal Learning Platforms for the regions'
              4. WG 4 'Industrial Regions'
            • Parallel session 6: Regions of Knowledge - key activities and achievements
              1. Baltic Sea Knowledge Region
              2. MaredFlow
              3. META Foresight
              4. The Regions of Knowledge initiative - Key activiites, achievements and prospects
            • Plenary session 8 June
              1. Conclusions from Parallel session 1
              2. Conclusions from Parallel session 3
              3. Conclusions from Parallel session 4
              4. Conclusions from Parallel session 5
            • Exhibitors' presentations
              1. CORDIS helping innovators: from information service to communication platform
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the 4th IRE Plenary Conference
        • Innovating Regions in Europe Plenary Conference, Shannon, 24-25 May 2007
          • 'Open sessions'
            • Open session 3: Importance of Intellectual Property for Regions and their Business Development - An Insight into the IP Rghts System
              1. ‘Open session’ 3 Agenda
              2. Discover the world of the IPR Helpdesk
              3. Importance of Intellectual Property for Regions and their Business Development – An Insight into the IP Rights System
            • Open session 2: Establishment of Innovation Hubs as part of a Regional Innovation System
              1. ‘Open session’ 2 Agenda
            • Open session 1: Schools as seeds for innovative regions
              1. ‘Open session’ 1 Agenda
          • Venue information
            1. Bus from Shannon airport to Ennis
            2. Venue information
          • Agenda
            1. 5th IRE Plenary Conference Agenda
          • Presentations
            • Plenary session: Innovation in Europe: Policy challenges and responses
              1. "Balearic Islands: Regional tourism development strategy" by Ms Marta Jacob
              2. "Benefits from networking within the Innovating Regions in Europe", by Mr James Dick
              3. "Constructing regional advantage from innovation systems", by Prof Philip Cooke
              4. "European policy boosting regional innovation performance", by Ms Francoise Le Bail
              5. "Limburg: Knowledge/Research vouchers" by Mr Jean Severijns
              6. "Madrid: Sistema Madri+d" by Mr Arturo Menedez
              7. "Networking opportunitites from the IRE Secretariat", by Ms Elzbieta Ksiazek
              8. "Networking opportunitites from the IRE Secretariat", by Ms Irma Priedl
              9. "Networking opportunitites from the IRE Secretariat", by Ms Márta Völgyiné Nadabán
              10. "Opening address", by Mr Kevin Thompstone
              11. "Yorkshire & Humber: Centres of Industrial Collaboration" by Mr Nicholas Marchetti
            • Parallel session 1: Setting the scene for innovation: governance and cross-border policy cooperation
              1. "Collaborative governance of regional innovation policy - Madrid", by Mr Arturo Menedez
              2. "Preparing joint programmes for trans-regional innovation governance - the INNO-DEAL project", by Ms Michela Michilli
              3. "Shaping regional development based on the Regional Innovation Strategy - Yorkshire and Humber", by Mr Reza Zadeh
            • Parallel session 2: Developing research-based clusters and growth poles
              1. "A cluster-based approach to R&D policy - the RICARDA project", by Mr Daniel Zwicker-Schwarm
              2. "Medicon Valley - A cross-border research-based cluster in Øresund", by Mr Stig Jørgensen
              3. "Strengthening innovation paths in automotive clusters", by Mr Rolf Reiner
            • Parallel session 3: Powering innovation policies with the help of the Structural Funds
              1. "Developing regional innovation measures in New Member States - expereinces from the 'Support Actions to RIS-NAC processes'", by Mr Andrea Di Anselmo
              2. "Streamlining regional innovation strategies with ERDF funding in Crete: 10 years experience", by Mr Artemis Saitakis
              3. "The implementation of Latvia's innovation strategy - benefits from the Structural Funds", by Mr Valdis Avotins
            • Parallel session 4: Assessing the concrete results of regional innovation policies
              1. "Evaluating impact of regional innovation strategies - the EMERIPA project", by Ms Begoña Sánchez
              2. "Measuring the impact of innovation policies in SMEs - the MERIPA project", by Dr Marko Torkkeli
              3. "Meeting the needs of regional policy makers in impact assessment - the ARISE project", by Ms Gabriella Fiori
              4. "The increasing importance of impact assessment in innovation policy making", by Mr Torsti Loikkanen
            • Parallel session 5: Creating innovative services - a key area for the knowledge economy
              1. "Combining creativity and technology - MFG Innovation", by Dr Jochen Betz
              2. "Enhancing innovation in the Balearic Islands' tourism sector", by Mr Marta Jacob
              3. "Innovation in the service sector - characteristics, barriers and policy challenges", by Mr Meirion Thomas
              4. "Options for service innovation policy in Ireland", by Dr Jos Evertsen
            • Parallel session 6: Alternatives to high-tech - innovative approaches for traditional sectors
              1. "Enhancing the regional economy through new products and services based on local resources", by Dr Dimitris Skalkos
              2. "Promoting access to innovation - the Shannon experience", by Brian Callanan
              3. "Promoting innovation and product development in a rural area", by Ms Rosa Onofre
              4. 'Tuscany - a regional innovation system based on art and food', by Prof Luciana Lazzaretti
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the 5th IRE Plenary Conference, Ennis
      • Good practice workshops
        • Training sessions for the new RITTS/RIS, December 1996 – March 1997
          1. Lessons learned from Training Sessions for RITTS/RIS Managers - MERIT
        • SME needs analysis, Brussels, 29-30 May 1997
          1. Proceedings of the workshop on SME needs analysis
        • Clusters, Bilbao, 9-10 December 1997
          1. Report on the Workshop on Clusters
        • Facilitating SMEs' Access to Research, Cardiff, 14-15 December 1998
          1. Proceedings of the Facilitating SMEs Access to Research
        • Turning Analysis into Action, Mainz, 2-3 March 2000
          1. Turning analysis into action - Preliminary Programme
        • Innovation Policy, Implementation and Innovation Audits, Potsdam, 27-28 September 2001
          • Presentations
            1. Innovation and technology strategy of Brandenburg
            2. Innovation Audits in Hungary
            3. Innovation-Check
            4. Introduction to innovation and technology audits - Part 1
            5. Introduction to innovation and technology audits - Part 2
            6. Introduction to innovation and technology audits - Part 3
            7. Montage Innovation Process: West Midlands experience
            8. Promoting Technology audits in France
            9. Technology auditing in Slovakia
            10. Telematic audits in Madrid
            11. Transnational co-operation on innovation management techniques: the INNO-REGIO project
            12. Transnational innovation audit systems for SMEs
          • Agenda and background information
            1. Innovation policy, Implementation and Innovation Audits - Agenda
            2. Innovation policy, Implementation and Innovation Audits - Background information
          • IRE Newsletter article
            1. Article IRE electronic newsletter 32
        • Regional Innovation Observatories and Technology Watch, Porto, 8-9 November 2001
          • Presentations
            1. Economic Intelligence and Technology Watch Innovation Circles - a Regional Approach
            2. General Introduction Successful Technology Watching
            3. How SMEs Can Witness Technological Development
            4. Innovation Strategy in the East of England - Observatory and Foresight
            5. Promoting the use of Foresight for Regional Policy and Strategy Development
            6. Supporting foresight in an Enlarged European Union - Providing new Opportunities for Regional Innovation Observatories
            7. Technology Watch Experiences in the East of Spain
            8. Technology Watch to Small and Micro Companies: the IRC North East Italy IRENE Exercise
            9. The Regional Innovation Observatory in Central Macedonia
          • Agenda and background information
            1. Regional Innovation Observatories and Technology Watch - Agenda
            2. Regional Innovation Observatories and Technology Watch - Background information
        • Regional innovation schemes to support RDI activities in SMEs, Valencia, 12-13 December 2002
          • Agenda and press release
            1. Agenda Valencia, 12-13.12.2002
            2. Press release: Boosting the innovation potential of Europe's SMEs
          • Presentations
            1. Co-operation between research institutes and SMEs
            2. EU regional innovation policies: the experience of the IRE network
            3. From technology transfer to innovation consultancy: Case study AGIT
            4. Innovation in traditional sector SMEs in Toscana
            5. Outcomes of the PRICOVA project: action plan and monitoring
            6. Promoting innovative SMEs in Europe
            7. Research vouchers pilot scheme: access to external knowledge in Limburg
            8. Schemes for the support of technological innovation in SMEs in Flanders
            9. The NEOTEC Initiative: Creation and consolidation of technology-based firms
            10. Wales for innovation: an action plan to support SMEs
        • Regional Foresight, Ljubljana, 3-4 March 2003
          • Presentations
            1. Developing embedded foresight and foresight culture at the regional level - an example from Uusimaa
            2. Future opportunities for EC support to regional foresight activities
            3. Identifying key technologies in the context of regional innovation strategy projects
            4. Introducing common foresight methods
            5. Regional foresight in North East England - a practical approach
            6. Scoping regional foresight
            7. The relevance of foresight to small economies in the pre-accession phase: Malta's preliminary experiences with the eForesee project
            8. What is foresight?
            9. What relevance does foresight have for regions?
            10. Why and how the European Commission supports foresight
          • Agenda and press release
            1. Agenda Ljubljana 3-4 March 2003
            2. Press release: Foreseeing the risks and opportunities of scientific breakthroughs
        • Knowledge transfer from University to Industry, Palma de Mallorca, 10-11 April 2003
          • Agenda and background information
            1. Agenda and background information Palma de Mallorca
          • Presentations
            1. Business innovation and growth from exploitation of academic research - the BIGEAR network
            2. Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship - combining entrepreneurial education with pre-incubation
            3. Infrastructure and spin-off creation at the University of Twente
            4. Madr&d - Regional Information and Technological Promotion System of Madrid
            5. MONTAGE - Innovation Process in the West Midlands
            6. Searching and evaluating research based business ideas in Finland - the TULI programme
            7. Shannon Region Knowledge Network: third level institutions and industry
            8. Styria - a network of networks Part 1
            9. Styria - a network of networks Part 2
            10. The "Quasi-enterprise" initiative
            11. The role of universities in the Europe of knowledge: the regional dimension
        • Clustering as a driver of innovation at regional level, Pescara, 26-27 February 2004
          • Agenda and press release
            1. Agenda and background information Pescara
            2. Press release 'Clustering innovation: the path to regional development'
          • Presentations
            1. ACENET: the lessons learnt in the IRE Thematic Network dealing with clusters
            2. Enterprise clusters and networks in Europe
            3. Flemish cluster policies: phases, expectations and achievements
            4. Italian industrial districts: the example of Castel Goffredo hosiery district
            5. Networking and clustering in the West of Ireland
            6. Recent developments and achievements of clusters
            7. The Alpine Wellness Cluster
            8. The Basque Country's aerospace cluster
            9. Yorkshire Forward: A Regional Innovation Strategy based on cluster development
        • Implementation and monitoring of regional innovation strategies, Cyprus, 13-14 May 2004
          • Agenda and press release
            1. Agenda Cyprus
            2. Press release 'From paper to practice - implementing regional innovation strategies'
          • Presentations
            1. Central Macedonia Observatory for Innovation and Development
            2. Impact of Swedish RITTS on national policies to promote innovation
            3. Lower Austria: measuring the impact of the regional innovation strategy
            4. Madrid’s Research and Innovation Strategy: strengthening the regional policy-making process
            5. Monitoring of Innovation Policy in Limburg
            6. RIS as a basis for Lower Austria’s Structural Funds Operational Programme
            7. Wales for Innovation: Taking forward RIS with regional funding
        • Innovation financing at regional level, Prague, 15-16 November 2004
          • Presentations
            1. Business Angels
            2. Connect Midlands - Supporting companies to get ready for investment
            3. Encouraging Company Start-ups in Estonia
            4. Financing University Spin-offs - the Western Sweden model
            5. FonsInnocat - Catalonia's Venture Capital Fund
            6. Innovation Financing - introduction and overview
            7. Matching Investors and Entrepreneurs at the European Level
            8. Role of the State and Partnership with the Private Sector to stimulate access to finance for SMEs
            9. Warmia and Mazury Local Guarantee Schemes
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Innovation Financing' workshop
        • Innovative business incubators, Krakow, 21-22 April 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Krakow workshop
          • Presentations
            1. BIC Pilsen - a Business Innovation Centre developing a regional innovation strategy
            2. European Commission support to regional innovation policies - Current developments
            3. Helping reconvert declining industrial areas - The case of Liguria
            4. Incubators in CEE countries - The Mielec Incbator IN-MARR, Poland
            5. Innovative business incubators - A general ovrview in Europe
            6. Teh East Midlands Incubation Network (EMIN)
            7. The Mjärdevi Science Park and Incubator - Linking innovation support institutions in East Sweden
            8. Travel Park Incubator Network - Connecting incubators in the tourism sector
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of workshop 'Innovative business incubators'
        • Promoting an innovation culture in the regions, Liverpool, 27-28 October 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Liverpool
          • Presentations
            1. Business Innovation and Growth from Exploitation of Academic Research - the BIGEAR network
            2. Culture - the key to successful innovation performance
            3. Culture of creativity in the Helsinki region
            4. Entrepreneurship training at the University of Saarland
            5. Fostering a regional innovation culture - support from the European Commission
            6. Fostering an innovation culture among young people in Western Sweden
            7. Highlighting successful innovation in companies: the Thessaly Innovation Week
            8. Innovation culture in England's Northwest
            9. Inspirational leadership for effective innovation
            10. Teaming efforts for innovation: The PRO INNO initiative
            11. The creation of the Sophia Antipolis science park
            12. The European Day of the Entrepreneur
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the workshop 'Promoting an Innovation Culture in the Regions'
        • Regional clusters as innovation drivers, Brussels, 30-31 May 2006
          • Presentations
            1. Cluster development in Yorkshire and Humber region
            2. Cluster management: strategies and actions in East Lombardy
            3. Cluster mapping and feasibility studies in South East England
            4. Competence networks in Flanders' innovation system
            5. Monitoring and evaluating cluster initiatives in Flanders
            6. Open source cluster in the Stuttgart region
