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Regional Foresight

About the Project

The Regional Foresight Working Group bases its activity on the use of scientific and technology foresight at regional level. It builds on the experience accumulated through the Research DG action ‘Blueprints for Foresight Action in the Regions’. A core objective is to update and complement existing foresight tools and disseminate them to regional actors by paying particular attention to foresight as a means to build cohesion and competitiveness at transregional level.

The following objectives have been set for the MLP Foresight working group:

  • to help disseminate the tools and collective learning developed so far through the actions by supporting regional foresight carried out by the DG RTD ‘Science and technology foresight’ Unit;
  • to take stock of the follow-up activities of the five Blueprints working groups and share the experiences of regions that have initiated foresight through the Blueprints work; 
  • to contribute to the networking of regions facing similar challenges or using similar approaches;

Two workshops have been organised on Regional Foresight within the framework of the MLP initiative.

The workshops focused on issues and challenges faced by a number of regions, and drew lessons from advanced regions.

The Foresight Workshops aimed:

  • to raise the awareness about the benefits of foresight for the regions;
  • to describe what has happened in the regions since the Blueprints exercises and learn from concrete experiences;
  • to stimulate discussion about the next steps for building a strong European foresight base dedicated to the development of Regional innovation & competitiveness and to European cohesion
  • to learn how the impact of foresight can best be planned, secured and measured.

The final deliverable of the Regional Foresight Working Group will be a “Guide to the Guides” or a “Master Blueprint” on Regional Foresight”


  • Workshop 1: "Benefits and Impacts of Foresight – Mutual Learning based on Regional Experiences"
  • Workshop 2: "Using Foresight in the Policy-Making Process in Europe’s Regions"

Working Group Coaches

Institut Jules Destrée
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