From its humble beginnings with the first four regions, the Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) has grown to become a large and influential network of 235 regions from 32 countries connected by a mutual interest in enhancing their innovation performance. The new publication on the IRE Network results takes a look back at the evolution of the network and provides a unique overview of its activities and the experience gathered over the years.
The IRE network was established by the European Commission in the mid-1990s, bringing together regions implementing Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) projects. Over the years the network has been “the umbrella” both for more than 150 RIS projects and many other trans-regional initiatives and activities. The IRE has grown to become a unique mutual learning platform and a true “community of practice” of people working together, helping to solve each other’s problems, and inspiring and encouraging new ideas to increase the regions’ economic performance through innovation.
Regional innovation strategies
The RIS projects were launched by the Commission to motivate regions to assess their innovation systems and prepare strategies for enhancing their innovation performance. A common methodology, tried and tested over the years by RIS regions, was developed to ensure the best possible results. The brochure presents this methodology as well as examples of the successful RIS projects.
When the first RIS projects were conceived, innovation was still thought of largely as something connected to formal R&D and the traditional producers of knowledge: universities and research institutes. It was soon understood, however, that the focus should be put on innovation in a wider sense and that many different aspects of innovation should be taken into consideration. Innovation strategies have nowadays become a common feature in European regions, and the RIS methodology has achieved recognition and is employed even outside Europe’s borders.
Beyond the RIS
It was soon perceived that the IRE members could not only benefit from exchanging information regarding the development of and implementation of regional innovation strategies but also from collaboration on concrete problems and challenges. Several rounds of trans-regional initiatives have therefore been launched by the Commission under the “IRE umbrella”, involving a large number of regions. These initiatives include Trans-Regional Innovation Projects (TRIPs), Thematic Networks, IRE Working Groups or Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking projects, some of which are featured in the brochure.
Support through the IRE Secretariat
Besides the various projects, the IRE network has been providing advice and support through its dedicated Secretariat. Building on the “collective IRE memory” and its extensive knowledge, the IRE Secretariat has been able to provide a unique “gateway” to the know-how, good examples and expertise of the IRE – through the preparation of tailor-made information by the “info points” and “helpdesk”, organising conferences, workshops and study visits and providing information through the IRE website or publications. All these services have been continuously used and highly appreciated by the IRE regions.
The publication on the IRE Network results is available on the IRE website. Hard copies can be obtained from the IRE Secretariat (please contact Ms Nathalie Brahim: ).