            7. The IRC and IRE cluster initiatives
            8. The IRE subgroup on clusters
            9. Toolmakers cluster of Slovenia
            10. Tourism cluster in the County of Jämtland (North Sweden)
            11. Why regional clusters - rationales and trends in cluster policies
            12. Wood cluster in South Tirol
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda IRE cluster workshop
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of IRE workshop on clusters
        • Effective regional innovation systems, Lahti, 30 November - 1 December 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Effective regional innovation systems - agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Companies' innovation behaviour in the Finnish innovation system
            2. Coordinating and monitoring the Basque Country innovation system
            3. Developing the Latvian innovation system
            4. Event introduction
            5. Innovation policy and Europe's regions
            6. Opening
            7. Overview of the innovation system in Lahti - main actors, success factors and bottlenecks
            8. Regional innovation systems - theoretical concept and practical use
            9. Strengthening the regional innovation system in North Great Plain
            10. The Finnish innovation system - a case of success
            11. The role and contribution of a Regional Development Agency
            12. The role and contribution of higher education and research insitutes
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the workshop 'Effective regional innovation systems'
        • Increasing innovation capacities of companies, Riga (LV), 29 - 30 March 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Increasing innovation capacities of companies - agenda
          • Presentations
            1. "Activites to strengthen the innovation capacities of Latvia", by Anrijs Matiss
            2. "Developing and promoting traditional products through business cooperation in Peloponnese", by Dimitrios Keranis & Anna Andricopoulou
            3. "Encouraging innovation in small companies", by Peter Parsons
            4. "Innovation in the cultural heritage sector - Tuscany", by Nadia Crivelli
            5. "Innovation training for enterprises in Limerick", by Burga Fullam
            6. "Placement of academics in low-tech companies – North Sweden", by Liselotte Lundqvist
            7. "Promotion of innovation in companies – European Programmes perspective", by Alain Libéros
            8. "Reaching traditional SMEs in peripheral areas – Castilla y León", by Gregorio Muñoz Abad
            9. "Strengthening the technology and innovation competence of SMEs – Lower Austria’s Innovation Coach programme", by Irma Priedl
            10. "Taking the challenge – promotion of innovation in SMEs in Latvia", by Valdis Avotins
            11. "The challenge of addressing non-innovative SMEs – workshop objectives", by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            12. Lessons from day 1 and round table issues
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the workshop 'Increasing innovation capacities of companies'
        • Impact assessment for better governance of regional innovation policies, Bilbao, 29-30 January 2008
          • Agenda
            1. Impact assessment for better governance of regional innovation policies - agenda
          • Presentations
            1. 'Assessing the impact of regional innovation policies of SMEs' by Daniel de la Sota
            2. 'Benchmarking - learning new ideas and understanding what makes the policy successful' by Gabriella Fiori
            3. 'Creation of an innovation observatory in the region of Apulia' by Adriana Agrimi
            4. 'Governance and systemic instruments in innovation policies' by Lena J. Tsipouri
            5. 'Impact assessment - assuring the relevance of your innovation policy' by Begona Sanchez
            6. 'Impact assessment and benchmarking - pros and cons of different approaches to take' by Ronald Pohoryles
            7. 'Initiatives and tools for regional innovation policies by OECD' by Vincenzo Spiezia
            8. 'Introduction to the objectives of the event' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            9. 'Lisbon Monitoring Platform' by Marcus Scheuren
            10. 'Measuring the success - indicators for effective innovation strategies' by Lars Gelsing
            11. 'New' regional policy for innovation and the challenges for the territorial cohesion in Europe' by Mikel Landabaso
            12. 'Strengthening regional innovation governance by involving regional actors' by Valentina Diana
            13. 'Use of the impact assessment tools in regional practice' by Annie Renders
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of IRE conference 'Impact assessment for better governance of reigonal innovation policies'
        • Innovation governance: Enhancing interaction in the regional innovation system, Rennes, 5-6 June 2008
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda 'Innovation governance: Enhancing interaction in the regional innovation system'
          • Presentations
            • Part 1: Innovation policy governance for stronger regional innovation systems
              1. 'A regional innovation strategy supporting public-private knowledge transfer activities' by Bernard McKeown
              2. 'Governance challenges for enhancing regional innovation systems' by Bernard De Potter
              3. 'Innovation policy governance in globalised regional innovation systems' by Per Koch
              4. 'Introduction to the objectives of the event' by Lena Mårtensson
              5. 'Supporting global integration of regional clusters' by Rodolphe Uhlmann
            • Parallel session 1: Promoting dynamic interaction in regional innovation systems
              1. 'Innovation policy making in a multilayer governance system - the case of Castilla y León' by Gregorio Munoz
              2. 'Stakeholder involvement in the Helsinki Metropolitan Innovation Strategy' by Irina Blomqvist
              3. 'Wielkopolska: Emerging new dimensions in the regional innovation system' by Malgorzata Riotrowicz
            • Parallel session 2: Quantitative approaches for governance of clusters and innovation systems
              1. 'Assessing intellectual capital in regional networks' by Veit Haug
              2. 'Monitoring and evaluating cluster performance in Scotland' by Madeline Smith
              3. 'Sector and cluster foresight in Western Greece' by Stefanos Michos
            • Parallel session 3: Making knowledge transfer services more efficient - Some suggestions based on regional experiences
              1. 'Linking incubation support and knowledge transfer activities' by Jim Keane
              2. 'Structural Funds support for knowledge transfer activities: Polish examples of implementing good practices' by Jacek Baraniecki
              3. 'Technology transfer initiatives and dedicated SME development support centres' by Björn Westling
            • Part 3: Dynamic exchanges for better regional innovation capacity
              1. 'Excellence in innovation policy governance, clusters and research - the regional innovation strategy of Bretagne' by James Leighton James Leighton
              2. 'Highlighting conclusions from the IRE Working Groups - presentation of the final papers' by Augusto Ferreira, Nils Gabrielsson and Marc Pattinson
              3. 'Key issues from parallel workshop 1' by Lena Mårtensson
              4. 'Key issues from parallel workshop 2' by Elena Stieranková
              5. 'Key issues from parallel workshop 3' by Piotr Bartczak
              6. 'Open innovation through 'Living Labs' - involving the users' by Annika Sällström
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of IRE conference 'Innovation governance: Enhancing interaction in the regional innovation system'
        • New Generation of Regional Innovation Strategies, Gothenburg, 24-25 November 2008
          • Presentations
            1. 'Developing Regional Innovation Strategies: the role of the European Commission' by Alberto Licciardello
            2. 'Flanders RIS 2.0: Flanders in Action' by Bernard De Potter
            3. 'Introduction' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            4. 'New Coherent Innovation Strategy in Berlin and its adjustment in the region' by Katrin Schmohl
            5. 'New Competitiveness Strategy for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area' by Kimmo Heinonen
            6. 'New Innovation/Competitiveness Strategy for Västra Götaland' by Tomas Ekberg
            7. 'New Regional Innovation Strategy for Kent' by Alex King and Peter Parsons
            8. 'New RIS for Yorkshire and Humber: A Response to new Innovation Challenges' by Reza Zadeh
            9. 'New RTDI Strategy for Castilla y Leon' by Gregorio Muñoz Abad
            10. 'Opening' by Agneta Mårdsjö
            11. 'Trends in the development of new Regional Innovation Strategies' by Claire Nauwelaers
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda ‘New Generation of Regional Innovation Strategies'
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the IRE workshop ‘New Generation of Regional Innovation Strategies'
      • Industrial Regions group
        • Cambridge, 7-8 June 2001
          • Presentations
            1. Conclusions of the RITTS East Lombardy project
            2. Consortia for Agri-food in Europe
            3. Implementing the RIS - experience from the Shannon region in Ireland
            4. Introduction to the East of England region
            5. RIS+ Aragon update of the last actions undertaken
            6. RITTS East of England: latest developments
            7. Strengthening the regional innovation profile
            8. Virtual environment for Innovation Management Techniques, Province of Mantova
            9. Western Sweden experience to support industrial clusters
          • Agenda
            1. Cambridge June 2001 - Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the meeting 6-7 June 2001 Cambridge, UK
        • Göteborg, 6-7 December 2001
          • Presentations
            1. Implementation of the RITTS East Lombardy results: two projects
            2. Innovative Actions and Technological Innovation
            3. Overijssel RIS+ results
            4. Presentation of Västra Götaland Region (Western Sweden)
            5. Regional Design Network
            6. RITTS Western Sweden - conclusions and opening of discussions
            7. RITTS/RIS impact questionnaire
            8. Technological Self-Diagnosis Tool for SMEs
            9. Thematic Network CAFÉ
            10. Thematic Network ProWomEn
            11. Thematic Network SAIL
            12. Thematic Network SCONE
            13. Thematic Network STRINNOP
            14. Thematic Network VERITE
          • Agenda
            1. Göteborg December 2001 - Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Göteborg December 2001 - Minutes
        • Shannon, 16-17 May 2002
          • Press releases
            1. Press release: Europe's Innovating Regions achieve critical mass - 29th May 2002
            2. Press release: Regional innovation is key to EU competitiveness - 19th June 2002
          • Proceedings
            1. 3rd IRE Plenary Meeting Proceedings
          • Presentations
            1. ACENET: IRE Thematic Network to promote clusters
            2. East of England 2010: prosperity and opportunity for all
            3. Innovative Actions and Technological Innovation
            4. Innovative Actions Programme of Aragón
            5. Regional networks as a vehicle for public-private partnerships
            6. The Yorkshire and the Humber KNOWLEDGE RICH (KRICH)
          • Agenda
            1. Shannon, 16-17 May 2002, Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Shannon, 16-17 May 2002, Minutes
        • Industrial regions sub-group (previous activities)
          1. Industrial regions sub-group (previous activities)
        • Glasgow, 5-6 December 2002
          • Presentations
            1. Innovation culture in Western Sweden to promote more NTBFs
            2. The IVF Centre of Excellence for Industrial Innovation
          • Agenda
            1. Glasgow December 2002 - Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the Industrial Regions group December 2002
        • Poznan, 10-11 June 2003
          • Presentations
            1. Aragón - Collaboration with West Romania
            2. East of England 2010: prosperity and opportunity for all
            3. Introduction to Innovative Actions
            4. Regional programme of Innovative Actions in Lombardy
            5. Support to RIS NACs
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Poznan 11 June 2003
          • Minutes
            1. Industrial Regions Group: Minutes of the meeting, 10-11 June 2003
        • Bergamo, 20-21 November 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Aragon - Innovative Actions Programme
            2. Competitive intelligence for SMEs: digital services for the building sector
            3. Digital infrastructures within the districts of East Lombardy
            4. East of England - Innovative Actions Programme
            5. Entrepreneurs Union - Innovation and Technology Service
            6. ERIK - Innovative Actions Thematic Network
            7. INN.TEC Development Agency initiatives in the Province of Brescia
            8. Lombardy - Innovative Actions Programme
            9. Servitec Agency
            10. Strategic Programme for the development and support of innovation and the growth of production activities in the province of Milan 2002-2004
            11. Western Sweden - Innovative Actions Programme
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the Industrial Regions group meeting November 2003
        • Uppsala, 17-18 May 2004
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Aragón's sectoral platforms: First achievements
            2. Innovative Actions regional programme in East Central Sweden
            3. INTERREG IIIC
            4. Lombardia's technological vouchers and Technoloyg Observatory: MINERVA
            5. Technology and innovation vouchers: IRE experience of Uusimaa and Limburg
            6. Western Sweden Innovative Actions Programme
            7. Yorkshire & the Humber Innovative Actions Programme
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the Industrial Regions group meeting May 2004
        • Zaragoza, 13-15 December 2004
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Aragón R&D and Knowledge Transference Programme
            2. Call information: Innovation 5,6 and 1
            3. Regional innovation policy in Västra Götaland
            4. The Northwest of England Region
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the Industrial Regions Group meeting December 2004
        • Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
          1. Agenda Ljubljana 6 June
        • Liverpool, 26 October 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Bretagne Innovation
            2. Motivating Merseyside Business to Innovate project
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of Industrial Regions group meeting, Liverpool 26 October 2005
        • Brescia, 9-10 March 2006
          1. Agenda, minutes and presentations
      • Information Days
        • CEEC Exchange Meeting, Prague, 25-26 November 1999
          1. Minutes of the meeting 25-26 November 1999 Prague, CZ
        • CEEC Information Day, Cracow, 17-18 February 2000
          1. CEEC Information Day Cracow - Draft agenda
        • CEEC Information Day, Bratislava, 21 February 2000
          1. CEEC Information Day Bratislava - Draft agenda
        • CEEC Information Day, Sofia, 24 March 2000
          1. CEEC Information Day Sofia - Agenda
        • CEEC Information Day, Bucharest, 27-28 March 2000
          1. CEEC Information Day Bucharest - Agenda
        • CEEC Information Day, Slovenia, 7 April 2000
          1. CEEC Information Day Slovenia - Draft agenda
        • CEEC Information Day, Hungary, 10-11 April 2000
          1. CEEC subgroup meeting and information Day Hungary - Draft agenda
        • CEEC Information Day, Tallinn, 14 April 2000
          1. RITTS information Day Tallinn, EE - Preliminary agenda
        • CEEC Information Day, Riga, 19 April 2000
          1. RITTS information Day Riga, LV - Preliminary agenda
        • RIS Information Day, Piatra Neamt, 17 October 2003
          1. Agenda
        • RIS Information Day, Wroclaw, 20 October 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Results of the RITTS projects in the Salzburg region
            2. The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western region: The case of RIS Strathclyde
        • RIS Information Day, Malta, 4 November 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Development of innovation support infrastructure: outlook
            2. Formulating a Regional Innovation Strategy: the case of Cyprus
            3. Innovation support services in Malta: Kordin Business Incubation Centre
            4. Malta in perspective
            5. The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Wetern region: the case of the Shannon Region, Ireland
