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MLP Reports for Investing in Research and Innovation in European Regions

A series of interactive workshops in each MLP thematic topic were held and they brought together the most interested public and private organisations in European Regions in order to develop suggestions for regional policy makers, basing on case studies and interventions of high level experts.

Regional Benchmarking workshop reports:

  • Workshop 1: "Benchmarking for better regional innovation policies"
  • Workshop 2: "How to perform Regional Innovation Benchmarking" (Not available yet)

Regional Foresight workshop reports:

  • Workshop 1: "Benefits and Impacts of Foresight - Mutual Learning based on Regional Experiences"
  • Workshop 2: "Using Foresight in the Policy-Making Process in Europe's Regions"

Regional Profiles workshop reports:

  • Workshop 1: "Moving forward through mutual learning"
  • Workshop 2: "How to make Regional Growth Poles work"
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