Regional clustering and networking as innovation drivers
About the ProjectIndustrial clusters are considered to be a key element for driving innovation and thereby for strengthening European competitiveness. This is reflected in the increasing attention national and regional innovation policy makers pay to developing and implementing cluster policies. The IRE cluster working group aims to create a continuous learning process amongst IRE member regions of how cluster initiatives can be stimulated, developed and promoted, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public support to cluster initiatives by improving the integration of both policy makers and practitioners in the process, and contribute to the development of new approaches and tools. The objectives of the group are:
Working Group Library
Regions Involved |
Estonia |
Tartu Region and South Estonia |
Finland |
East Finland |
France |
Aquitaine Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur |
Germany |
Stuttgart |
Greece |
Western Greece |
Hungary |
South Great Plain |
Ireland |
Gaeltacht |
Italy |
East Lombardy Veneto |
Poland |
Silesia |
Portugal |
Alentejo |
Spain |
Aragón Galicia |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |