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Working Groups of Regions

Following the success of the IRE working groups 'Regional clusters as innovation drivers' and 'Cooperation between business and science', which operated 2004-2006, three new working groups have been set up which are running from 2006-2008. The groups offer their members the opportunity to study innovation-related themes over a period of two years with support from the IRE Secretariat, and they will produce policy recommendations which can be used by other regional innovation policy-makers and practitioners. The groups focus on regional innovation systems, knowledge transfer between universities and enterprises, and innovative clusters.

The IRE Secretariat is managing the working groups and facilitating the learning process for participants. A dedicated working group manager from the IRE Secretariat is in charge of each group, and organises its activities and meetings in collaboration with the member regions.


Report on 'Regional Innovation Observatories in Europe: Activities and Potential for EU Level Co-ordination' available
The report summarising conclusions of the recent exploratory study on the potential EU coordination measures regarding regional innovation observatories has been published.

IRE Secretariat team says goodbye
The services of the IRE Secretariat are coming to the end now, but IRE Network will continue its work.

‘The IRE Network: Inspiring Innovation’
A final brochure on the IRE Network results of has been published.

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