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The Helpdesk at the IRE Secretariat is available to answer inquiries about:

  • The IRE network and its activities;
  • IRE member regions and projects;
  • IRE Secretariat services;
  • European Commission activities in the field of regional innovation;
  • Relevant European funding opportunities for regional innovation projects;
  • Other issues related to the IRE network and regional innovation.

The Info Point service provides you with brief and straightforward information about selected experiences and good practice of IRE member regions in the area of your interest. It will help you to find out which regions have been active in specific areas or sectors, what activities they have launched, what problems they have overcome, and what results they have achieved. The information might serve as a source of inspiration for future actions, schemes and collaboration opportunities for your region. For each selected example, you will be provided with the details of a contact person who can explain to you in more detail the development and achievements of specific actions launched in their regions.

Do you want, for instance, to identify regions that have developed actions in the fields of agro-food, biosciences, economic intelligence, or technology audits? Do you want to find out how other regions promote cluster development or university-industry collaboration, or finance their regional innovation activities? Use the Info Point!

Please submit your inquiry for information to the IRE Secretariat.

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