        • RIS Information Day, Prague, 10 November 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western Region: the case of Aachen
        • RIS Information Day, Vilnius, 24 November 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Development of Innovation Support Infrastructure - Outlook
            2. Formulating a Regional Innovation Strategy: the case of Latvia
            3. In Practice - the Outcome of a RIS project
            4. Overview of Innovation Policy Development in Lithuania
            5. The ERDF Support to the Development of Innovation Services in Lithuania
            6. TThe value of Regional Innovation strategies in a Western region: the case of Strathclyde, UK
        • RIS Information Day, Bratislava, 28 November 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western region: the case of London South
        • RIS Information Day, Sofia, 5 December 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Overview of regional innovation support services in Bulgaria
            2. Regional Development Policy in Bulgaria
            3. Second case study on the concrete results of a RIS exercise Western region: Case of the region of Thessaly, Greece
            4. The experience of South Central Bulgaria in formulating a Regional Innovation Strategy
            5. The value of Regional Innovation strategies in a Western region: the case of the West Midlands, UK
        • RIS Information Day and PARTNER Final Conference, Budapest, 8-9 December 2003
          1. Agenda
        • RIS Information Day, Bucharest, 16 February 2004
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. The value of Regional Innovation Strategies in a Western region: the case of Abruzzo
        • Partner search session, Brussels, 2 April 2004
          1. Agenda
          2. Registration form
        • IRE projects - Reporting and Best Practice Information Day, European Commission, Brussels, 7 April 2006
          1. Financial issues - frequently asked questions
          2. Financial issues of the projects
          3. Introductory presentation
          4. IRE projects - reporting requirements
      • RITTS/RIS subgroups
        • Interregional co-operation, Madgeburg, 7-8 October 1999
          1. Interregional Co-operation Subgroup Meeting Magdeburg - Agenda
          2. Interregional Co-operation Subgroup Meeting Magdeburg - Minutes
        • Industrial Regions, Uppsala, 22-24 November 1999
          1. Agenda and list of participants (Uppsala)
          2. Feedback on the Industrial Regions Subgroup November 1999
          3. Minutes of the meeting 22-24 November 1999 Uppsala, SE
        • CEEC exchange meeting, Prague, 25-26 November 1999
          1. Minutes of the meeting 25-26 November 1999 Prague, CZ
        • Innovation in the Service Sector, Salzburg, 7-8 September 2000
          1. Supporting Innovation in the Services Sector - Agenda
          2. Supporting Innovation in the Services Sector - Report
        • Industrial Regions, Mantova, 18-19 September 2000
          1. Industrial Regions Subgroup Meeting 18-19 May 2000 Mantova, IT - Agenda
        • Industrial Regions, Zaragoza, 14-15 December 2000
          1. Minutes of the meeting 14-15 December 2000 Zaragoza, ES
      • Trans-Regional Innovation Projects
        • Trans-Regional Innovation Projects launch conference, Brussels, 30 June 1999
          • Presentations
            1. Autochain
            2. Delcosi
            3. Iberia North West
            4. Infoact
            5. Inno-Regio
            6. Northern EU
            7. OB-OR
            8. PEP
            9. Sesames
            10. Teurpin
          • Minutes
            1. Trans-Regional Innovation Projects conference: Minutes
          • Agenda
            1. Trans-Regional Innovation Project Launch Conference - Agenda
      • IRE Thematic Networks
        • IRE Thematic Network co-ordinators meeting, Luxembourg, 23 May 2002
          • Presentations
            1. ACENET - Afternoon session (1)
            2. ACENET - Afternoon session (2)
            3. ACENET - Morning session
            4. BASAN
            5. BIGEAR - Afternoon session
            6. BIGEAR - Morning session
            7. CAFÉ
            8. Conclusions of the TN co-ordinators meeting
            9. CRO-BO-BU-CO
            10. INNOBA-SME - Afternoon session
            11. INNOBA-SME - Morning session
            12. METROPOLIS - Afternoon session
            13. METROPOLIS - Morning session
            14. Metropolis final document
            15. PARTNER
            16. PROWOMEN - Afternoon session
            17. PROWOMEN - Morning session
            18. SAIL
            19. SCONE - Afternoon session
            20. SCONE - Morning session
            21. STRINNOP - Afternoon session (1)
            22. STRINNOP - Afternoon session (2)
            23. STRINNOP - Morning session
            24. VERITE
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the TN co-ordinators meeting
        • IRE Thematic Network co-ordinators meeting, Luxembourg, 15-16 May 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Thematic Network co-ordinators
          • Presentations
            • Plenary sessions
              1. Innovative Actions network on innovation: ERIK
              2. Innovative Actions network: Sustainable development
              3. Innovative Actions Thematic Networks
              4. Networking activities after the Thematic Network project
              5. Overview of the IRE Thematic Networks
              6. Validation of Thematic Network results: the Spinning Club example
            • Parallel sessions
              1. ACENET
              2. BASAN
              3. BIGEAR
              4. CAFÉ
              5. CRESCENDO
              6. CRO-BO-BU-CO
              7. INNOBA
              8. IRC Agro-food Thematic Group
              9. METROPOLIS
              10. PARTNER
              11. ProWomEn
              12. SAIL
              13. SCONE
              14. STRINNOP
              15. VERITE
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes Thematic Nework co-ordinators meeting May 2003
      • Training Sessions
        • Innovation and Technology Transfer, Bratislava, 9th July 2002
          1. Agenda
        • Technology Audits, Helsinki, 19th - 20th September 2002
          1. Agenda
          2. List of hotels
        • IT Tools and Technology Watch, Tallinn, 25th October 2002
          1. Draft agenda
          2. List of hotels
        • IT tools and Technology Watch, Vienna, 15 - 16 January 2004
          1. Agenda
        • IRE Training Session ‘Innovation policy design, implementation and evaluation’, Madrid, 16 - 18 April 2008
          • Agenda
            1. IRE Training Session Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. 'Designing innovation policy measures that will benefit the region' by Meirion Thomas
            2. 'European programmes supporting regional innovation policy' by Elzbieta Ksiazek and Lena Mårtensson
            3. 'Globalisation of innovation and design of policy measures for open systems of innovation' by Nicos Komninos
            4. Group exercise: Formulating your innovation policy measures
            5. 'Implementing Madrid's regional innovation strategy' by Beatriz Presmanes Arizmendi
            6. 'Innovation policy developments - perspectives from the IRE network' by Lena Mårtensson
            7. 'Innovation policy measures: How should company needs be met?' by Peter Parsons
            8. 'Introduction to day 2' by Lena Mårtensson
            9. 'Introduction to day 3' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            10. 'Introduction to the workshop - objectives and agenda' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            11. 'Monitoring and evaluation of regional innovation policies' by Nicos Komninos
            12. 'Regional innovation policy: mission and practical function within a region' by Meirion Thomas
            13. 'Stronger regional innovation systems - a challenge for regional innovation policies' by Elvira Uyarra
            14. 'The meaning of innovation from a company perspective' by Peter Parsons
            15. 'Transforming innovation policies into concree programmes and projects' by George Strogylopoulous
          • Minutes
            1. Summary of IRE Training Session, Madrid
      • Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking
        • Regional benchmarking and innovation monitoring in regions, Brussels, 14 May 2003
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes from benchmarking meeting May 2003
          • Presentations
            1. Experiences from Aragón
            2. Experiences from Flanders
            3. Experiences from London
            4. Experiences from the Balearic Islands
            5. Experiences from Valencia
            6. Monitoring regional innovation Applications in Central Macedonia and Thessaly, Greece
            7. Monitoring regional innovation in Abruzzo
            8. Regional innovation policies Evaluation and benchmarking
            9. The Lower Austrian case and experiences
        • Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects meeting, Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Impact assessment and benchmarking projects meeting
          • Presentations
            1. ARISE
            2. EMERIPA
            3. EURO-COOP
            4. IASMINE
            6. INNOWATCH
            7. Introduction: Impact assessment and benchmarking exercise - overview of projects
            8. MERIPA
            9. MLP benchmarking working group
            10. OMEN
            11. Previous experiences of regional innovation assessment and benchmarking - the METARITTS initiative
            12. Previous experiences of regional innovation assessment and benchmarking - the STRINNOP benchmarking exercise
            13. Regional benchmarking: the Italian case part 1
            14. The regional dimension of the European Innovation Scoreboard
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes
        • Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects meeting, Brussels, 24 November 2005
          1. Agenda
        • Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking project coordinators meeting, Brussels, 19 June 2006
          • Presentations
            1. Development of impact assessment methodology in EURO-COOP project
            2. Development of indicators for regional innovation benchmarking
            3. Impact assessment of innovation policies in Finland
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
        • Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking project coordinators Meeting, Shannon, 23 May 2007
          • Agenda
            1. agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Meeting objectives Benchmarking projects
            2. Next steps
            3. Objectives for policy makers
            4. State of play
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes Benchmarking Project Coordinators Meeting 23 May 2007
      • National networks
        • National networks' coordinators meeting, Florence, 11 December 2003
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. The Hellenic Network of Regional Innovation Strategies
            2. The Italian Innovating Regions Network
            3. The Polish Network of Regional Innovation Strategies (IntegRIS)
            4. The UK Regional Innovation Network (RINET)
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of national networks' co-ordinators meeting, December 2003
      • PARTNER implementation group
        • Krakow, 20-21 April 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Implementing of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Wielkopolska
            2. Introduction
            3. Recommendations for Latvia's NIS and a proposed Action Plan 2005-2010
            4. Regional Innovation Strategy of Slovenia
            5. RIS Nove Zamky and Nitra
            6. RIS West Pomerania
            7. RITTS Western Sweden
            8. Silesia's Regional Innovation Strategy 2003-2013
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of RIS-NAC Implementation Group 20-21 April 2005
        • Brussels, 11 October 2005: Kick-off meeting of the Support actions to RIS-NAC processes
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. 5SCHEMES
            2. Common procedures and approaches
            3. Councelling schemes
            4. IMIS
            5. Implementation of Silesia's innovation strategy
            6. Implementation of South Great Plain's innovation strategy
            7. Implementation of the regional innovation strategy of England's Northwest with the use of external expertise
            8. Implementation of West Romania's innovation strategy
            9. INNOVATION COACH
            10. INTRO
            11. Overview of the ‘Support actions to RIS-NAC processes’ (Strand 3)
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of PARTNER Implementation Group 11 October 2005
      • Specific support to RIS projects
        • RIS launch conference, Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda RIS launch conference
          • Presentations
            1. IRE Secretariat support accompanying the RIS projects – discussion and practical arrangements
            2. RIS Tartu Region and South Estonia: outcomes and regional benefits
            3. RIS-NAC project benefits from the membership in the IRE network - RIS Slovenia
            4. RIS-NAC project benefits from the membership in the IRE network - RIS West Romania
            5. The added value of RIS Castilla y León: results and regional impact
            6. The IRE network and the service offer of the IRE Secretariat
        • First methodological workshop, Vilnius, 7-8 July 2005
          • Agenda and presentations
            1. Agenda
            2. Getting a good foundation during phase 0, experiences of RIS in Prague
            3. How to prepare a communication strategy
            4. Involvement of wide groups of stakeholders, experiences of RIS Central Bulgaria
            5. Involving business in a RIS project - experience of Yorkshire and Humberside
            6. Launching a RIS project in the right direction
            7. Promotion and collaboration with media, experiences of Overijssel
            8. Working groups on "golden rules" for a RIS project
        • Second methodological workshop, Malta, 16-17 February 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Analysis objectives and methods
            2. Coming activities of the RIS focus groups
            3. European support for regional innovation
            4. Evaluation and interpretation of the RIS analysis results
            5. Hamburg's Regional Programme of Innovative Actions - RIS++
            6. Lessons learnt from day 1
            7. Plans of on-going RIS projects - RIS INNPULSE, Lithuania
            8. Plans of on-going RIS projects - RIS Pomerania, Poland
            9. Plans of on-going RIS projects - RIS Western Switzerland
            10. Regional case study of RIS analysis preparation and realisation: Lower Austria
            11. Regional innovation capacity and institutions in Latvia
            12. RIS analysis – getting it right from the start
            13. Technology trends analysis in Wallonie
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 2nd RIS methodological workshop
        • Focus Group 'Promotion of innovation in SMEs', Banská Bystrica, 3-4 April 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Improving access to innovation services - innovation support networks
            2. Innovatin and SMEs in Northern Great Plain Region
            3. Innovation awareness raising and training for SMEs
            4. Innovation in SMEs - situation on Malta
            5. Introducing innovation management techniques
            6. Introduction – Encouraging innovation in companies
            7. Lessons learnt from day 1
            8. Networks of SMEs promoting innovation
            9. Providing innovation consulting services
            10. Strategic innovation promotion programme resulting from a RIS project
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of RIS Focus Group on promotion of innovation in SMEs
        • Focus Group 'Academic-Business Links and Innovation Culture', Gdansk, 11-12 May 2006
          • Presentations
            1. Academic-Business Links in RITTS London South
            2. Academic-business links in the Innovating Regions in Europe
            3. Academic-Business Links in the Regional Innovation Strategy for Crete
            4. Business Innovation and Growth from Exploitation of Academic Research
            5. Cooperation between local industry and academia in the implementation phase of RIS Prague
            6. ISIS Innovation - Transferring Technology from the University of Oxford
            7. Selected Technology Transfer Schemes in Crete
            8. State of the art in RIS regions - Jerusalem
            9. State of the art in RIS regions - Pomerania
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of RIS Focus Group on academic-business links
        • Focus Group 'Clusters and Innovation Financing', Brussels, 29 May 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Cluster dimensions in RIS South East Bulgaria
