Support actions to RIS-NAC processes
The 16 RIS-NAC (Regional Innovation Strategies in Newly Associated Countries) projects provided regions in Central and Eastern Europe with an opportunity to develop regional innovation strategies during 2001-2004. Past experience has shown that the period following the formal end of a RIS project, when the implementation of the action plan associated with the innovation strategy is to be launched, is the most critical. Regional authorities have to carry out the implementation without any external support, and acting quickly in order not to lose the momentum which has been developed in the region during the project. There is, however, a risk that the process comes to a standstill. The aim of the ‘Support actions to RIS-NAC processes’ is therefore to provide expert support for the implementation of the innovation strategies developed by the RIS-NAC regions. They will facilitate the access to good practice from other European regions, and mobilise European expertise for the design of selected innovation support measures in the regions concerned. |