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Event Details


DISTRICT Regional Framework Operation - Final Conference 'Innovation pathways and Knowledge Economy'


Brussels, BE

Start Date:

16 April 2008

End Date:

16 April 2008


The DISTRICT project - funded under the INTERREG IIIC South Zone Programme - aims to promote technological innovation and to improve regional development policies in the light of the Knowledge Economy. The partnership includes Lead Partner Tuscany and other three partner regions West Midlands, Saxony and Western Sweden.

Speakers from the European Commission, the INTERREG IIIC Managing Authority and important regional representatives will discuss issues in the field of technological innovation and present the results of three years of RFO activities. They will also analyse the new European cooperation programmes, new trends towards more globalised markets and increasing links between research, knowledge and technology. The conference will examine promising new policy options to better link knowledge and business communities and help turning technologies into market opportunities

The event will include three sessions focused on the DISTRICT Thematic Components:
- Connecting clusters and business networks to innovation, within the global context
- SMEs innovation projects with universities, research and transfer centres
- Innovation financial engineering, seed, venture capital, start-up and spin-off

The conference will end with a round table focused on the future perspectives of Interregional Cooperation and exchange of Good Practices in the 2007-2013 programming period.

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