            2. Cluster dimensions in RIS Trnava
            3. Cluster policy - a remedy for all regions?
            4. Establishing clusters in Tartu and South Estonia - a RIS based initiative
            5. Regional networks for cluster support - the case of Western Sweden
            6. Step-by-step development of a cluster policy - the case of Flanders
            7. Workshop objectives and agenda. Cluster policies in IRE regions
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the RIS Focus Group on innovative clusters
        • Focus Group 'Promotion of innovation in SMEs', Lahti, 29 November 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. An incubator and technology park collaborating with start-up support programmes in East Sweden - Sten Gunnar Johansson
            2. Developing innovation support infrastructure based on a RIS project. Competence centres in Weser Ems - Frank Glanert
            3. Innovation support infrastructure: the case of Banská Bystrica - Elena Stierankova
            4. Innovation support infrastructure: the case of Bucharest-Ilfov - Roxana Oprescu
            5. Innovation support scheme: Innovation sessions in Häme - Essi Artima
            6. Innovation support services and schemes centre for SMEs: IMPIVA - Javier Minguez
            7. Introduction to the workshop - Elzbieta Ksiazek
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the RIS Focus Group on regional innovation infrastructure
        • Third methodological workshop, Sofia, 22-23 February 2007
          • Presentations
            1. "A strategy that impacted the region – the inspirational example of the Basque Country", by Begoña Sánchez
            2. "Creating consensus and commitment", by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            3. "Developing a regional innovation strategy and action plan", by Lena Mårtensson
            4. "Formulating and implementing pilot actions in Silesia", by Luk Palmen
            5. "Integrating RIS results into Structural Funds programmes – the case of Lower Austria", by Irma Priedl
            6. "Interpreting analysis results and using them as a basis for strategy formulation", by Philipp Nussböck
            7. "Introduction to the day and lessons learned from Day 1", by Lena Mårtensson
            8. "Introduction to the workshop – objectives and agenda", by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            9. "Plans for strategic priorities and actions", by Daniela Tchonkova
            10. "Plans for strategic priorities and actions", by Kristi Kiitsak
            11. "Preparing and launching pilot actions", by Philipp Nussböck
            12. "Preparing for monitoring the implementation of the strategy", by Philipp Nussböck
            13. "RIS Mizia forums - a technique for reaching consensus" by Vassil Lenchev
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda third methodological workshop
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the third methodological workshop for RIS projects
        • Focus Group 'Academic-Business Links and Innovation Culture', Riga, 28 March 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. 'Innovation and entrepreneurship culture in University of Strathclyde' by Alasdair MacKay
            2. 'Innovation culture in Central Switzerland' by Jens Meissner
            3. 'Innovation culture in Kujawy-Pomorze region' by Krzysztof Chmara
            4. 'Innovation culture in West Midlands' by Thomas Blount
            5. 'Junior incubator in England's Northwest' by Paul Abbott
            6. 'KEIMforum - promotion of start-ups in Karlsruhe' by Peter Heydebreck
            7. 'Workshop objectives and brainstorming' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the RIS Focus Group on innovation culture
        • Focus Group 'Clusters and Innovation Financing', Miskolc, 4-5 October 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda RIS Focus Group on innovation financing
          • Presentations
            1. 'Business Angels in Europe - venture capital for innovative companies' by Reginald Vossen
            2. 'FAME - support fund for micro companies' by Ana Luisa Brejo
            3. 'Innovation financing in North Hungary' by Dániel Kuttor
            4. 'Innovation financing in South Muntenia' by Gilda Niculescu
            5. 'Instruments for innovation financing - Finance Wales' by Nick Moon
            6. 'Introduction to the Hungarian innovation financing system' by Dr Tivadar Lippényi
            7. 'Investment readiness programme - Connect Yorkshire' by James Farrar
            8. 'Lessons learned from day 1' by Lena Mårtensson
            9. 'Workshop objectives and agenda' by Lena Mårtensson
            10. 'Xénos Business Angels Network' by Nick Moon
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of RIS Focus Group on innovation financing
        • Fourth methodological workshop, Sinaia, 6-7 December 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Fourth methodological workshop
          • Transport and tourism information
            1. Tourist information: Pelse castle
            2. Transports between Bucharest airport and Sinaia
          • Presentations
            1. 'Creating a network of innovation consultants in Nord - Pas de Calais' by Jean-Marie Pruvot
            2. 'European policy supporting regional innovation' by Sven Schade
            3. 'Final summing up' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            4. 'Implementing a RIS action plan - the case of Wielkopolska' by Jacek Gulinski
            5. 'Introduction to the workshop - welcome to the imperfect innovation policy world!' by Elzbieta Ksiazek
            6. 'Lessons learned from day 1 and 'golden rules' by Lena Mårtensson and Elzbieta Ksiazek
            7. 'Monitoring regional innovation policies - experiences from IMPACTSCAN' by Annie Renders
            8. 'Summary of the group exercises' by Elzbieta Ksiazek and Lena Mårtensson
            9. 'Updating regional innovation policies - Galicia's research and innovation plans' by Raúl Rodriguez
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of Fourth methodological workshop for RIS projects, Sinaia
      • Support actions to RIS-NAC processes
        • Project meeting, 6 June 2005, Ljubljana
          1. 5SCHEMES
          2. Agenda
          3. IMIS
          5. INTRO
          6. Introduction
          7. IRE Secretariat services available for RIS-NAC and other IRE member regions
        • From Strategy to Action: the experience of former RIS NACs and strand 3 Innov4 Projects in implementing RIS within the mainstreaming of Structural Funds, 25 May 2007, Ennis
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. 5SCHEMES: Introducing innovation in the Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013 in Wielkopolska
            2. IMIS: Regional supply chain for the automotive industry
            3. INNOVATION COACH: Seed and pre-seed funds to boost knowledge-based start-ups
            4. INTRO: Skill centres in the Strand 3 workshop - Latvia
            5. Results of 5SCHEMES
            6. Results of IMIS
            7. Results of INNOVATION COACH
            8. RIS and 5SCHEMES: Building the regional capacity in devising and implementing innovation policy in South Central Bulgaria
    • IRE Thematic Networks
      • Early preparations Madrid June 2000
        1. Draft Innovation Society: Key Issues and Priorities for London
        2. Draft: Benchmarking Network
        3. Draft: Biosphere - A Thematic Network for Organo-Science Industries : Biosphere
        4. Draft: Biosphere - A Thematic Network for Organo-Science Industries : Food
        5. Draft: Contact lists
        6. Draft: Diffusion of Economic Intelligence for SMEs and VSEs
        7. Draft: Economic Intelligence for SMEs - Experiences and good practices
        8. Draft: Financing Innovation in the Regions
        9. Draft: Incubator of SME alliances
        10. Draft: Innovation Culture
        11. Draft: Internationalisation of SMEs
        12. Draft: Regional Supply/Value Chains and linking SMEs with Large Companies
        13. Draft: The Digital Market Place - A network to encourage and support the growth of e-business among SMEs and the formation and management of e-business clusters and supply chains
        14. Draft: The INNOPOLITAN project: The European Network of Large Metropolitan Regions
        15. Draft: The S.A.I.L. (Strenghening Academic and Industrial Links) Network
        16. Draft: Valorisation of Knowledge
        17. Draft: Virtual Clusters
        18. Draft: Virtual Environment for Regional Innovation Technologies (VERITE)
      • Thematic Networks newsletters
        • Strengthening Academic-Industrial Links - SAIL
          1. SAIL Newsletter 1 (June 2002)
          2. SAIL Newsletter 2 (September 2002)
          3. SAIL Newsletter 3 (January 2003)
          4. SAIL Newsletter 4 (March 2003)
          5. SAIL Newsletter 5 (August 2003)
          6. SAIL Newsletter 6 (September 2003)
        • Valorisation of knowledge - SCONE
          1. SCONE Newsletter no 1 (July 2002)
          2. SCONE Newsletter no 2 (October 2002)
          3. SCONE Newsletter no 3 (February 2003)
          4. SCONE Newsletter no 4 (June 2003)
        • Consortium for Agro-Food Europe - CAFÉ
          1. CAFÉ Newsletter no 1 (February 2002)
          2. CAFÉ Newsletter no 2 (June 2002)
          3. CAFÉ Newsletter no 3 (February 2003)
          4. CAFÉ Newsletter no 4 (August 2003)
          5. CAFÉ Newsletter no 5 (October 2003)
        • Profit for all Regions through Networking of European Regions - PARTNER
          1. PARTNER Newsletter no 1 (May 2002)
          2. PARTNER Newsletter no 2 (September 2002)
          3. PARTNER Newsletter no 3 (January 2003)
          4. PARTNER Newsletter no 4 (May 2003)
        • Overcoming Innovation Barriers in SMEs - INNOBA
          1. INNOBA Newsletter 1 (July 2002)
          2. INNOBA Newsletter 2 (September 2002)
          3. INNOBA Newsletter 3 (June 2003)
          4. INNOBA Newsletter 4 (August 2003)
          5. INNOBA Newsletter 5 (September 2003)
        • Innovation and networking activities in Large Metropolitan Areas - METROPOLIS
          1. METROPOLIS newsletter no 1 (August 2002)
          2. Metropolis newsletter no 2 (February 2003)
          3. METROPOLIS newsletter no 3 (July 2003)
          4. METROPOLIS newsletter no 4 (November 2003)
        • Accelerating the Establishment of Clusters - ACENET
          1. ACENET Newsletter 1 (October 2002)
          2. ACENET Newsletter 2 (February 2003)
        • Strengthening the regional innovation profile - STRINNOP
          1. STRINNOP Newsletter 1 (February 2003)
          2. STRINNOP Newsletter 2 (August 2003)
          3. STRINNOP Newsletter 3 (October 2003)
        • Innovation Finance - CRESCENDO
          1. CRESCENDO Newsletter 1 (May 2003)
          2. CRESCENDO Newsletter 2 (November 2003)
          3. CRESCENDO Newsletter 3 (March 2004)
      • Thematic Network Matrix
        1. Thematic Network Matrix
      • Thematic Network Good practice
        1. Good Practice description: Company validation of Thematic Network results - SCONE
        2. Good Practice description: Definition and implementation of regional innovation schemes - METROPOLIS
        3. Management and animation of a transnational network - Selected experience from the IRE Thematic Networks
      • Thematic Network final reports
        1. Thematic Network final reports
      • Thematic Networks Good practice compilation
        1. Good practice of regional innovation schemes
    • Trans-regional co-operation
      • Metropolis
        1. Metropolis final document
        2. Metropolis newsletter 1
        3. Metropolis newsletter 2
        4. Metropolis newsletter 3
        5. Metropolis newsletter 4
      • RITTS/RIS subgroups
        • Central/Eastern Europe subgroup
          • Subgroup activities
            1. Minutes of the meeting 25-26 November 1999 Prague, CZ
            2. Profiles of the CEEC Subgroup regions
            3. Summary of the CEEC Subgroup regions and fields of interest for co-operation
          • Useful links
            1. Success Stories from Research DG
            2. The Enlargement Directorate General of the European Commission
        • Industrial regions subgroup
          • Subgroup activities
            1. Feedback on the Industrial Regions Subgroup November 1999
            2. Minutes of the meeting 14-15 December 2000 Zaragoza, ES
            3. Minutes of the meeting 22-24 November 1999 Uppsala, SE
            4. Minutes of the meeting May 1997 Glasgow, UK - Report and Evaluation
            5. Minutes of the meetings 5-7 November 1997 Hasselt, BE and Maastricht, NL
            6. Profile of the members of the Industrial Regions Subgroup November 1999
          • Good practice guidebook
            1. Guidebook: "Good Practice on RITTS, RIS and RTP Pilot Projects across Europe"
          • Report: Industrial competitiveness and business support
            1. Industrial competitiveness and business support
            2. Industrial competitiveness and business support - Annex 1
            3. Industrial competitiveness and business support - Annex 2
            4. Industrial competitiveness and business support - Annex 3
        • Interregional innovation policy subgroup
          • Subgroup activities
            1. "Good practice in Interregional Innovation Policy" - Final report of the Subgroup February 1999, Network Secretariat
