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Mission Statement

The mission of the Secretariat is to support the IRE network, all of its member regions, and any other European regions which are engaged, at whatever stage, in the process of designing or implementing regional innovation strategies or schemes.

The Secretariats goal is to accelerate the application of the Regional Innovation Strategy methodology, to facilitate the spread of information, experience, tools and methods between network members, and to encourage extension of the positive lessons learned to additional regions.

The Secretariat will strive to perform these functions with maximum reliability, transparency, accountability, cost-effectiveness and professionalism.

The Secretariat is committed to offering efficient, appropriate and user-friendly assistance in relation to any task, problem or information need that relates in any way to the objectives of the IRE network. It will do this by applying proven procedures and tools efficiently and rigorously, by continuously improving these procedures and tools and where necessary developing additional ones, and more generally by ensuring that assistance is delivered by staff who are competent, knowledgeable, informed, motivated and flexible.

The Secretariat will always treat staff or other representatives of IRE regions and of the European Commission with respect as collaborators in a common enterprise. It will respond promptly, appropriately and transparently to criticism, complaints, suggestions and requests, which it will both invite and proactively seek out.


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