Mutual Learning Platform

About MLP

Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) for research and innovation in EU regions encourages regional policy makers to share their experiences and enable regions to participate fully in the knowledge-based society.

The platform is a joint initiative of the Commission’s Enterprise and Industry, Research, Regional Policy and Information Society DGs, with the active involvement of the Committee of the Regions (CoR). It pulls together a number of existing Community initiatives for greater coherence, such as regional foresight activities, the European Innovation TrendChart and Scoreboard, and the Regions of Knowledge pilot actions.

The Mutual Learning Platform (MLP) aims to support regions in developing their research strategies, taking into account their specific situation and needs. Its activities concentrate on three core topic areas within the field of research and innovation: regional foresight, regional benchmarking and regional profiles. Working groups comprising around 60 regional actors have been established and series of workshops have been organised under each of these headings, with the objective of sharing experiences and making suggestions for regional policy makers across the EU.

Core Topics

MLP Library

MLP Board Members

The MLP Initiative is supported by the European Commission:

DG Enterprise and industry
  • Renate Weissenhorn
  • Maria Getsiou
  • Agnieszka Turynska
DG Research
  • Christian Svanfeldt
  • Patricia Postigo Mc-Laughlin
DG Regional Policy
  • Eddy Hartog
  • Christine Mason
  • Olivier Baudelet
  • Marielle Riche

and the Committee of the Regions:

  • Sir Albert Bore
  • Silke Toenshoff