            2. E-mail addresses of persons involved in the subgroup October 1999
            3. Forms for expression of interest in co-operation October 1999
            4. Interregional Co-operation subgroup - Participating regions
            5. Matrix of Inter-regional Innovation Actions - Results October 1998
            6. Minutes of the meeting 14 June 2000 Madrid , ES
            7. Minutes of the meeting 19-20 March 1999 Athens, GR
            8. Minutes of the meeting 30 September - 2 October 1998 Altlengbach, AT
            9. Minutes of the meeting 30-31 March 2000 Ioannina, Epirus, GR
            10. Minutes of the meeting 3-5 February 1999 Rende-Cosenza, IT
            11. Minutes of the meeting 7-8 October 1999 Magdeburg, DE
            12. Minutes of the meeting May 1998 Maastricht, NL
            13. Profile of the Regions participating in the subgroup October 1999
            14. Results of the Survey - Matrix of Inter-regional Innovation Action and Good Practice Questionnaire October 1998
          • Benchmarking on innovation promotion in the regions
            1. "Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 1 Structure and Organisation" December 1998, Network Secretariat
            2. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Castilla-La Mancha
            3. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Thessaly
            4. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Calabria
            5. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Limburg, BE
            6. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Limburg, NL
            7. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Lower Austria
            8. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Neubrandenburg
            9. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Northern EU
            10. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Overijssel
            11. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Puglia
            12. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Sachsen Anhalt
            13. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 2 - Sterea Ellada
            14. Benchmarking on Innovation Promotion in the Regions - Good Practice Part 3
        • Service sector and innovation subgroup
          1. Info Pack from the meeting 26-28 April 2000 Shannon, IR
          2. Minutes of the meeting 26-28 April 2000 Shannon, IR
          3. Report of the meeting 7-8 September 2000 Salzburg, AU
        • Tourism subgroup
          1. A short bibliography
          2. List of publications provided by the DG XXIII
          3. Minutes of the meeting July 1997, Esens, DE
          4. Minutes of the meeting June 1998, Bari, IT
          5. Minutes of the meeting November 1997, Brussels, BE
        • Urban regions subgroup
          1. How to elaborate a Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategy in urban regions
          2. Minutes of the meeting April 1998 Berlin, DE
          3. Minutes of the meeting June 1997, Madrid, ES
          4. Minutes of the meeting November 1997, Brussels, BE
          5. Minutes of the meeting October 1998 Milan, IT
    • National networks
      • The Hellenic Network of Regional Innovation Strategies
        1. Minutes of the Greek-speaking IRC-IRE co-ordination meeting 11 - 12 March 2002, Athens (GR)
      • The Iberian Network of Innovation (RI2)
        1. Minutes of the first meeting of the "Red Iberia"
      • Report on the national networks of innovating regions
        1. Report on national networks of innovating regions 2003
    • Regional Innovation Strategy projects
      • RITTS and RIS evaluation reports
        1. Assessment of the Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Strategies and Infrastructures (RITTS) Scheme. Evaluation Report
        2. Ongoing Evaluation of Regional Innovation Strategies Pilot Projects - ECOTEC July 1999
        3. The Evaluation of the Pre-Pilot Actions under Article 10: Innovative Measures Regarding Regional Technology Plans. June 1998
      • Methodology guides for RIS projects
        • Self-evaluation
          1. RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part I
          2. RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part II
          3. RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part III
          4. RITTS Self monitoring guide, EC DG XIII, April 98 - Part IV
          5. Stage O of a RITTS
        • Guidelines for project managers
          1. Lessons learned from Training Sessions for RITTS/RIS Managers 1996 - 1997
          2. Regional Technology Plan Guide Book - 1994
          3. RIS/RITTS Guide - Glossary: Abbreviations and Definitions 1997
          4. RIS/RITTS Guide Section 1: Rationale and objectives of the exercice 1997
          5. RIS/RITTS Guide Section 2: Management Structure 1997
          6. RIS/RITTS Guide Section 3: Methodological guidelines 1997
          7. RIS/RITTS Guide Section 4: Timetable and deliverables 1997
          8. RIS/RITTS Guide Section 5: RITTS / RIS Network 1997
          9. RIS/RITTS Guide: Executive summary 1997
          10. RIS/RITTS Guide: List of Publications 1997
          11. RIS/RITTS Guide: List of regional RITTS & RIS contacts 1997
        • Methodological guides Stage 0, 1 and 2
          • Guides produced by the PARTNER network 2002 - 2004
            1. Methodological guide Stage 0
            2. Methodological guide Stage 1
            3. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 1: Examples of analysis instruments
            4. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 2: Example Thessaly
            5. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 3: Commonly identified needs
            6. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 4: Example Hamburg
            7. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 5: Examples of supply-side conclusions
            8. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 6: Example North Sweden
            9. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 7: Benchmarking on regional case studies
            10. Methodological guide Stage 1 - Annex 8: Cluster benchmarking guide
            11. Methodological guide Stage 2
            12. Methodological guide Stage 2 - Annex 1: Examples from urban regions
            13. Methodological guide Stage 2 - Annex 2: Building successful multi-partner projects
            14. Methodological guide Stage 2 - Annex 3: Pilot projects and priorities
          • Guides produced by the IRE Secretariat 2005 - 2007
            1. RIS Methodological guide Stage 0
            2. RIS methodological guide Stage 1
            3. RIS methodological guide Stage 2
      • Good practice
        1. A Guide to Regional Innovation Strategies
        2. Examples of past exercises: Results
        3. Good Practice on RITTS, RIS and RTP Pilot Projects Across Europe - Guidebook
        4. Innovation in SMEs Concepts, Experiences and Recommendations - Results from ADAPT projects
        5. Methodological approaches to investigate regional innovation capabilities
        6. Regional Innovation Strategy pilot projects - brochure
        7. RIS/RITTS Benchmarking Report: Communication Strategies
      • RITTS, RIS and RIS+ final reports
        1. RITTS, RIS and RIS+ final reports
      • RIS+ guide
        1. Regional Innovation Strategies under the European Regional Development Fund Innovative Actions 2000-2002: RIS+ guide
    • Trans-Regional Innovation Projects
      • Guidelines for reporting
        1. Costs statements of the Trans Regional Innovation Projects: typical mistakes to be avoided
        2. Guidelines for reporting in Trans Regional Innovation Projects
      • Trans-Regional Innovation Projects final reports
        1. Trans-Regional Innovation Projects final reports
    • IRE working groups of regions
      • IRE Sub-group 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers' 2004-2006
        • Background documents on clusters
          1. Final report of the expert group on enterprise clusters and networks
          2. Final report of the IRE Thematic Network ACENET
          3. Regional clusters in Europe (Observatory of European SMEs)
          4. Report on innovative clusters as drivers of national innovation systems (OECD)
          5. The cluster policies whitebook (IKED)
        • Meeting in Györ, 29 November - 1 December 2004
          • Presentations
            1. 4Frontregion
            2. Cluster initiatives in the Czech Republic
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Györ
        • Reviews and case studies
          1. An overview of Cluster Policies and Clusters in the New Member States of the European Union
          2. Cluster management
          3. Design of cluster initiatives - an overview of policies and praxis in Europe
          4. Emergence, identification and mapping of clusters - review report
          5. How to get started - Going from cluster mapping to actual implementation
          6. The future of cluster policies and programmes
        • Meeting in Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Ljubljana
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda Ljubljana 6 June 2005
          • Presentations
            1. Evaluation of clustering initiatives in Slovenia
        • Meeting in Oxford, 16 - 18 March 2005
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Oxford
        • Meeting in Lyon, 29 - 30 September 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Lyon
        • Meeting in Brescia, 9 - 10 March 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Cluster management in the Czech Republic
            2. Clusters and their internationalisation
            3. Clusters of competitiveness in Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
            4. East Lombardy expereinces in cluster management
            5. ELIAN Network
            6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship - the experience of Italy and the Lombardy region
            7. Micromega Network
            8. Regional Programme of Innovative Actions 2006-2007 in Aragón
            9. The proposed Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Brescia
        • Meeting in Brussels, 29 May 2006
          1. Minutes of cluster subgroup meeting, Brussels
      • IRE Sub-group 'Cooperation between business and science' 2004-2006
        • Meeting in Brussels, 4 April 2005
          1. Agenda
          2. Briefing report
          3. Introductory presentation
          4. Minutes of business - science subgroup meeting, Brussels, 4 April 2005
        • Meeting in Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Background information
            1. Briefing report for the second subgroup meeting
            2. FOR-RIS Expereince and ideas for developing regional foresight in a RIS/RITTS project context
            3. Raising R&D Intensity - Improving the Effectiveness of the Mix of Public Support Mechanisms for Private Sector R&D
            4. The Structural Funds and the Research Component
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of business-science cooperation subgroup, Ljubljana
        • Meeting in Crete, 29-30 September 2005
          • Agenda and briefing document
            1. Agenda
            2. Briefing document: Market conditions - promoting effective science-industry collaboration
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of business-science cooperation subgroup, Crete
        • Meeting in Malta, 8-9 December 2005
          • Agenda and briefing document
            1. Agenda
            2. Briefing document: Promoting enterprise – science collaboration and integrating innovation and economic policy within regional science policy
          • Presentations
            1. Subgroup overview
            2. Transforming Irish industry
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of business-science cooperation subgroup, Malta
        • Meeting in Sofia, 23-24 February 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of science-business cooperation subgroup, Sofia
          • Presentations
            1. Subgroup 1 - overview of activities and further work
        • Meeting in Stuttgart, 2-3 May 2006
          1. Agenda
          2. Minutes
        • 'Blueprint' for better science-industry collaboration
          1. 'Blueprint' for better science-industry collaboration
      • IRE working group 'Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers' 2006-2008
        • Meeting in Veneto, 13-14 November 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Clusters in Aquitaine
            2. Clusters in East Finland
            3. Clusters in Gaeltacht
            4. Clusters in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
            5. Clusters in Scotland
            6. Clusters in Silesia
            7. Clusters in Stuttgart
            8. Clusters in Tartu
            9. Clusters in Veneto
            10. Clusters in Western Greece
            11. Meeting introduction
            12. The ELIAN network
            13. The high-tech clusters of nanotechnologyin Veneto
            14. The Veneto footware cluster
            15. Welcoming address
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the cluster subgroup, Veneto
        • Meeting in Aix en Provence 22-23 February 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Background paper
            1. Background paper
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the cluster working group, Aix-en-Provence
