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IRE membership

All regions that are awarded a Regional Innovation Strategy project, with co-funding from the European Commission, automatically become members in the IRE network. The network is, however, open to all European regions that are committed to developing their regional innovation system.

Each IRE member region is represented in the network by a regional institution which has a coordinating responsibility for innovation policy in the region. In many cases, the main representative is the project manager of the Regional Innovation Strategy project carried out in the region, or the person responsible for the implementation of the finalised regional innovation strategy. Participation in network activities is, however, not restricted to the institutions that directly represent the member regions, but is open to all relevant actors involved in regional innovation activities.

Regions that wish to become members of the IRE network should apply to the European Commission. For further assistance and information about procedures for membership application, please contact the IRE Secretariat.


2008 European Innovation Scoreboard
The 2008 European Innovation Scoreboard has now been published.

Report on 'Regional Innovation Observatories in Europe: Activities and Potential for EU Level Co-ordination' available
The report summarising conclusions of the recent exploratory study on the potential EU coordination measures regarding regional innovation observatories has been published.

IRE Secretariat team says goodbye
The services of the IRE Secretariat are coming to the end now, but IRE Network will continue its work.

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