Title: MATRIX, Northern Ireland’s science industry panel (NI)
MATRIX, The Northern Ireland Science Industry Panel, is the key to the development of NI's future knowledge-based economy. It has a key advisory role in the formulation of R&D and innovation policies. Through MATRIX, business can take the lead in advising how NI can maximize its economic return from the commercial exploitation of the local R&D, Science and Technology base.
Rationale and objectives
MATRIX is about Northern Ireland profiting from science. With the increasing growth of competition from countries such as India and China, the only way for NI to compete and increase standards of living is for it to become a leading region in the commercial exploitation of key science and technology.
Built around the “Triple Helix” of Business, Academia/Education & Government, it aims to help grow NI’s wealth by encouraging the exploitation of the excellence and opportunities in its science and R&D base. In 2005, Business Expenditure on R&D in NI was less than half of the UK average (1.3%) and also significantly lower than the equivalent RoI figure of 0.96% of GVA.
The objectives of the NI Panel are:
- To seek and increase the economic return from science and innovation in NI (improve behavioral attitudes)
- To commission research, analysis and studies, and to assist DETI in building the evidence base for future science and R&D policies within the wider Innovation policy context
- To act as an influential and central forum in advising on the development and promotion of the science and R&D base within both the private and public sectors
- To promote and educate the importance of science, technology and R&D to NI and in particular business, competitiveness and growth
- To build strong, mutually beneficial working relationships with partner bodies across NI, the UK, Ireland, and internationally
Key activities
MATRIX aims to increase the economic return from science, technology and research in Northern Ireland by advising government on the development of effective and productive interactions between business, academia and government. In addition, MATRIX identifies the strategic technology priorities for NI.
One of the first tasks for MATRIX has been to establish its Horizon Program. The first round of Horizon brings forward future focused recommendations (for periods of 5, 10 and 15 years ahead) in 5 key strategic high-tech sectors. The 5 Horizon scanning panels were set up to examine the priority technologies identified within the Regional Innovation Strategy. The 5 Panels are:
- Advanced Materials
- Agro-food
- Life & Health Sciences
- Advanced Engineering (Transport)
MATRIX provides the business community, in partnership with the public and academic sectors, with a mechanism by which to advise NI Government on policies aimed at the development of the region’s R&D, innovation and knowledge-based economy. It develops a more effective and productive relationship between industry and the regional R&D and science/technology base.
MATRIX acts as an influential and central point of coordination in building the case for resources to increase levels of exploitation from the science and technology base in the region, and maximizing the gearing and leverage of public sector funding, taking all other reasonable resource priorities into account. It reports directly to DETI (Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment) and to the DETI Minister, in recognition of that Department’s policy lead for innovation and the commercialization of R&D, science and technology.
The Panel provides advice in the three main areas:
- Key R&D and science & technology issues affecting business innovation
- The emerging strategic technology priorities impacting on NI’s economy
- The promotion of a culture of innovation and the importance of R&D, science & technology in the future, particularly with business and in regard to commercial exploitation activities
Funding information
MATRIX, the Northern Ireland Science Industry Panel, is supported under the Skills and Science Fund Package.
One of the first results was a unique analysis of strengths and weaknesses across the full range of science and technology sectors. The findings of this “Technology Capabilities & Market Opportunities Study” were mapped against actual and potential commercialisation opportunities to assist MATRIX and DETI assess how well Northern Ireland is performing across the R&D, science and technology spectrum and how it is responding to current market opportunities.
Furthermore the work of the five HORIZON Panels is complete. Their proposals are presented separately and as part of the main recommendations in the overarching MATRIX report.
The Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Investment has welcomed the Report and in consultation with Ministerial colleagues is considering their findings. MATRIX is also working with industry and academia to assist them in considering the implementation of the MATRIX recommendations.