          • Presentations
            1. Capenergie cluster
            2. Cluster policy in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur: PRIDES
            3. Clusters in Alentejo
            4. Clusters in Aragón
            5. Clusters in Galicia
            6. Clusters in South Great Plain
            7. East Lombardy's model for assessing impact on clusters
            8. Indicators for assessing impact at cluster level
            9. Indicators for assessing impact at regional level
            10. Indicators for project selection and project impact
            11. The marine cluster in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
        • Meeting in Galway, 23 May 2007
          • Agenda and background paper
            1. Agenda
            2. Background paper on cluster foresight
          • Presentations
            1. Cluster foresight in Western Greece
            2. Foresight experiences from Estonia
            3. From farming subsidies to farming knowledge
            4. Rural Ireland 2025 - Foresight perspectives
            5. Summary of the group members' view on foresight
            6. What is foresight?
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the cluster working group, Galway
        • Meeting in Stuttgart, 24-25 October 2007
          • Presentations
            1. Cluster initiatives in South Great Plain region, by Tamás Gyulai, Hungary
            2. Cluster working group presentation
            3. Improving logistic skills in the wine sector, by Laura Gaffurini, East Lombardy
            4. Innovation- and Cluster Policy in the Stuttgart Region, by Veit Haug, Stuttgart Region
            5. IRE Working Groups, by Laura Cascone, IRE Secretariat, Luxembourg
            6. Open Source Region Stuttgart, by Hans-Ulrich Schmid, Stuttgart Region
            7. The Virtual Dimension Center VDC, by Christoph Runde, Stuttgart Region
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Innovative clusters' working group, Stuttgart
        • Meeting in Glasgow, 21-22 February 2008
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Internationalisation of clusters
            2. Mediterannée Téchnologies - PACA cluster internationalisation
            3. MedSilesia- Silesian Medical Cluster
            4. Scottish Enterprise - Clusters and priority industries
            5. Scottish Enterprise - Energy and Scotland
            6. Scottish Enterprise - Exploring cluster dynamics
            7. Scottish Enterprise - Life sciences in Scotland
            8. Scottish Enterprise - Priority industries: strategy and evaluation
            9. Scottish Enterprise - Scottish Development International
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Innovative clusters' working group, Glasgow
        • Final report
          1. IRE working group 'Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers' - Final report
      • IRE working group 'Regional Innovation Systems' 2006-2008
        • Meeting in Helsinki, 29 November 2006
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. Bavaria, Karl-Heinz Hanne
            2. Castilla y Leon, Gregorio Munoz Abad
            3. Crete, Panagiotis Ignatiadis
            4. East Sweden, Anna Jacobson
            5. Flanders, Bernard De Potter
            6. Helsinki, Irina Blomqvist
            7. Lower Austria, Irma Priedl
            8. Milano, Pasquale Gioffi
            9. South East England, Peter Parsons
            10. Southern Denmark, Birgitte Hee Olesen
            11. Yorkshire & Humber, Trevor Gregory
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Helsinki
        • Meeting in Vienna, 1-2 March 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. '2nd WG Meeting on Regional Innovation Systems' by Yannis Pierrakis
            2. 'Descriptive models. Regional Innovation Systems' by Bernard De Potter
            3. 'IRE Working Group Regional Innovation System', by Jesus de las Cuevas
            4. 'Key Elements of the Regional Innovation System – The point of view of Lower Austria' by Irma Priedl
            5. 'Making regional innovation systems effective. Some policy implications', by Meirion Thomas
            6. 'Regional Innovation Systems. Part 1 : Theoretical Framework ', by Bernard De Potter
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Vienna
        • Meeting in Ennis, 23 May 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. "Group I: Interaction and Openness", Yorkshire & Humber, Bavaria, Helsinkin and North-Brabant
            2. "Group II: Activities & Need orientation", Rhône-Alpes, East Sweden & Crete
            3. "Group III - Steering" by Malgorzata Piotrowicz, Poznan Science & Technology Park
            4. "Similar Projects " by Anna Jacobson, Ostergotland County Administrative Board
            5. "Steering, Strategy and Vision, The New Danish set-up", South Denmark
            6. "Strategy" by Pasquale Maria Cioffi and Márta Völgyiné Nadabán
            7. "Vision Group III', by Peter Parsons
            8. "Welcome and summary from the previous meeting" by Yannis Pierrakis
          • Minutes
            1. "IRE Regional Innovation Systems Working Group", minutes from the 3rd meeting
        • Meeting in Crete, 29-30 October 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Presentations
            1. 'Multilevel governance and regional innovation' by Lena Mårtensson
            2. 'Multilevel governance in Bavaria' by Karl-Heinz Hanne
            3. 'Multilevel governance in Greece' by Aliki Pappa
            4. 'Multilevel governance in Wielkopolska' by Malgorzata Piotrowicz
            5. 'Stronger links between the working groups and the wider IRE network' by Lena Mårtensson
            6. 'Trends in innovation: Innovation Zone/Clustering Impact on New Economy' by Iordanis Arzimanoglou
            7. 'Welcome' by Augusto Ferreira
            8. Working group 1: EU innovation layers
            9. Working group 2: The influence of multilevel governance on regional innovation systems
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Crete
        • Meeting in Eindhoven, 25-26 February 2008
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Background paper
            1. Background paper
          • Presentations
            1. 'Regional Governance in Bavaria' by Karl-Heinz Hanne
            2. 'Regional Governance in Crete' by Artemis Saitakis and Panagiotis Ignatiadis
            3. 'Regional Governance in Flandes' by Eric Sleeckx
            4. 'Regional Governance in Lower Austria' by Irma Priedl
            5. 'Regional Governance in Milan' by Pasquale Cioffi
            6. 'Regional Governance in Nort Great Plain' by Márta Nádaban
            7. 'Regional Governance in Rhòne-Alpes' by Raphaël Anasthase
            8. 'Regional Governance in the Innovation Field' by Patries Boekholt
            9. 'Regional Governance in the Province of North Brabant' by Rob de Groot
            10. 'Regional Governance in Uusimaa/Helsinki' by Irina Blomqvist
            11. 'Regional Governance in Wielkopolska' by Malgorzata Piotrowicz
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Regional innovation systems' working group, Eindhoven
        • Final report
          1. IRE Working Group 'Effective regional innovation systems' - Final report
      • IRE working group 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' 2006-2008
        • Meeting in Malta, 4-5 December 2006
          • Presentations
            1. Introduction by Marc Pattinson, IRE Secretariat
            2. Knowledge transfer in Alsace
            3. Knowledge transfer in England's Northwest
            4. Knowledge transfer in Latvia
            5. Knowledge transfer in Madrid
            6. Knowledge transfer in Northern Ireland
            7. Knowledge transfer in Rogaland
            8. Knowledge transfer in West Pomerania
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the knowledge transfer subgroup, Malta
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda knowledge transfer subgroup Malta
        • Meeting in Madrid, 19-20 February 2007
          • Presentations
            1. Introduction by Marc Pattinson, IRE Secretariat
            2. Knowledge transfer in Alsace
            3. Knowledge transfer in Brittany
            4. Knowledge transfer in Emilia-Romagna
            5. Knowledge transfer in Hamburg
            6. Knowledge transfer in Hame
            7. Knowledge transfer in Iceland
            8. Knowledge transfer in Latvia
            9. Knowledge transfer in Madrid
            10. Knowledge transfer in Norhern Ireland
            11. Knowledge transfer in South East England
            12. Knowledge transfer in Västra Götaland
            13. Knowledge transfer in West Romania
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of the knowledge transfer subgroup, Madrid
        • Meeting in Ennis, 23 May 2007
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of knowledge transfer working group meeting, Ennis
          • Presentations
            1. “Effective Knowledge Transfer Activities: Closer Linkages SME/HEI and Forsesight Methods" by Paloma Mallorquin, Madrid Region
            2. BIP – “User Driven Research based Innovation Projects” by Anne Solheim and Hilde Aarsheim, Rogaland Region
            3. Foresight & Horizon Scanning, Northern Ireland
            4. Foresight : Sharing the experience of regional practitioners and experts by Günter Clar, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
            5. Foresight in the regional innovation strategy, West-Pomerania
            6. Fusion ‘Connected’ – The Higher Education/Further Education Collaboration Fund by Anne Conaty, Northern Ireland
            7. Innovation Circles - Commercialisation Programme by Paloma Mallorquin, Madrid Region
            8. Moderator presentation
            9. New study program “Innovative business development” in Ventspils University College by Agnese Grinevica, Latvia
            10. The Better Concept, Vastra Gotaland Region
            11. The Business Fellow Network - Knowledge Transfer through Brokering, Mini KT Partnerships – Business +, East-South of England Region
        • Meeting in Western Sweden, 18-19 October 2007
          • Presentations
            1. Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), by Ulf Södervall, Chalmers University
            2. IRE Working Groups, by Elzbieta Ksiazek, IRE Secretariat, Luxembourg
            3. Moderator presentation for meeting and next steps by Marc Pattinson, the Working Group Coordinator
            4. Overview Swedish Institute sector and its current transformation, by Björn Westling, Western Sweden
            5. Overview Vastra Gotaland Regional KT strategy and key KT networks and activities by Lave Thorell, Västra Götaland Region
            6. 'Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs' by Ásta Erlingsdóttir
            7. Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Christian A. Scerri, Malta Council For Science and Technology, Malta
            8. Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Conor Dunbar, Northern Ireland
            9. Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Session II - Brittany
            10. Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Session II - Hamburg
            11. Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, Tiziana Boyland, SEEDA, South East England
            12. Role of Applied R&D Centres in Knowledge Transfer towards SMEs, West Romania
            13. The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, by Ásta Erlingsdóttir, Iceland
            14. The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, by Debora Facchini, ASTER, Emilia Romagna
            15. The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, by Paloma Mallorquín, Madrid
            16. The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, Conor Dunbar, Northern Ireland
            17. The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, Session I - Brittany
            18. The Role of EU and Regional Networks in Supporting Cross Border, Session I - Hamburg
            19. The Swedish innovation system, by Anne Löfquist, VINNOVA
            20. Visit of Chalmers Knowledge Transfer Institute, by Kent Rundgren and Henric Rhedin, Chalmers University
            21. Welcome to IVF
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Knowledge transfer' working group Gothenburg
        • Meeting in Bologna, 12-13 February 2008
          • Presentations
            1. "Definition and proposals preparation" by Giorgio Moretti, Emilia-Romagna Region
            2. "Evaluation and monitoring tools", by Leda Bologni and Giorgio Moretti, Emilia-Romagna Region
            3. "Evaluation and selection proposals" by Leda Boligni, Emilia-Romagna Region
            4. "GePh-CARD" by Marina Mordenti, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institutes
            5. "Microarrays and GeBBALab" by Silvia Giuliani, Bologna
            6. "Monitoring process " by Giorgio Moretti, Emilia-Romagna Region
            7. "New policies for competitiveness and for a knowledge based economy" by Silvano Bertini, Emilia-Romagna Region
          • Agenda
            1. Agenda
          • Minutes
            1. Minutes of 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' working group, Bologna
        • Final report
          1. IRE Working Group 'Knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises' - Final report
      • Working Group on European Observatory of Regional Innovation
        1. Aragon contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        2. Bretagne contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        3. Bulgaria contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        4. Crete contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        5. Cyprus contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        6. Eurada contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        7. Hollanders contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        8. IRE Secretariat contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        9. Lower Austria contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        10. Minutes from teh Workshop 30_October_2008
        11. Nord-Pas de Calais contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        12. OECD contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        13. Pais Basque contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        14. Puglia contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
        15. Wielkopolska contribution to Brussels meeting 30th October 2088
    • Mutual Learning Platform
      • Launch conference in Brussels, 18 April 2005
        • Agenda and participants
          1. Agenda MLP lauch conference
          2. List of participants
        • Presentations
          1. Introduction to MLP Priority Working Groups
          2. Mutual Learning - a strategic tool for regions to improve their competitiveness
          3. Mutual Learning Platform - Approach and expected outcomes
          4. Outline of the benchmarking working group
          5. Outline of the 'Regional profiles in innovation and research' working group
          6. Presentation of the ERA-NET scheme
          7. Regional benchmarking of innovation policies - where are we now?
          8. Regional benchmarking: the Italian case
          9. Regional routes to the knowledge economy
          10. The Leuven experience
          11. Wallonia Foresight Mission 21
        • Minutes
          1. Minutes of the MLP launch conference
      • 2nd MLP Board meeting, Ljubljana, 6 June 2005
        1. Agenda
      • Combined MLP and FOR-LEARN workshop, Brussels 19-20 October 2005
        • Presentations
          1. Foresight impacts
          2. Presentation of a regional foresight exercise initiated through the Blueprints group
          3. Presentation of a regional foresight exercise initiated through the Blueprints group (1):Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
          4. Regional foresight methodological issues – what FOR-LEARN can offer
          5. Stocktaking of the follow-on activities in the Blueprints working groups
          6. The Border Midland and Western Region’s Experience in Regional Foresight
          7. The Experience of Wallonia 2020 as Regional Foresight Exercise
          8. The Lombardia experience in Regional Foresight
        • Agenda
          1. Agenda
        • Workshop report
          1. Report from the joint MLP and FOR-LEARN foresight workshop
      • MLP workshop 'Benchmarking for better regional innovation policies', Brussels, 25 November 2005
        • Presentations
          1. EURBEST - Why BENCHMARKING ?
          2. European Innovation Scoreboard
          3. Territorial Benchmarking for Regional Competitiveness
          4. The quantitive impact of policies on regional innovation and development
          5. Tools and indicators provided by Eurostat
        • Agenda
          1. Agenda
        • Workshop report
          1. Workshop report from MLP workshop 'Benchmarking for better regional innovation policies'
      • MLP workshop 'Regional profiles and growth poles', Brussels, 9 December 2005
        • Agenda
          1. Agenda
        • Presentations
          1. Constructing regional advantage by Phil Cooke
          2. EU policy update by DG Enterprise
          3. EU policy update by DG Regional Policy
          4. EU policy update by DG Research
          5. Factors of regional competitiveness by Saxon Brettell
          6. Final remarks by Jean Severijns
          7. Growth Poles in Europe by Alasdair Reid
          8. Introduction by Jean Severijns
          9. Leuven as a growth pole by Martin Hinoul
          10. Overview of the innovation characteristics of the European regions by Pieter de Bruijn
          11. Review of the IPTS's research on regional profiles by Tibor Dory
        • Workshop report
          1. Report from the MLP workshop on regional profiles and growth poles
      • MLP workshop "Regional Foresight", Stuttgart, 31 March 2006
        • Agenda
          1. Agenda of the workshop
        • Presentations
          1. FuturReg: a Transregional Approach
          2. Issues, Diagnosis and Long-term Vision
          3. Key Features of any Foresight Exercise - Evidence from the EFMN
          4. Possibilities for Foresight-related Activities in the New Structural Funds
          5. Possibilities for Foresight-related Activitiesin the New Structural Funds
          6. Shaping the Future at Regional Level: Planning Challenges for the 21st Century
          7. Strategic Investment and Structural Development as Impacts of Foresight Exercises
          8. Strategic Plan as a Strong Output of Foresight: The Case of Estonia
          9. Sum-up and outlook: First outline of a "Guide to the Guides" or a "Master Blueprint"
          10. The FOR-LEARN Tools to structure Foresight Processes
          11. Which Role can Foresight Play in Regional Policy-Making?
        • Workshop report
          1. Report from MLP foresight workshop in Stuttgart
      • MLP Workshop on Regional Benchmarking, Brussels, 20 June 2006
        • Presentations
          1. "How to Perform Regional Innovation Benchmarking" by Alasdair Reid
          2. "Regional Innovation Bechmarking" Lessons for European Innovating Regions by Luis Iurcovich
          3. A project or an ongoing initiative? Value-added from benchmarking by Yannis Pierrakis and Elzbieta Ksiazek
          4. Benchmarking Core Methods by Nicos Komninos
          5. Benchmarking regional innovation policies - 2nd MLP Workshop by Agnieszka Turynska
          6. European Regional Innovation Scoreboard - Past, Present and Future by Hugo Hollanders
          7. Indicators for benchmarking regional innovation in practice by Andrea de Panizza
          8. Introductory remarks to the Blueprint for regional benchmarking by Peter Heydebreck
          9. The Emilia-Romagna scoreboard of information society - Benchmarking as a decision support tool by David Osimo
          10. The Massachussetts Innovation Index - Case Study by Zvi Rosen
          11. The role of inter-regional benchmarking in the policy-making process - Lessons learnt in the field of information society by David Osimo and Karsten Gareis
          12. The role of inter-regional benchmarking in the policy-making process by Karsten Gareis
          13. Transferring Good Practice in Regional Innovation Policy – A Mission Impossible? The case of Prague by Jirí Blažek
        • Agenda
          1. Agenda MLP benchmarking workshop
        • Workshop Handout
          1. Workshop Handout
      • MLP workshop on Regional Profiles, Brussels, 14 June 2006
        • Presentations
          1. "Basic recipe of a business model: central issues for discussion" by Taco C.R. van Someren
          2. "Emilia Romagna Regional Growth Pole" by Valeria Bandini
          3. "From coal-mining to high-tech – the role of incubators, support systems and clusters in the Aachen Technology Region" by Bernd Thomas
          4. "From Research to Revenue" by Clive Reeves
          5. "Irish Regional Growth Pole - The Shannon Region" by David Deighan
          6. "Regional growth chain and value chain to achieve it" by Martin Hinoul
          7. "Tampere experiences - or how simple things make the difference" by Kari Kankaala
          8. "There is chemistry in Limburg" by Frank van Lissum
          9. “How to make Regional growth poles work”, feedback from the first workshop and outlook for the second, by Jean Severinjs
        • Agenda
          1. Agenda of the workshop
        • Workshop handout
          1. Workshop Handout
        • Observations and final conclusions
          1. Observations and conclusions
        • Workshop report
          1. 2nd MLP Workshop Report - Regional Profiles
      • MLP Final Conference, Brussels, 13 October 2006
        • Presentations
          1. "A toolkit to make Regional Growth Poles work", by Martin Hinoul
          2. "How to make Regional Growth Poles work", by Jean Severijns
          3. "Innovating Regions in Europe MLP Final Conference - Regional Innovation Benchmarking", by Alasdair Reid
          4. "Key lessons from the Mutual Learning Platform", by Peter Heydebreck
          5. "Learning from Policy-Making:Strategic Tools to Promote Regional Innovation", by Vincenzo Spieza
          6. "Regional Foresight – Boosting Regional Potential", by Sabine Hafner-Zimmermann
          7. "Regional Foresight Boosting Regional Potential", by Philippe Destatte
          8. "The Regional Innovation Process: Knowledge Generating and Knowledge Using Locations", by Michael Kitson
          9. “Regional Development Strategic Policy Tools”, by Luis Iurcovich
        • Agenda
          1. MLP Final Conference Agenda
        • Minutes
          1. Minutes from the MLP Final Conference, 13 October 2006
      • MLP Reports
        1. Benchmarking Workshop, Background Report
        2. Ingredients of a regional growth pole
        3. MLP brochure: Regional benchmarking, regional foresight and regional profiles in research and innovation
        4. MLP Report: Blueprint for Regional Innovation Benchmarking
        5. MLP Report: How to make Regional Growth Poles Work
        6. MLP Report: Regional Foresight - Boosting Regional Potential
        7. Mutual Learning Platform - synthesis report
    • Regional innovation policy impact assessment and benchmarking projects
      • EURO-COOP
        • EURO-COOP Newsletters
          1. EURO-COOP Newsletter 1 September 2005
          2. EURO-COOP Newsletter 2 March 2006
          3. EURO-COOP Newsletter 3 September 2006
          4. EURO-COOP Newsletter 4 December 2006
          5. EURO-COOP Newsletter 5 March 2007
          6. EURO-COOP Newsletter 6 June 2007
        • EURO-COOP methodology and demonstration reports
          1. Benchmarking process for regional innovation strategies and policies
          2. Comprehensive Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment
          3. Policy recommendations about regional innovation policy impact assessment
          4. Regional Syntheses from the nine EURO-COOP regions (RIPIA Demonstration)
          5. Report about data collection in the partner regions
      • IASMINE
        1. IASMINE Impact assessment and benchmarking methodology booklet
        2. IASMINE News, Issue 1, June 2006
        3. IASMINE News, Issue 2, December 2006
        4. IASMINE News, Issue 3, June 2007
        5. IASMINE News, Issue 4, December 2007
      • EMERIPA
        • EMERIPA Newsletters
          1. EMERIPA Newsletter December 2005
          2. EMERIPA Newsletter January 2007
          3. EMERIPA Newsletter June 2006
        • EMERIPA methodology abstract and questionnaire
          1. EMERIPA external questionnaire
          2. EMERIPA methodology abstract
      • ARISE
        • ARISE Newsletter
          1. ARISE Newsletter August 2006
          2. ARISE Newsletter February 2006
          3. ARISE Newsletter February 2007
          4. ARISE Newsletter June 2007
      • MERIPA
        1. Analysis of indicators. MERIPA final indicators and benchmarking tools
        2. MERIPA regional benchmarking report
        3. MERIPA report on regional innovation policy impact
        4. MERIPA Tool box - A booklet for regional innovation policy makers
        5. Regional cluster and network analysis - Methodology Tool Box
        6. Status report on the performance and impact of regional innovation policy
        7. The MERIPA survey
      • OMEN
        1. Assessment methodology tool
        2. Benchmarking indicator tool
        3. Matchmaking analysis
        4. Paper on the impact of regional innovation measures
        5. Policy recommendations
        6. Summarising tools for existing policies
        7. Transregional benchmarking results and good practice
        8. White book on OMEN impact assessment and benchmarking methodology
        • Newsletters
          1. INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 1 August 2006
          2. INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 2 May 2007
          3. INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 3 August 2007
          4. INNOWATCH Regional Newsletter 4 January 2008
        • INNOWATCH methodology
          1. INNOWATCH benchmarking analysis between partner regions
          2. INNOWATCH exchange of good practice and dissemination of overall results
          3. INNOWATCH policy recommendations
          4. INNOWATCH regional conclusions and dissemination
        1. IMPACTSCAN policy intelligence tool for regional innovation policy - user guide
    • IRE Award
      1. IRE Award announcement and further information
      2. IRE Award application form
      3. Nominated schemes for the IRE Award - motivations by the Evaluation Panel
      4. Winner of the IRE Award - motivation by the Evaluation Panel
    • Support Actions to RIS-NAC processes
      • 5SCHEMES
        1. 5SCHEMES Final report
    • IRE Steering Group
      1. IRE Steering Group Contribution to the discussion on the future of the Cohesion policy in Europe
      2. Position paper of the IRE Steering Group 'Innovating Regions in Europe in the new area of EU innovation policies'
    • Regions of Knowledge 2
      1. MIRIAD Project: Final Report 2008
      2. MOVARE project: Policy paper
      3. Novaregio: Final Activity Report
      4. Novaregio: Final Event
      5. RegStrat Project: Final Guide
      6. RegStrat Project: Publication
  • IRE Secretariat
    • Service Charter
      1. IRE Secretariat service charter
    • IRE publications
      • IRE general presentation materials
        1. IRE poster 1: Mission statement
        2. IRE poster 2: Map
        3. IRE presentation leaflet
        • Previous publications
          1. IRE brochure 'Innovating Regions in Europe network - Projects and Achievements'
          2. IRE leaflet 'Innovating Regions in Europe network - Innovation at the Heart of Europe`s Regions'
          3. IRE poster
      • Regional Innovation in Europe: The journal of the IRE Network
        • Regional Innovation in Europe October 2001: Innovate regionally, compete globally
          1. RIE Magazine October 2001 (DE)
          2. RIE Magazine October 2001 (DK)
          3. RIE Magazine October 2001 (EN)
          4. RIE Magazine October 2001 (ES)
          5. RIE Magazine October 2001 (FI)
          6. RIE Magazine October 2001 (FR)
          7. RIE Magazine October 2001 (GR)
          8. RIE Magazine October 2001 (IT)
          9. RIE Magazine October 2001 (NL)
          10. RIE Magazine October 2001 (PT)
          11. RIE Magazine October 2001 (SV)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe May 2002: The real challenge lies ahead
          1. RIE Magazine May 2002 (DA)
          2. RIE Magazine May 2002 (DE)
          3. RIE Magazine May 2002 (EL)
          4. RIE Magazine May 2002 (EN)
          5. RIE Magazine May 2002 (ES)
          6. RIE Magazine May 2002 (FIN)
          7. RIE Magazine May 2002 (FR)
          8. RIE Magazine May 2002 (IT)
          9. RIE Magazine May 2002 (NL)
          10. RIE Magazine May 2002 (PT)
          11. RIE Magazine May 2002 (SV)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe October 2002: Towards regional innovation benchmarking
          1. RIE Magazine October 2002 (DA)
          2. RIE Magazine October 2002 (DE)
          3. RIE Magazine October 2002 (EN)
          4. RIE Magazine October 2002 (ES)
          5. RIE Magazine October 2002 (FI)
          6. RIE Magazine October 2002 (FR)
          7. RIE Magazine October 2002 (GR)
          8. RIE Magazine October 2002 (IT)
          9. RIE Magazine October 2002 (NL)
          10. RIE Magazine October 2002 (PT)
          11. RIE Magazine October 2002 (SV)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe May 2003: Strengthening the university-industry interface
          1. RIE Magazine May 2003 (DA)
          2. RIE Magazine May 2003 (DE)
          3. RIE Magazine May 2003 (EN)
          4. RIE Magazine May 2003 (ES)
          5. RIE Magazine May 2003 (FI)
          6. RIE Magazine May 2003 (FR)
          7. RIE Magazine May 2003 (GR)
          8. RIE Magazine May 2003 (IT)
          9. RIE Magazine May 2003 (NL)
          10. RIE Magazine May 2003 (PT)
          11. RIE Magazine May 2003 (SV)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe October 2003: Developing innovative clusters
          1. RIE Magazine October 2003 (DE)
          2. RIE Magazine October 2003 (DK)
          3. RIE Magazine October 2003 (EN)
          4. RIE Magazine October 2003 (ES)
          5. RIE Magazine October 2003 (FI)
          6. RIE Magazine October 2003 (FR)
          7. RIE Magazine October 2003 (GR)
          8. RIE Magazine October 2003 (IT)
          9. RIE Magazine October 2003 (NL)
          10. RIE Magazine October 2003 (PT)
          11. RIE Magazine October 2003 (SV)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe May 2004: Innovation in traditional sectors
          1. RIE magazine May 2004 (DE)
          2. RIE magazine May 2004 (DK)
          3. RIE magazine May 2004 (EN)
          4. RIE magazine May 2004 (ES)
          5. RIE magazine May 2004 (FR)
          6. RIE magazine May 2004 (GR)
          7. RIE magazine May 2004 (IT)
          8. RIE magazine May 2004 (NL)
          9. RIE magazine May 2004 (PT)
          10. RIE magazine May 2004 (SF)
          11. RIE magazine May 2004 (SV)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe December 2004: Innovation in the services sector
          1. RIE Magazine December 2004 (DA)
          2. RIE Magazine December 2004 (DE)
          3. RIE Magazine December 2004 (EL)
          4. RIE Magazine December 2004 (EN)
          5. RIE Magazine December 2004 (ES)
          6. RIE Magazine December 2004 (FI)
          7. RIE Magazine December 2004 (FR)
          8. RIE Magazine December 2004 (IT)
          9. RIE Magazine December 2004 (NL)
          10. RIE Magazine December 2004 (PT)
          11. RIE Magazine December 2004 (SV)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe May 2005: Regional competitiveness – a question of innovation culture
          1. RIE Magazine May 2005 (EN)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe December 2005: New projects - a step forward for regional innovation
          1. RIE Magazine December 2005 (EN)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe May 2006: Finance for innovation
          1. RIE Magazine May 2006 (EN)
        • Regional Innovation in Europe December 2006: Knowledge-based entrepreneurship
          1. RIE magazine December 2006
        • Regional Innovation in Europe May 2007: Regional innovation systems
          1. RIE magazine May 2007
        • Regional Innovation in Europe December 2007: Encouraging innovation in SMEs
          1. RIE magazine December 2007
        • Regional Innovation in Europe May 2008: A collaborative approach to innovation
          1. RIE magazine May 2008
        • Regional Innovation in Europe December 2008: Knowledge transfer
          1. RIE magazine December 2008
      • IRE electronic newsletters
        1. NEWSLETTER 1, October 1996
        2. NEWSLETTER 10, appendix
        3. NEWSLETTER 10, November 1997
        4. NEWSLETTER 11, December 1997
        5. NEWSLETTER 12, February 1998
        6. NEWSLETTER 13, April 1998
        7. NEWSLETTER 14, June 1998
        8. NEWSLETTER 15, August 1998
        9. NEWSLETTER 16, September 1998
        10. NEWSLETTER 17, January / February 1999
        11. NEWSLETTER 18, March / April 1999
        12. NEWSLETTER 19, May / June 1999
        13. NEWSLETTER 2, November 1996
        14. NEWSLETTER 20, July / August 1999
        15. NEWSLETTER 21, September / October 1999
        16. NEWSLETTER 22, November / December 1999
        17. NEWSLETTER 23, January / February 2000
        18. NEWSLETTER 24, March / April 2000
        19. NEWSLETTER 25, May / June 2000
        20. NEWSLETTER 26, July / September 2000
        21. NEWSLETTER 27, October / November 2000
        22. NEWSLETTER 28, January / February 2001
        23. NEWSLETTER 29, March / April 2001
        24. NEWSLETTER 3, December 1996
        25. NEWSLETTER 30, May / June 2001
        26. NEWSLETTER 31, July / August 2001
        27. NEWSLETTER 32, September / October 2001
        28. NEWSLETTER 33, November / December 2001
        29. NEWSLETTER 34, January/ February 2002
        30. NEWSLETTER 35, March/ April 2002
        31. NEWSLETTER 36, May/June 2002
        32. NEWSLETTER 37, July/August 2002
        33. NEWSLETTER 38, September/October 2002
        34. NEWSLETTER 39, November/December 2002
        35. NEWSLETTER 4, January 1997
        36. NEWSLETTER 40, January / February 2003
        37. NEWSLETTER 41, March/April 2003
        38. NEWSLETTER 42, May/June 2003
        39. NEWSLETTER 43, July/August 2003
        40. NEWSLETTER 44, September/October 2003
        41. NEWSLETTER 45, November/December 2003
        42. NEWSLETTER 46, January/February 2004
        43. NEWSLETTER 47, March/April 2004
        44. Newsletter 48, July/August 2004
        45. NEWSLETTER 49, September/October 2004
        46. NEWSLETTER 5, February 1997
        47. NEWSLETTER 50, November/December 2004
        48. NEWSLETTER 51, January/February 2005
        49. NEWSLETTER 52, March/April 2005
        50. NEWSLETTER 53, May/June 2005
        51. NEWSLETTER 54, July/August 2005
        52. NEWSLETTER 55, September/October 2005
        53. NEWSLETTER 56, November/December 2005
        54. NEWSLETTER 57, January/February 2006
        55. NEWSLETTER 58, March/April 2006
        56. NEWSLETTER 59, May/June 2006
        57. NEWSLETTER 6, April 1997
        58. NEWSLETTER 60, July/August 2006
        59. NEWSLETTER 61, September/October 2006
        60. NEWSLETTER 62, November/December 2006
        61. NEWSLETTER 63, January/February 2007
        62. NEWSLETTER 64, March/April 2007
        63. NEWSLETTER 65, May/June 2007
        64. NEWSLETTER 66, July/August 2007
        65. NEWSLETTER 67, September/October 2007
        66. NEWSLETTER 68, November/December 2007
        67. NEWSLETTER 69, January/February 2008
        68. NEWSLETTER 7, May 1997
        69. NEWSLETTER 70, March/April 2008
        70. NEWSLETTER 71, May/June 2008
        71. NEWSLETTER 72, July/August 2008
        72. NEWSLETTER 73, September/October 2008
        73. NEWSLETTER 74, November/December 2008
        74. NEWSLETTER 8, July 1997
        75. NEWSLETTER 9, September 1997
      • European Innovation - IRE Network News
        • IRE Network News September 2001
          1. IRE Network News September 2001 - English version
          2. IRE Network News September 2001 - French version
          3. IRE Network News September 2001 - German version
          4. IRE Network News September 2001 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News September 2001 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News January 2002
          1. IRE Network News January 2002 - English version
          2. IRE Network News January 2002 - French version
          3. IRE Network News January 2002 - German version
          4. IRE Network News January 2002 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News January 2002 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News September 2002
          1. IRE Network News September 2002 - English version
          2. IRE Network News September 2002 - French version
          3. IRE Network News September 2002 - German version
          4. IRE Network News September 2002 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News September 2002 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News January 2003
          1. IRE Network News January 2003 - English version
          2. IRE Network News January 2003 - French version
          3. IRE Network News January 2003 - German version
          4. IRE Network News January 2003 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News January 2003 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News September 2003
          1. IRE Network News September 2003 - English version
          2. IRE Network News September 2003 - French version
          3. IRE Network News September 2003 - German version
          4. IRE Network News September 2003 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News September 2003 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News January 2004
          1. IRE Network News January 2004 - English version
          2. IRE Network News January 2004 - French version
          3. IRE Network News January 2004 - German version
          4. IRE Network News January 2004 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News January 2004 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News May 2005
          1. IRE Network News May 2005 - English version
          2. IRE Network News May 2005 - French version
          3. IRE Network News May 2005 - German version
          4. IRE Network News May 2005 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News May 2005 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News September 2005
          1. IRE Network News September 2005 - English version
          2. IRE Network News September 2005 - French version
          3. IRE Network News September 2005 - German version
          4. IRE Network News September 2005 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News September 2005 - Polish version
          6. IRE Network News September 2005 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News January 2006
          1. IRE Network News January 2006 - English version
          2. IRE Network News January 2006 - French version
          3. IRE Network News January 2006 - German version
          4. IRE Network News January 2006 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News January 2006 - Polish version
          6. IRE Network News January 2006 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News September 2006
          1. IRE Network News September 2006 - English version
          2. IRE Network News September 2006 - French version
          3. IRE Network News September 2006 - German version
          4. IRE Network News September 2006 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News September 2006 - Polish version
          6. IRE Network News September 2006 - Spanish version
        • IRE Network News January 2007
          1. IRE Network News January 2007 - English version
          2. IRE Network News January 2007 - French version
          3. IRE Network News January 2007 - German version
          4. IRE Network News January 2007 - Italian version
          5. IRE Network News January 2007 - Polish version
          6. IRE Network News January 2007 - Spanish version
      • Other promotional materials
        1. ERDF Innovative Actions Map
        2. IRE map
        3. RIS/RIS+ map
        4. RITTS RIS Brochure
      • IRE Press releases
        1. Boosting the innovation potential of Europe's SMEs - 3 December 2002
        2. Clustering innovation: the path to regional development - 4 February 2004
        3. Europe's Innovating Regions achieve critical mass - 29 May 2002
        4. Foreseeing the risks and opportunities of scientific breakthroughs - 17 February 2003
        5. From paper to practice - implementing regional innovation strategies - 29 April 2004
        6. Innovation as the basis for regional development in EU candidate countries – a strategic approach - 29 September 2003
        7. IRE network extended to central and eastern Europe - 31 May 2002
        8. Regional innovation is key to EU competitiveness - 19 June 2002
      • Innovation logo
        1. Innovation logo
        2. Innovation logo: usage guidelines
      • IRE Thematic Networks brochure
        1. Thematic Networks - Sharing our experiences
      • IRE network logotype
        1. IRE network logotype - format for web use
        2. IRE network logotype - high resolution format for printing
      • Brochure on the IRE Award for best European innovation scheme
        1. 'IRE Award on best European innovation scheme' brochure
      • Brochure on the achievements and results of the IRE projects 2005-2008
        1. Achievements and results of the IRE projects 2005-2008
      • Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment & Benchmarking Guidebook
        1. Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment & Benchmarking Guidebook
      • Final brochure on the IRE Network results
        1. 'IRE Network results' final brochure
    • Surveys
      1. 1st IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey - results
      2. 2nd IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
      3. 3rd IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
      4. 4th IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
      5. 5th IRE Customer Satisfaction Survey
      6. European Observatory of Regional Innovation questionnaire
      7. Regional innovation strategies impact questionnaire
      8. Working Group on European Observatory of Regional Innovation
    • Web editorials
      1. Web editorial
    • Archives
      • Highlights
        1. Clusters: Christian Saublens, Network Secretariat (EURADA)
        2. ERISA
        3. Interview with a project manager: Dr Roy Tubb, East Finland
        4. Interview with a project manager: Pierre Bourgogne, Auvergne
        5. Regional consensus building
        6. Research vouchers pilot project
        7. The Ontario "RIS" experience: David A Wolfe and Meric S Gertler
      • Ireland Photos
        1. Photos
      • Ireland Photos
  • European Commission
    • Enterprise and Industry DG
      1. An Industrial Property Rights Strategy for Europe
      2. Benchmarking Enterprise Policy: Results from the 2002 Scoreboard
      3. Better environment for enterprises
      4. Clusters and cluster policies and their role for innovation&competitiveness
      5. Commission staff working document: 'Towards a European strategy in support of innovation in services: Challenges and key issues for future actions'
      6. Communication "More Research and Innovation - Investing for Growth and Employment: A Common Approach"
      7. Consultation on Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
      8. Creating an entrepreneurial Europe. The activities of the European Union for SMEs
      9. DG Enterprise and Industry report: Innovation Clusters in Europe: A statistical analysis and overview ofcurrent policy support
      10. Enterprise DG web site
      11. Entrepreneurial innovation in Europe
      12. Entrepreneurship Action Plan
      13. Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies - Final Report of the Expert Group
      14. European Cluster Memorandum
      15. European Competitiveness Report
      16. European Competitiveness Report 2008
      17. Highlights of results of the Best Procedure projects 2001-2002
      18. INNO-Learning Platform Annual Report, 2007-2008
      19. Innovation Tomorrow
      20. Promoting entrepreneurship on TV and in other audio-visual media - Report of the Expert Group
      21. Small Business Act for Europe - Report on the results of the open consultation
      22. Third report on the implementation of the European Charter from Small Enterprises
      23. Towards world-class clusters in the European Union: Implementing the broad-based innovation strategy
      24. World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report 2007-2008 - Chapter 2.3 "SMEs hold the Key to European Competitiveness: How to Help Them Innovate through ICT and E-business"
    • Regional Policy DG
      1. Cohesion Policy in Support of Growth and Jobs: Community Strategic Guidelines, 2007-2013
      2. ERDF Innovative Actions
      3. ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006: Frequently Asked Questions
      4. Examples of regional innovation projects
      5. Ex-post evaluation of the RIS, RTTs and RISI ERDF Innovative actions for the period 1994-99 Analytical report Strand A (RIS)
      6. Ex-post evaluation of the RIS, RTTs and RISI ERDF Innovative actions for the period 1994-99 Final synthesis report
      7. General Block Exemption Regulation on State Aid
      8. Guidelines for the ERDF Innovative Actions 2000-2006
      9. Innovative strategies and actions: Results from 15 Years of Regional Experimentation
      10. Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC
      11. Regional Policy DG web site
      12. 'Regions 2020' - An Assessment of Future Challenges for EU Regions
      13. Regions delivering innovation through cohesion policy
      14. Second report on economic and social cohesion
      15. Strategic Evaluation on Innovation and the knowledge based economy in relation to the Structural and Cohesion Funds, for the programming period 2007-2013
      16. Structural policies and European territories: Competitiveness, sustainable development and cohesion in Europe - from Lisbon to Gothenburg
      17. Thematic Evaluation of the Structural Funds’ Contributions to the Lisbon Strategy
      18. Third report on economic or social cohesion
    • Research DG
      • Documents and publications
        1. Communication: Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry across Europe: embracing open innovation
        2. Co-operation and co-ordination of Research Activities - ERA-net
        3. Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions
        4. Innovation and Transfer of Results of Energy RTD in National and European Community Programmes
        5. Key Figures 2003-2004 Report: Towards a European Research Area - Science, Technology and Innovation
        6. More research for Europe - Towards 3 % of GDP
        7. Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation
        8. Regional dimension of the European Research Area web page
        9. Some suggestions for the preparation of an ERA-NET Co-ordination Action
        10. Strengthening the dimension of foresight in the European Research Area
        11. The European Research Area: Providing new momentum. Strengthening - Reorienting - Opening up new perspectives
        12. The Regional Dimension of the European Research Area
        13. Towards a European Research Area - Key figures 2002
        14. Voluntary guidelines for universities and other research institutions to improve their links with industry across Europe
      • Research DG website
        1. Research DG website
    • Calls for proposals
      1. INNET “Innovation express” Trans-European call for proposals for technology clusters and SMEs (open from March to December 2008)
      2. INTERREG IVB Baltic Sea call for proposals (February 2008)
      3. INTERREG IVB South East Europe call for proposals (May 2008)
      4. INTERREG IVC call for proposals (September 2007)
      5. Open calls for proposals and tenders on CORDIS
      6. Regions of knowledge: Analysis, mentoring, integration of research agendas and definition of joint action plans (December 2007)
      7. Regions of Knowledge: Facilitating the emergence of new regional research driven clusters and mutual exchange of information (December 2007)
    • Official exchange rates: EURO
      1. European Central Bank: Euro foreign exchange reference rates
      2. Info Euro: Exchange rates of the national currencies with the EURO
  • IRC Network
    • IRC Network
      1. Innovation Relay Centres network public web site
  • Innovation Policy and Practice
    • European Innovation Scoreboard
      1. European Innovation Scoreboard 2002-2005
      2. European Innovation Scoreboard 2006-
      3. European Innovation Scoreboard 2007
    • Trend Chart
      1. Annual INNO Policy Trendchart Country Reports
      2. Mini Studies of the second learning cycle of the INNO Learning Platform
      3. Trend Chart
    • Innovation-related studies and reports
      1. A Practical Guide to Regional Foresight
      2. A time for new ideas - Innovation in Central Eastern Europe
      3. Benchmarking business angels
      4. Benchmarking industry-science relationships
      5. Benchmarking innovation practices of European firms
      6. Benchmarking national and regional e-business policies for SMEs.
      7. Benchmarking National and Regional Support Services in field of IPR for SMEs
      8. Benchmarking the Administration of Business Start-ups
      9. Best practices in angel groups and angel syndication
      10. Booz & Company study: Beyond Borders: The Global Innovation 1000
      11. Clusters in the EU-10 new member countries
      12. Corporation tax and innovation: Issues at stake and review of European Union Experience in the Nineties
      13. Creating an Innovative Europe
      14. Dynamising national innovation systems
      15. Europe INNOVA: Innovation and Clusters - the experience of 11 networks
      16. Europe INNOVA: Innovation and Financing - the experience of 10 networks
      17. European Innovation Scoreboard 2005
      18. Examples of regional innovation projects
      19. Final Report of the Expert Group on Enterprise Clusters and Networks
      20. Guide on dealing with innovative solutions in public procurement
      21. Helping business start up: A "good practice guide" for business support organisations
      22. Helping businesses grow: A good practice guide for business support organisations
      23. Hidden innovation in the creative industries - Nesta report
      24. Impact of technological and structural change on employment: prospective analysis 2020
      25. Innobarometer 2004
      26. INNOBAROMETER 2006: Clusters facilitate innovation in Europe
      27. INNO-Learning Platform Annual Report 2007-2008
      28. Innovation 2008 - the BSG senior management survey
      29. Innovation and Public Procurement. Review of Issues at Stake
      30. Innovation by Absorption - the NESTA interim report
      31. Innovation in tourism: How to create a tourism learning area
      32. Innovation Management in a Knowledge-Driven Economy
      33. Innovation Policy in Europe 2004
      34. Innovative Clusters Drivers of national innovation systems
      35. Leading Innovation - Building effective regional coalitions for innovation
      36. Major challenges for the governance of national research and innovation policies in small European countries
      37. Measuring innovation efficiency
      38. Methodology for regional and transnational technology clusters: Learning with European best practice
      39. NESTA report: Innovation by Adoption
      40. Nesta research report: The changing nature of the early stage venture capital market in the UK
      41. OECD review of regional innovation: Globalisation and regional economies
      42. Open Innovation in Global Networks
      43. Regional clusters in Europe
      44. Rural innovation
      45. Services Innovation in Ireland - Options for Innovation Policy
      46. SMART INNOVATION: A Practical Guide to Evaluating Innovation Programmes
      47. SME policy and the regional dimension of innovation: towards a new paradigm for innovation policy?
      48. Study on Indicators for monitoring Transnational and Interregional Cooperation Programmes
      49. Technology Audit
      50. Technology, knowledge and learning panel report
      51. The geography of the inventive activities in OECD regions
      52. The impact of corporate spinn-offs on competitiveness and employment in the European Union. A first study
      53. The implications of R&D off-shoring on the innovation capacity of EU firms
      54. The New Inventors - How users are changing the rules of innovation
      55. The PAXIS Manual for Innovation Policy Makers and Practitioners - Analysis and transfer of innovation tools, methodologies and policy
      56. The Rise of Knowledge Regions: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for Universities
      57. What role do cities play in innovation, and to what extent do we need city-based innovation policies and approaches?
      58. World Economic Forum: The Global Competitiveness Report 2008–2009
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